





物体的周围部分,外缘:~缘。~沿。国家或地区交界处:~疆。~界。~防。~境。~陲(边境)。几何学上指夹成角或围成多角形的直线:等~三角形。旁侧,近旁:身~。~锋。方面:~干(gàn )~学。表示方位:上~。外~。姓。……



汉语拼音:yán biān







  1. 靠近边境一带。

    《旧唐书·宣宗纪》:“ 剑南 西川 沿边没 蕃 州郡,如力能收復,本道亦宜接借。”《东周列国志》第五回:“ 桓王 准奏,但命沿边所在,加意提防,勿容客兵入境。” 曹之琪 《腾越光复纪略》:“是时 腾 军所占有者,为 腾越 、 龙陵 ……诸郡县,及沿边各土司也。”

  2. 把窄条的布或绦子等缝在衣物边上。

    老舍 《离婚》第六:“长棉袍只有一件……蓝色,没沿边,而且太肥。”



  1. One day, my mom cut a rim off an old water barrel and then held it up for me to throw an old rubber Ball through.


  2. "[China is] making air strips, rail lines [along the border] . . . China is surrounding us from all sides, " he said.


  3. For all this, the commercialization of the forts had its important historical significance in impelling local development.


  4. Production-type foreign investment enterprises set up in coast open cities are taxed at a reduced rate of 24%.


  5. She's sitting along the highway at a petro can in winnipeg and the last they checked, the doors were still unlocked.


  6. The hat and cap are made of lightweight heat-resistant thermoplastic for excellent protection against impact and penetration .


  7. The frontier tourism, as a special form of the tourism, will play special effect to the economic development of border area.


  8. Chapter IV of the main mode of urban development from the edges begin to explore the issue of urban development along the border open.


  9. Whether or not he meant it to be, white hats for men were soon in vogue in Paris.


  1. 前沿边状态

    states of front edge.

  2. 沿边压缩强度

    edgewise compressive strength.

  3. 针距太近沿边

    Stitching too close to edge

  4. 沿边线打过去的球

    side pass

  5. 加快提升沿边开放水平。

    We will speedily open up border areas wider.

  6. 沿边境集结的军队

    an army grouping along the frontier

  7. 裤脚沿边粘接带的开发

    The Developing of Cuff Binding Belt

  8. 喔, 裤腿应该沿边缝逐渐收

    Well, the leg shall is taper all down the side seam.

  9. 我国沿边城镇体系结构分析

    Analysis on the Urban System Structure of the Border Regionsof China

  10. 南宋沿边屯田的原因及其作用

    On the Farming by the Stationed Troops in South Song Dynasty

  11. 沿边开放与新疆经济发展研究2。

    Study on the opening borders and the development of Xinjiang economy II.

  12. 喔, 裤腿应该沿边缝逐渐收小。

    Well, the leg shall be tapering all down the side seam.

  13. 蛋糕脱模,沿边粘上手指饼干。

    Unmold the cake from the mousse ring and surround the side with finger cookies.

  14. 北宋西北沿边堡寨商业化研究

    The Commercialization of the Northwest Trims' Fort in the Northern Song Dynasty

  15. 敌人正沿边境一带加强进攻能力。

    The enemy are building up their offensive capacity along the border.

  16. 二十面体的切割, 可装配图, 沿边缘。

    The Icosahedron can be assemble cutting along the edges of the map.

  17. 沿边缘无柱子的, 尤用于古典庙宇。

    Having no columns along the sides. Used especially of a classical temple.

  18. 沿边地区经常有毒贩出没,大家要严加防范。

    The drug dealers who constantly show up in the coastal areas must be kept away.

  19. 无侧柱的沿边缘无柱子的, 尤用于古典庙宇

    Having no columns along the sides. Used especially of a classical temple.

  20. 所述筒体上沿边成锯齿状,下底成漏斗状。

    The edge and bottom of the cylinder shows a zigzag shape and a funnel shape respectively.

  21. 最后,提出新疆沿边开放的发展前景和对策建议。

    Finally, Articles put forward to the development prospects and Countermeasures of Xinjiang border open.

  22. 柱头无柄,盘状的或者盾形,具长缘毛毛沿边缘。

    Stigma sessile, discoid or peltate, long ciliate hairs along margin.

  23. 沿边宁顿街北行的车辆将须右转入怡和街东行。

    Traffic along Pennington Street northbound will be diverted to turn right onto.

  24. 抢抓机遇乘势而上迅速掀起新一轮沿边开放热潮

    Try to grasp the opportunity to swiftly initiate a new round of maneuvers in opening to the outside along the border

  25. 论康定、庆历时期西北沿边屯田与宋夏战争的互动关系

    The Interrelation between the Cultivation of Northwest and the War of Song and Xia during Kangding and Qingli Period of Northern Song Dynasty


  1. 问:沿边拼音怎么拼?沿边的读音是什么?沿边翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沿边的读音是yánbiān,沿边翻译成英文是 Close to a boundary.; 形容词

  2. 问:沿边光线拼音怎么拼?沿边光线的读音是什么?沿边光线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沿边光线的读音是yán biān guāng xiàn,沿边光线翻译成英文是 rim ray

  3. 问:沿边焊接拼音怎么拼?沿边焊接的读音是什么?沿边焊接翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沿边焊接的读音是yán biān hàn jiē,沿边焊接翻译成英文是 weld edgewise

  4. 问:沿边击球法拼音怎么拼?沿边击球法的读音是什么?沿边击球法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沿边击球法的读音是yán biān jī qiú fǎ,沿边击球法翻译成英文是 rail nurse; straight forward railing

  5. 问:沿边支承的拼音怎么拼?沿边支承的的读音是什么?沿边支承的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沿边支承的的读音是yán biān zhī chéng de,沿边支承的翻译成英文是 supported at edges

  6. 问:沿边线传球拼音怎么拼?沿边线传球的读音是什么?沿边线传球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沿边线传球的读音是yán biān xiàn chuán qiú,沿边线传球翻译成英文是 flank pass

  7. 问:沿边建筑基底拼音怎么拼?沿边建筑基底的读音是什么?沿边建筑基底翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沿边建筑基底的读音是yán biān jiàn zhù jī dǐ,沿边建筑基底翻译成英文是 edge lot