


1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……





汉语拼音:tóu téng







  1. 头部疼痛。一种病症。


  2. 形容为难或讨厌。

    明 康海 《新水令·自寿》套曲:“勋阶,抹见影头疼的煞;金帛,积如山何用哉?” 老舍 《四世同堂》四九:“ 孙七 不大高兴去化缘……去化缘,他有点头疼。” 谢忠良 《在红校学工兵》:“使我们感到更头疼的是架桥前的河川测量。”



  1. The changes will cut down on passenger fatigue, dry eyes and headaches, Boeing said.


  2. He found a partner that appreciates him for who he is and doesn't cause him any headaches.


  3. His mother, confounded by her immature but overly and irreverent son, had sent him to finish his studies in a Catholic school in Santiago.


  4. If cough persists for more than one week, tends to recur, or is accompanied by a fever, rash or persistent headache, consult a physician.


  5. Thinking about the matter gives me a headache.


  6. "When one state succeeds another, there is always a question of whether it takes on its assets and liabilities, " says Prof Harrison.


  7. Watering is the biggest problem. How much and how frequently are the two questions that can tax the inexperienced owner.


  8. Traditional Chinese Medicine treats the patients as a whole, but not to cure the ailment in a particular part of the body.


  9. Westerners so hard to answer, they say a word heard on a headache, do not know how ready to operate well.


  1. 你头疼吗?

    Do you have a headache?

  2. 你头疼吗?

    Do you have a headache?

  3. 你头疼吗?

    Do you have a headache?

  4. 头疼欲裂。

    I have a splitting headache.

  5. 剧烈的头疼

    A severe headache.

  6. 他假装头疼。

    He shammed headache

  7. 我头疼咳嗽。

    I have a headache and a cough.

  8. 我现在头疼。

    I am suffering from a headache.

  9. 我头疼欲裂。

    My head is splitting.

  10. 她让我头疼。

    She gives me a headache.

  11. 你常头疼吗?

    Do you suffer from headaches?

  12. 我头疼, 脚疼,

    My head hurts, my feet ache

  13. 玛丽娜 我头疼。

    MarinaMy head aches.

  14. 玛丽娜 我头疼。

    MarinaMy head aches.

  15. 弄得很头疼

    by my, uh, prolificness right now.

  16. 我头疼得难受。

    I've got a bad headache.

  17. 头疼病发作

    Have an attack of headache.

  18. 隐约感到的头疼

    a dull headache

  19. 头疼折磨着她。

    The headache excruciated her.

  20. 你们让我头疼

    You guys, you're giving me a headache.

  21. 非常严重的头疼

    a splitting headache.

  22. 我的头疼的可怕。

    I have such a terribie headache.

  23. 缓解头疼的药物

    A drug that relieves pain

  24. 我头疼,肚子疼。

    I have a headache and a stomachache.

  25. 头疼突然消失了。

    The headache went off quite suddenly.

  26. 这让我很头疼

    This troubles me.

  27. 咳嗽, 头疼, 嗓子疼。

    Cough, headache and sore throat.

  28. 我头疼并且发烧。

    I had a headache accompanied with fever.

  29. 我头疼,身上发冷。

    I've got a headache and feel chilly.

  30. 我为头疼所苦。

    I'm troubled with a headache.


  1. 问:头疼拼音怎么拼?头疼的读音是什么?头疼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:头疼的读音是tóuténg,头疼翻译成英文是 headache; cephalalgia

  2. 问:头疼脑热拼音怎么拼?头疼脑热的读音是什么?头疼脑热翻译成英文是什么?

    答:头疼脑热的读音是tóuténgnǎorè,头疼脑热翻译成英文是 headache and slight fever; slight illness