




1. 给 [gěi]2. 给 [jǐ]给 [gěi]交付,送与:~以。~予。送~。献~。把动作或态度加到对方:~他一顿批评。替,为:~大家帮忙。被,表示遭受:房子~火烧掉了。把,将:请你随手~门送上。给 [jǐ]供应:供~。补~。~养。自~……



汉语拼音:lǐng gěi







  1. 指付予他人的钱财或生活必需品。

    明 周履靖 《锦笺记·遥访》:“明日早当奉候,少具领给。请问相公要在那处安歇,小官随当送去。”

  2. 领取支给。

    清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·莅任·看须知》:“于某年月日,奉某处明文,动何项钱粮,应付过若干,有无开销、领给未完。”



  1. I'll show you. Thank you.


  1. 我到那儿把它领出来给了我的侄子。

    I go down and get him out and gave him to my nephew.

  2. 我到那儿把它领出来给了我得侄子。

    I go down and get him out and gave him to my nephew.

  3. 他向后拉开他敞着的衬衣领,给我们看那些在颈部的伤疤。

    He pulled back his open shirt collar, showing us the scars on his neck.

  4. 他向后拉开他敞着的衬衣领,给我们看那些在颈部的伤疤。

    He pulled back his open shirt collar, showing us the scars on his neck.

  5. 我将把他给你领来。

    I will fetch him for you.

  6. 得找人给我们领个道。

    We must find a guide to show us the way.

  7. 这名招待员坚持给我们领位。

    The usher insisted on reseating us.

  8. 我明天去黉舍给你领一张申请表。

    I will pick up an application form for you at school tomorrow.

  9. 他把客人领了进去并给他端上一杯茶。

    He took his guest in and offered him a cup of tea.

  10. 于是领王子出来, 给他戴上冠冕, 将律法书交给他, 立他作王。

    Then they brought out the king's son, and put upon him the crown, and gave him the testimony, and made him king.

  11. 第11条本保险各种保险给付之请领条件如下。

    Article 11 Conditions on application to claim the various employment insurance benefits are given below.

  12. 我领你去我家,给你尝尝真正美味的食物。

    I'll treat you to delicious food at my house.

  13. 我们给他们一个 拒绝领这个很荣耀的奖项的机会

    We offer them the chance to decline this great honor if they want to.

  14. 她想给丈夫买条领带来配他的那件新衬衫。

    She wants to buy her husband a tie to match his new shirt.

  15. 她将我领进了这个领域,给我启迪。

    She brought me to the field and enlightened me.

  16. 律师黄维领第一次给自己打官司。

    Lawyer Huang Wei gets first time to engage in a lawsuit to oneself.

  17. 请您把发票购领本递给我。

    Please show me your invoice book.

  18. 青春给人活力和勇气,引领时代风采。

    Youth gives vitality and couragelead times features.

  19. 没有必要给剧院领座的人付小费。

    It is not necessary to tip the person who shows you to your seat in a theater.

  20. 把那件宽领夹克递给我好吗?

    Could you pass me the jacket with wide lapels

  21. 她领着我四处看了看,将我介绍给每个人。

    She showed me round and introduced me to everybody.

  22. 爱是容忍她在没给车领保险时开车。

    Love is allowing her drive the car before taking out the insurance.

  23. 耶稣领他们到伯大尼的对面,就举手给他们祝福。

    And he took them out till they were near bethany, and lifting up his hands, he gave them a blessing.

  24. 见我没领到号码,他硬是把号码塞给了我。

    I did not see the number received, he superimpose number to me.

  25. 领座员给每人一份夜场演出得节目单。

    The ushers gave everyone a program for the evening performance.

  26. 领座员给每人一份夜场演出的节目单。

    The ushers gave everyone a program for the evening performance.

  27. 他的衬衣领磨破的时候,他妻子就给他翻个面。

    His wife turned his shirt collars when they get frayed.

  28. 领圈镶嵌的钻石,珠片,给人清新,亮丽的感觉。

    Studding the neck piece with diamond, paillette, giving a feeling of fresh and brilliance.

  29. 领圈镶嵌得钻石,珠片,给人清新,亮丽得感觉。

    Studding the neck piece with diamond, paillette, giving a feeling of fresh and brilliance.

  30. 若翰的门徒前来, 领了尸身, 埋藏了, 然后去报告给耶稣。

    His disciples came and took away the corpseand buried himand they went and told Jesus.