







汉语拼音:xīn hán









  1. 害怕。

    清 陈梦雷 《西洋贡狮子赋》:“譬则司直立朝,姦回志折;元戎当閫,逋寇心寒。”《抗日歌谣·采莲船拜年》:“五拜民兵真勇敢哪哟哟,鬼子听了便心寒呃划哟。” 冉丹 《沙姆》七:“那凄厉的声音是使人心寒的。”

  2. 痛心,失望。

    余小华 《返青》:“一批批热血青年成了历史的牺牲品,谁能不为之心寒啊!”



  1. The inscriptions give us the name of King Den and, between him and the enemy, are the chilling words 'they shall not exist'.


  2. it has big wheels , vanes in the bonnet . brush aluminum grills in the sort of stubbly coothardy chill.


  3. Yeah, I thought to myself, you don't hate ice. You just think the cold war was a literal attempt to freeze you.


  4. When I was aware of the light I experienced a chilling fear, a blood curdling cold and I was descending into a chasm.


  5. In fact, the most unnerving encounter I've ever had took place in the CompuServe adult chat area.


  6. Their stories of ubiquitous corruption, much of it at the hands of the government, were chilling.


  7. It made me so eager to see him take the floor for the first time since January, that when he actually did, it gave me the chills.


  8. One of the grizzliest stories I heard from the place came after two soldiers from the 101st Airborne were captured outside of the city.


  9. In fact, the most unnerving encounter I've ever had took place in the CompuServe adultchat area.


  1. 那情景使我心寒。

    The sight sends a chill to my heart.

  2. 这情景使她心寒。

    The sight sent a chill to her heart.

  3. 统计数据令人心寒

    That statistic is so sad.

  4. 这一瞥使我感到心寒

    Froze me with one look.

  5. 却让我感到无比心寒。

    And chill me to the bone.

  6. 我觉得有点心寒。

    I felt a chill.

  7. 他莫名其妙地感到一阵心寒。

    He felt an unreasonable catch of fear.

  8. 她的申诉令人听了心寒。

    Her account of the attack is chilling.

  9. 这个消息使全家人感到心寒。

    This bad news cast a chill over the whole family.

  10. 任何纷争都只会让人心寒。

    Any disputes will only be chilling.

  11. 我感到心寒所以渴望你的拥抱。

    I feel so cold and I long for your embrace.

  12. 他们彼此说的话,真叫我心寒。

    It like to turn my blood cold, the things they say to one another.

  13. 噢,伙计,我讨厌嫉妒。那让我心寒。

    Oh, man, I hate this jealousy thing. it's giving me heart palpitations.

  14. 还是有千千万万得情人都让你心寒?

    Or would a thousand lovers still leave you cold inside ?

  15. 这可真有点儿叫人心寒毛竖。

    There was something awful about it.

  16. 我想这不管是怎么样都挺让人心寒的。

    I think that no matter how kind intimidating people is chilling.

  17. 听到外面的声响时,我感到胆战心寒。

    I felt a chill of fear as I heard the sound outside.

  18. 听到外面的声响时,我感到胆战心寒。

    I felt a chill of fear as I heard the sound outside.

  19. 可以听到现场消防人员心寒的话,介绍了袭击现场。

    The chilling words of are firefighters in dispatchers can be heard describing the scene of the attack.

  20. 想到我们的国家变得这么腐败真令我心寒。

    It saddens me what a corrupt country we've become.

  21. 这罪孽比我的头发还多。我就心寒胆战。

    They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart fails within me.

  22. 这罪孽比我得头发还多。我就心寒胆战。

    They are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart fails within me.

  23. 新源基地,这是一个令人心寒的故事巧妙地说。

    Base on new sources, this is a chilling story masterfully told.

  24. 但在这家医院里,不时发生一些离奇事件,令人心寒!

    Stegman, and the ebullient but vacuous hospital administrator, Dr. Jesse James, who is concerned only with the hospitals image.


  1. 问:心寒拼音怎么拼?心寒的读音是什么?心寒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心寒的读音是xīnhán,心寒翻译成英文是 disappointed