




1. 语 [yǔ]2. 语 [yù]语 [yǔ]话:~言。汉~。英~。~录。~汇。~重心长。指“谚语”或“古语”:~云:“皮之不存,毛将焉附”。代替语言的动作:手~。旗~。说:细~。低~。语 [yù]告诉:不以~人。……



汉语拼音:guó yǔ








  1. 指本族或本国共同使用的语言。

    《隋书·经籍志一》:“又 后魏 初定中原,军容号令,皆以夷语。后染华俗,多不能通,故録其本言,相传教习,谓之‘国语’。”《元史·显宗传》:“抚循部曲之暇,则命 也灭坚 以国语讲《通鑑》。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷一:“故命文臣依国语製国书,不用蒙古、汉字。”

  2. 我国旧时称普通话为国语。

  3. 旧时指中、小学的语文课。



  1. "He later turned the tape over to a linguist who confirmed that she was speaking in Mandarin, a Chinese dialect, " reveals Dr. Helzinsky.


  2. As you already know, I will be doing both English and Mandarin versions of the album, so I definitely have my work cut out for me.


  3. Since then Korean ethnics began to make a life in Tingbian, becoming Chinese of Korean ethnicity, and can speak fluent Mandarin and Korean.


  4. Second, the beginning time of the compilation of Liao Jin Yuan San Shi Guoyu Jie is not the 36th year of Qianlong, but the 34'h year.


  5. The songwriter and singer picked up the best Mandarin album and best Mandarin male singer trophies for his recent release Cross-generation.


  6. Most historians in ancient and modern times believe that Guoyu was the representative of the historical books in opinion record style.


  7. "Mandarin" as "such a language" class historical documents, records of the 35 paragraphs remonstrance speech.


  8. The Mandarin Campaign was an important event in the education sector of Guangdong after the "Guangdong Guangxi Incident" .


  9. There are many dialects of this Language: Pekingese, Cantonese and Mandarin, to name but a few.


  1. 国语教科书

    Mandarin textbooks.

  2. 国语连续剧

    Mandarin drama serial.

  3. 国语字符组

    national language character set.

  4. 国语的确立

    establishment of national language.

  5. 国语罗马字

    standard Chinese with Roman characters.

  6. 国语的正文训诂

    An Exegetical Study of the Text of Guoyu

  7. 台湾国语的缩略语

    Chinese Abbreviations in Taiwan.

  8. 国语统一筹备会

    Preparatory Committee for Standardizing NationalLanguage

  9. 国语中的成语和引语

    Phrases and Quotations from Latin, Greek and Modern Fore

  10. 最佳国语男演唱人奖

    The Best male singer award

  11. 他们在工作时讲国语。

    They speak Mandarin at work.

  12. 德语为德国的国语。

    For example, Greman is the national langrage of Germany.

  13. 李嗣贵牧师用国语主讲。

    Preached by Pastor Milton Lee using Mandarin.

  14. 精通英语, 粤语和国语。

    He can speak English, Mandarin and Cantonese fluently.

  15. 多伦多国语华人基督教会

    Toronto Mandarin Chinese Community Church

  16. 国语佛经传统课诵系列。

    The traditional chinese Buddhist sutra c.

  17. 陈启华讲英语和国语。

    Frank speaks both English and Mandarin.

  18. 我只说我们得本国语。

    I speak nothing but our mother tongue .

  19. 梁雅安牧师用国语传译,

    Interpreted by Pastor Onn Liang using Mandarin.

  20. 您要国语唱片还是粤语唱片?

    Do you want them in Mandarin or in Cantonese?

  21. 讲流利的粤语,国语,英语。

    Fluency in Cantonese, Mandarin and English.

  22. 全功能遥控, 多国语菜单操作

    Full Function Wireless Remote Controller

  23. 这个外国人国语说得很好。

    The foreigner can speak good Mandarin.

  24. 国语课是一门基础性学科。

    National language course is a basic subject.

  25. 国语课是一门基础性学科。

    National language course is a basic subject.

  26. 听懂了吗,难道你不会国语

    Yes? No? You don't speak English?

  27. 用本国语的关于或用本国语或方言表达的

    Relating to or expressed in the native language or dialect.

  28. 我的国语进步了, 但是英文退步了。

    My Mandarin has improved, but my English has regressed.

  29. 我想和能说国语的人讲话。

    Good command of written and spoken English and Mandarin.

  30. 要求职责高中毕业, 懂国语及英语。

    High school graduated knowledge in Mandarin and English.


  1. 问:国语拼音怎么拼?国语的读音是什么?国语翻译成英文是什么?

    答:国语的读音是guóyǔ,国语翻译成英文是 A standardized common language formed through...

  2. 问:国语元音图拼音怎么拼?国语元音图的读音是什么?国语元音图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:国语元音图的读音是,国语元音图翻译成英文是 Chinese vowel diagram

  3. 问:国语罗马字拼音怎么拼?国语罗马字的读音是什么?国语罗马字翻译成英文是什么?

    答:国语罗马字的读音是,国语罗马字翻译成英文是 Gwoyeu Romatzyh

  4. 问:国语 (书)拼音怎么拼?国语 (书)的读音是什么?国语 (书)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:国语 (书)的读音是,国语 (书)翻译成英文是 Guoyu



“国语”是个多义词,它可以指国语(中国古代经典著作), 国语(台湾地区的“普通话”), 国语(本国共同使用的语言), 国语(汉语词汇)。