




越过,超过:~期。~常(超过寻常)。~分(fèn )(过分)。~越。~恒(超过寻常)。更加:~甚。……







汉语拼音:nián yú gǔ xī








  • 【解释】:指年龄已超过七十岁。
  • 【出自】:唐·杜甫《曲江》诗:“酒债寻常行处有,人生七十古来稀。”


  1. My parents have been over seventy years of age, are still able to continue uninterrupted crafts field.


  2. She was drunk, and dirty, and very old, and her mouth was bigger than his mother's mouth.


  3. It may be that the septuagenarian Mr Berlusconi is determined to hand over to a much younger man or woman.


  4. White skin not senile plaques, over seventy years of age still is a born beauty, faintly visible when young beautiful face.


  5. Over seventy years of age in the cover g will collect all of Picasso's works, a total of 271, all to the departments of cultural relics.


  6. In the way of Indian public servants, many forestry officials have grown fat, old and corrupt.


  7. Not infrequently does the septuagenarian walk over distance to Daming Lake Park.


  8. Not infrequently does the septuagenarian go abroad.


  9. Sure, I know that sorrow exists. I am in my 70s now, and I've lived through more than one crisis.


  1. 那个年逾古稀的老翁经常出国。

    Not infrequently does the septuagenarian go abroad.

  2. 我的父母都已年逾古稀, 仍在田间不辍劳作。

    My parents have been over seventy years of age, are still able to continue uninterrupted crafts field.

  3. 这就是现代的日本。在这个充满小发明的国家,甚至年逾古稀的老妈妈都和身边的机械小玩艺儿交朋友。

    This is modern Japan, a Gizmo Nation where even grandmothers make friends with their gadgets.

  4. 这位老人已年逾80。

    The old man is over eighty.

  5. 他年逾70,但不衰老迟钝。

    He is over seventy but he shows no signs of slowing up.

  6. 他年逾七十, 但不衰老迟钝。

    He is over seventy but he shows no signs of slowing up.

  7. 虽然他年逾七十,可仍然很活跃。

    Although he is over 70 he is still active.

  8. 我爷爷已年逾80,但脑筋还是很好使。

    My grandfather is over 80, but his mind is still strong.

  9. 我爷爷已年逾80,但脑筋还是很好使。

    My grandfather is over 80, but his mind is still strong.

  10. 我已年逾60,我是否该把情感抛洒在这里?

    At age60, had I finally taken leave of my senses

  11. 该油田油气产量已连续七年逾百万吨。

    This oil field's oil output has exceeded 1 million tons for 7 years in a row.

  12. 她是个年逾中年的妇女,但她的精力充沛使大家惊异。

    She is an elderly woman whose brio astounds everyone.

  13. 他年已古稀了,但珍是明知如此而嫁给他的。

    He was seventy, but Jane married him with her eyes open.

  14. 他已年过古稀,但从谈话中你依然能感觉到他壮心不已。

    Though he has already passed his seventies, you can still sense his lofty aspirations from his talks.

  15. 他已年过古稀,但从谈话中你依然能感觉到他壮心不已。

    Though he has already passed his seventies, you can still sense his lofty aspirations from his talks.

  16. 大米价格在一年中上涨逾一倍。

    The price of rice has more than doubled in a year.

  17. 六方会谈停滞已逾两年。

    The SixParty Talks has been at a standstill for over two years.

  18. 博物馆展出的古代丝绸服装, 已逾千百年。

    The ancient silk clothing of museum exhibition, have already overed for thousand a hundred years.

  19. 种植历史已逾千年,南宋时就列为贡品。

    Cultivation history of more than thousands of years, when the Southern Song Dynasty as a tribute.

  20. 张先生在电信及互联网行业拥有逾八年经验。

    Mr. Zhang has more than eight years of experience in the telecommunications and Internet industries.

  21. 这是一轮上涨行情的结果, 此轮行情已持续逾一年。

    This is the result of a rally that has now gone on for more than a year.

  22. 两人均已在香港任资产经理逾十年之久。

    Both have worked at the asset manager in Hong Kong for more than a decade.

  23. 即使已经有逾三十年的历史,但仍旧而不残。

    Even though there is more than three decades of history, but still not disabled.

  24. 他已年逾古

    He is past seventy.

  25. 可以几十年不腐、不裂、颜色鲜艳,其历史已逾千年。

    Dough figurine made of colored dough remains colorfast and intact without getting decayed for decades.

  26. 德国消费者信心指数升至逾一年高位,也带动欧元走势。

    The euro was also buoyed by data showing German consumer sentiment at its highest level in over a year.

  27. 时光流逝, 不觉我已年逾花甲。

    Time passes quickly and I am already over sixty before I know it.

  28. 我所在的城市生活着一位年逾百岁的老奶奶。

    In my city there was a very old woman who lived beyond the age of hundred.

  29. 大凡由年逾四十的汉子对女子持有意见, 均属无关重要。

    Any views are unimportant, if they are held about women by a man past forty.

  30. 大凡由年逾四十的汉子对女子持有的意见, 均属无关重要。

    Any view is unimportant, if they are held about women by a man past forty.



年逾古稀,发音:nián yú gǔ xī意思:指年龄已经超过了七十岁。逾:超过古稀:指年龄到了七十岁,又称古稀之年。成语出处: 唐代·杜甫《曲江》诗:“酒债寻常行处有,人生七十古来稀。”同义词:桑榆暮景,风烛残年,年老力衰,桑榆末景,老态龙钟,日薄西山。反义词:如日方升,年富力强,春秋鼎盛,风华正茂,血气方刚。示例:(1)贺寿慈年逾古稀,精力未衰。
