









汉语拼音:piē yī yǎn






  1. One glance tells you exactly how much progress has been made.


  2. Fire burns in the Lidless Eye, flushing out, bringing mortal fear and a heavy burden to those whom ever dared to have a glance at it.


  3. god is merciful . she stared at him with a face of inquiry , of childish reproach.


  4. These are usually the people who will return a lost wallet without even peeking to see how much money's inside.


  5. But sometimes you want to understand something so badly that you'll risk going blind for just a glimpse of what it all might be about.


  6. He was a teacher who could put an impolitely bold boy in his place with just a glance.


  7. Arnoldus realized the truth in her words and often glanced over at the ruins to remind himself of how lucky they had been.


  8. He listened with an absent air and kept glancing at the door.


  9. I'll just take a peek through the front door.


  1. 瞥一眼眼镜蛇。

    getting a glimpse of a cobra.

  2. 向篱笆那边瞥一眼

    peek over the fence

  3. 让我瞥一眼这封信。

    Let me have just one peep at the letter.

  4. 他曾经瞥一眼就有印象。

    He used to receiving impressions at a glance.

  5. 如果我是你,我至少会瞥一眼。

    If I were you, I would have at least taken a peek.

  6. 我偶然瞥一眼, 也不由得一惊。

    A casual glance at it made me jump with fright too.

  7. 瞥一眼这个空洞虚伪的世界吧。

    Catch a glimpse of the hollow world.

  8. 你可能只是瞥一眼闪耀的阴部。

    You could just catch a glimpse of my glistening pussy.

  9. 一瞥一眼很快的一看或一瞥粗略看

    A quick look or glimpse a glance.

  10. 瞥一眼,就知道你具体进步了多少。

    One glance tells you exactly how much progress has been made.

  11. 她偶尔瞥一眼树木掩映下的教堂的尖顶。

    Every so often she got a fleeting glimpse of the church steeple through the trees.

  12. 她时而透过隙开的窗户瞥一眼外面的沙丘。

    Now and then she cast a glance through a slitted window at the dunes.

  13. 狗汪汪叫得时候,她只要瞥一眼小小得电子装置,

    When the dog barks, she glances at a small electronic gadget.

  14. 狗汪汪叫的时候,她只要瞥一眼小小的电子装置,

    When the dog barks, she glances at a small electronic gadget.

  15. 有时,她只让你匆匆的瞥一眼,就突然消失了。

    Sometimes it only allows you to take a glance and then disappears suddenly.

  16. 她奇怪为什么他始终不向她那敞开的窗户瞥一眼。

    She wondered why he never looked towards her open window.

  17. 我时不时地瞥一眼那个渐渐消失在远方的女孩。

    I glance up in time to see the girl disappearing into the distance.

  18. 他是一个瞥一眼就能叫无礼的男生服服帖帖的老师。

    He was a teacher who could put an impolitely bold boy in his place with just a glance.

  19. 我瞥一眼马苏德,看到他正走向我们,走得极慢极慢,就像一个人想后退,但他的脚却不听使唤地朝前迈。

    I glanced at Masood and saw that he was making his way towards us with extreme slowness, like a man who wants to retreat but whose feet insist on going forward.

  20. 瞥了一眼后视镜

    Glanced in the rearview mirror

  21. 我向下瞥了一眼。

    I cast my eyes down briefly.

  22. 匆匆地瞥了一眼标题

    a cursory glance at the headline

  23. 谨慎地瞥了一眼乌云

    A wary glance at the black clouds.

  24. 我乘机瞥了一眼镜子。

    I snatched a glance at the mirror.

  25. 奥斯卡瞥了一眼报纸。

    Oscar glanced at the newspaper.

  26. 他朝他的妻子瞥了一眼。

    He glanced across at his wife.

  27. 他朝他的妻子瞥了一眼。

    He glanced across at his wife.

  28. 他瞥了一眼那些拉拉队员。

    He darted a glance towards the cheerleaders.

  29. 他瞥了一眼墙上的钟。

    He glanced at the clock on the wall.

  30. 我瞥了一眼镜子中的他们。

    I caught a glimpse of them reflected in the mirror.



注音:ㄆㄧㄝ简体部首:目,部外笔画:11,总笔画:16 “瞥”繁体部首:目五笔86&98:UMIH仓颉:FKBU郑码:KVML笔顺编号:4325234313425111四角号码:98604UniCode:CJK