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为躲避不利于自己的环境或事物而离开:~跑。~敌。~匿。~遁。~逸。躲开不愿意或不敢接触的事物:~避。~难(nàn )。~汇。~税。~世(避世)。……
汉语拼音:táo nì
《孟子·滕文公上》:“ 益 烈山泽而焚之,禽兽逃匿。”《后汉书·方术传上·许杨》:“及 莽 篡位, 杨 乃变姓名为巫医,逃匿它界。” 宋 钱易 《南部新书》癸:“有民 沉超 者,负罪逃匿。” 叶君健 《自由》十八:“衙门里的差役人员,在农民涌进城时,就已经逃匿一空,各奔前程。”
In some parts of Guangdong, local government teams have even been set up to monitor suspect firms to ensure their owners do not disappear.
据悉,在广东一些地区,当地政府甚至设立了专门小组来监控可疑企业,严防老板逃匿。Prosecutors said there was a significant chance he might abscond if granted bail.
控诉方说道如果他被允许保释,他将有很大的机会逃匿。I spent too much time to understand "some things can only run clearly" this truth.
我花了太多太多时光来领悟“有些事只能肯定逃匿”这个道理。The legislature was unable to form a quorum to debate the issue after Democratic state senators absconded to Illinois.
在民主党的州参议员逃匿至伊利诺伊斯州之后,威斯康星州的立法机构已无法形成法定人数来讨论此项议题。The lieutenant in charge was cashiered in order to be put upon trial for his "connivance" in the theft, but he judiciously disappeared.
负责的尉级军官,也被撤职查办,以惩罚他“纵容”这次偷窃,不过他聪明地逃匿了。Prosecutors had asked that he be remanded into custody immediately, saying he had "tremendous incentive to flee at this time" .
公诉人要求立刻将拉贾那纳姆还押候审,称他“此刻有充分理由想要逃匿”。Responsibility of existence, god is left to the world of a kind of test, many people pass that test and escaping.
责任的存在,是上天留给世人的一种考验,许多人通不过这场考验,逃匿了。Going into hiding after receiving the other party's goods, payment for goods, cash paid in advance or property for guaranty; or;
收受对方当事人给付的货物、货款、预付款或者担保财产后逃匿的;those who flee after receiving the goods, payment for goods, payment in advance or guaranteed property; or
Recently, will abscond toward Shenzhen's Li to capture.
Recently, will abscond toward Shenzhen's Li to capture.