







汉语拼音:nǎo suǐ






  1. 指脑浆。在头盖腔内,外有脑膜包之。是神经系统的主要部分。

    汉 刘向 《说苑·辨物》:“ 俞柎 之为毉也,搦脑髓,束肓莫,炊灼九窍,而定经络。”《政和证类本草·米穀部上品》:“﹝青蘘﹞益气,补脑髓。” 明 徐复祚 《投梭记·赛魔》:“你是敲人脑髓的活奴怪。我就死在重泉,也饶不过你这般业债。”

  2. 犹脑筋。借指智力。

    鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·拿来主义》:“所以我们要运用脑髓,放出眼光,自己来拿!”



  1. Well, sir, the rupture of a blood-vessel on the lobe of the brain has destroyed all this, not in a day, not in an hour, but in a second.


  2. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder could be caused by the kidney, and then impacted the heart, the liver, the spleen and the brains.


  3. They claimed to have isolated a substance from the cerebrospinal fluid of dogs that had been deprived of sleep for 6 to 15 days.


  4. Homo erectus was also physically similar to modern humans with large brains and bodies.


  5. My flesh is burning off my bones and I can feel the worms eating away my brain.


  6. This part of the vertebrate brain has two divisions, the medulla and the cerebellum.


  7. Knead see the tiger is shutting an eye to enjoy pleasure, dig the encephalon of the tiger little comes out, send in past mouth.


  8. Extracts from the brains of locusts and cockroaches can kill hospital superbugs.


  9. Thus the organism has evolved an unusual lifecycle relating to the brains of rats and mice.


  1. 真性小脑髓症

    microcephalia vera

  2. 经来如鱼脑髓

    pasty menstruation.

  3. 什么样熔炉里炼你的脑髓?

    In what furnace was thy brain ?

  4. 其二,应用兔脑髓催生药用。

    Secondly, a applying rabbit brain for induction of delivery.

  5. 一点耐心可值一大把脑髓。

    A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains.

  6. 寄生虫的外壳和脑髓液的密度一样。

    The worm's cyst is the same density as the cerebrospinal fluid.

  7. 他们取走了我一小部份脑髓。

    That's where they took a piece of my brain.

  8. 不出他所料,只有脑髓的提取物有效。

    As he expected, only brain extracts were active.

  9. 端脑髓型对脑回定位的影像解剖学研究

    Radiological anatomical study on the role of medulla type of the telencephalon in the localization of gyrus

  10. 肾精所化之髓,可分为骨髓、脊髓和脑髓。

    Kidney essence of the pulp can be divided into the bone marrow, spinal cord and brain.

  11. 直立人具有大的脑髓, 身体特征也与现代人相似。

    Homo erectus was also physically similar to modern humans with large brains and bodies.

  12. 以足太阳与督脉经气不能充养脑髓为主。

    To the sun and du meridian qi filling encephalon primarily a can.

  13. 儿童小脑髓母细胞瘤根治性切除术的临床研究

    Clinical study of radical resection of cerebellar medulloblastoma in children

  14. 重组人脑髓鞘碱性蛋白及其抗体的制备与研究

    Recombinant human brain myelin basic protein and its antibody preparation.

  15. 肾中精气的盛衰, 还影响着脊髓和脑髓的充盈和发育。

    The Rise and Fall of the kidney essence, but also affect the filling and development of the spinal cord and brain.

  16. 脊椎动物脑子的这一部分可分为两部分脑髓和小脑。

    This part of the vertebrate brain has two divisions, the medulla and the cerebellum.

  17. 脊椎动物脑子得这一部分可分为两部分脑髓和小脑。

    This part of the vertebrate brain has two divisions, the medulla and the cerebellum.

  18. 老鼠如果钻入了大象的耳朵, 吃它脑髓, 大象半点奈何不得。

    If a mouse gets inside an elephant's ear and starts nibbling at its brain, the great beast just goes to pieces.


  1. 问:脑髓拼音怎么拼?脑髓的读音是什么?脑髓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑髓的读音是nǎosuǐ,脑髓翻译成英文是 brains

  2. 问:脑髓苷拼音怎么拼?脑髓苷的读音是什么?脑髓苷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑髓苷的读音是,脑髓苷翻译成英文是 encephalin

  3. 问:脑髓说拼音怎么拼?脑髓说的读音是什么?脑髓说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑髓说的读音是nǎo suǐ shuō,脑髓说翻译成英文是 theory of human brain

  4. 问:脑髓中枢拼音怎么拼?脑髓中枢的读音是什么?脑髓中枢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑髓中枢的读音是nǎo suǐ zhōng shū,脑髓中枢翻译成英文是 medullary center of cerebellum

  5. 问:脑髓作用拼音怎么拼?脑髓作用的读音是什么?脑髓作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脑髓作用的读音是,脑髓作用翻译成英文是 cerebration



①脑里的骨髓。《灵枢·经脉》:“人始生,先成精,精成而脑髓生。” ②指脑浆。《医林改错》:“精汁之清者,化而为髓,由脊骨上行入脑,名曰脑髓。”