




1. 泊 [bó]2. 泊 [pō]泊 [bó]停船靠岸:~船。~位(航运上指港区能停靠船泊的位置)。停~。停留:飘~。〔落(luò)~〕见“落1”。安静:淡~(亦作“澹泊”)。泊 [pō]湖:湖~。水~。血~(一大滩血)。……



汉语拼音:kào bó






  1. (船只)停留。如:挖泥船靠泊在码头附近的江面上。



  1. This issue presents a real-time measurement of the angle between the ship and the wharf new method, which uses laser berthing way.


  2. agent, we have three crew members to be ? repatriated after berthing, please help us conduct ? the formalities concerned ?


  3. The method can be used for assessment of capacities of similar structure.


  4. The traditional way of general use sonar ships berthing alongside the slower but sonar, precision is not accurate enough.


  5. This means the port in Qingdao now has the logistic ability to house China's first aircraft carrier, following 4-years of construction.


  6. Hakka mother park, like a ship berthing at the riverside city, the mother Biwan, waiting for the departure Zhang Fan, Shengfengpolang.


  7. If the vessel directly berths, NOR shall be tendered upon berthing after free pratique.


  8. While the ship going alongside Gaoyang Wharf, two barges were drifting towards her.


  9. I require a pilot. Where can I take a pilot? What are my berthing instructions? Over.


  1. 无论靠泊与否

    Whether in berth or not.

  2. 完成靠泊或锚泊

    After getting berthed or getting anchored

  3. 是的,有靠泊计划。

    Yes, you have a berthing schedule.

  4. 有没有我的靠泊指示?

    Have you got my berthing instruction ?

  5. 有我们船的靠泊计划吗?

    Is there any berthing schedule about our tanker?

  6. 具有倾斜靠泊影响小的特点。

    Minor affection in angular berthing.

  7. 大型船舶靠泊操纵的安全评价

    The Safety Assessment of Large Ship Berthing

  8. 厦门港靠泊象屿码头

    Port berth in Xiamen Xiangyu Terminal

  9. 船舶靠泊期间系缆安全的探讨

    A Study of Ship's Safe Mooring

  10. 船长,哪一舷靠泊右左舷靠泊。

    Captain, which side is to get alongside Starboard port side.

  11. 你船将在协调世界时0920时靠泊。

    You will dock at0920 UTC.

  12. 码头结构应力测试与靠泊能力评估

    Stress Test and Evaluation of Berthing Capacity for Quay Structure.

  13. 港口码头靠泊能力核查管理工作探讨

    A probe into the administrative issue on ascertaining The mooring capacity of a wharf

  14. 船舶靠泊操纵模拟过程中的计算方法研究

    Study on calculation means of vessel berthing simulation

  15. 卸货时间应于船舶安全靠泊开始起算。

    Lay time shall commence when vessel is securely moored at the berth.

  16. 拖轮协助大型舰船靠泊操纵建模及仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of Manoeuvre when Tugs Assist Large Vessels to Moor

  17. 船舶靠泊过程与系泊状态动力响应分析

    The Dynamical Response Analysis of the Ship Docking And Mooring to the Platform

  18. 雾中引领超大型集装箱船靠泊码头的体会

    On Maneuvering Principals of Berthing a Very Large Container Vessel to Dock in Dense Fog

  19. 靠泊在港湾里的那艘船, 是从意大利来的商船。

    The ship which is anchored at the harbor is a trade ship from Italy.

  20. 靠泊在港湾里的那艘船,是从意大利来的商船。

    The ship which is anchored at the harbor is a trade ship from Italy.

  21. 靠泊在港湾里得那艘船,是从意大利来得商船。

    The ship which is anchored at the harbor is a trade ship from Italy.

  22. 我请求引航,我能在哪里接受引航?我的靠泊指示是什么?

    I require a pilot. Where can I take a pilot? What are my berthing instructions? Over.

  23. 柔性靠泊方式的集装箱码头马尔可夫过程研究

    Research on the Markov Process of Being Berthed Flexibly in Container Terminal

  24. 靠泊期间及进入特殊水域时必须严禁使用焚化炉。

    During berthing period and while entering certain special water areas, the incinerator must not be used.

  25. 船舶也可于靠泊时取得食水,或由私营水艇供应。

    Fresh water can also be provided alongside berths, or from a private fleet of water boats.

  26. 介绍渡轮码头在紧急状态下,改善靠泊的4种改进方案。

    Schemes for improving berthing conditions of ferry terminal in emergency are introduced.

  27. 所有吊机用的钢绳以及靠泊用的缆绳亦均遗失。

    All the cargo derrick wires and mooring ropes were also missing.

  28. 该轮正在靠泊高阳码头时,突遇漂近来的两艘驳船。

    While the ship going alongside Gaoyang Wharf, two barges were drifting towards her.

  29. 一艘小帆船靠泊在前方水面上,有烟从烟囱中冒出。

    A skiff was moored in the water out front, and smoke curled from the chimney.

  30. 为确保港口安全生产,需要对已建码头的靠泊能力进行评估。

    In order to ensure the safety of the port, it needs to carry out evaluation of the wharf berthing capacity.


  1. 问:靠泊拼音怎么拼?靠泊的读音是什么?靠泊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:靠泊的读音是kàobó,靠泊翻译成英文是 to anchor along the bank.

  2. 问:靠泊船拼音怎么拼?靠泊船的读音是什么?靠泊船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:靠泊船的读音是kào bó chuán,靠泊船翻译成英文是 docking ship