


1. 毒 [dú]2. 毒 [dài]毒 [dú]有害的性质或有害的东西:~气。~性。~饵。~药。~蛇。吸~。贩~。害,伤害:~害。~化。~杀。莫予~也(没有谁能危害我,即谁也不能把我怎么样)。凶狠,猛烈:~辣。~计。~刑。狠~。恶~。恨,……





汉语拼音:dú jiàn






  1. 箭镞涂有毒药的箭。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·登涉》:“人有为毒箭所中欲死,以此犀叉(釵)刺疮中,其疮即沫出而愈也。” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草六·乌头》﹝集解﹞引《大明日华本草》:“土附子生去皮捣,滤汁澄清,旋添晒乾取膏,名为射罔,以作毒箭。”

  2. 比喻恶毒的攻击。

    鲁迅 《南腔北调集·又论“第三种人”》:“将营垒分清,拔去了从背后射来的毒箭。”



  1. Sometimes they determined to starve me, or at least to shoot me in the face and hands with poisoned arrows, winch would soon dispatch me.


  2. He never did find the spring that the natives had told him of, and perished from a poisoned Indian arrow a few years later.


  3. He sent a poison arrow toward Achilles and, with the help of Apollo, the arrow entered the only vulnerable part of Achilles' body: his heel.


  4. At least 25 have been hacked to death or killed with poisoned arrows in Nyanza in the past few days.


  5. Most cunningly had the Egyptian appealed to Ione's ruling foible and most dexterously had he applied the poisoned dart to her pride.


  6. Poison dart frogs, like this sapphire-blue species, are highly toxic.


  7. and with the means at hand, not with hand-wrought duelling pistols, curare, and tropical fish.


  8. Poison dart frogs, members of the Dendrobatidae family, wear some of the most brilliant and beautiful colors on Earth.


  9. Then he put a poison arrow in his bow and shot it straight at the monster.


  1. 用毒箭狩猎

    to hunt with poison arrows.

  2. 男人中了毒箭的故事。

    There's a story about a man shot by a poisoned arrow.

  3. 他们朝我们放毒箭。

    They fired poisoned arrows at us

  4. 他们向我们发射毒箭。

    They fired poisoned arrows at us.

  5. 他们向我们射出毒箭。

    They fired poisoned arrows at us.

  6. 找出谁放的毒箭更重要。

    Finding out who shot the arrow is more important.

  7. 武器有普通弓箭、毒箭和眩晕箭。

    Weapons like arrow, poison arrow and dizzy arrow.

  8. 这简直就是人身攻击,放毒箭。

    It's personal attack, vicious slander.

  9. 这简直就是人身攻击,放毒箭。

    It's personal attack, vicious slander.

  10. 整个国家就像这个中了毒箭的人。

    This whole country is the same as that poisoned man.

  11. 像这种蓝宝石颜色的毒箭蛙,有剧毒。

    Poison dart frogs, like this sapphireblue species, are highly toxic.

  12. 他们从茂密的灌木丛后射出了毒箭。

    They shot arrows from behind the thick bushes.

  13. 关羽攻打樊城时, 被毒箭射中右臂。

    Guan Yu was hit by a poisonous arrow in the right arm while attacking Fancheng City.

  14. 而后王子将毒箭放在弓上, 对直朝怪物射去。

    Then he put a poison arrow in his bow and shot It'straight at the monster.

  15. 毒箭蛙身披醒目的颜色警告敌人,他们有毒。

    Poison dart frogs wear striking colors to warn enemies that they are venomous.

  16. 毒箭蛙,枝毒蛙属,身着世界最耀眼最美丽的颜色。

    Poison dart frogs, members of the Dendrobatidae family, wear some of the most brilliant and beautiful colors on Earth.

  17. 毒箭通过阻碍肌肉神经接点上的胆碱能传递而发挥作用

    Curare acts by blocking cholinergic transmission at the myoneural junction.

  18. 毒箭通过阻碍肌肉神经接点上的胆碱能传递而发挥作用

    Curare acts by blocking cholinergic transmission at the myoneural junction.


  1. 问:毒箭拼音怎么拼?毒箭的读音是什么?毒箭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毒箭的读音是dújiàn,毒箭翻译成英文是 An arrow which has poison on the blade; a m...