







汉语拼音:yùn wèi








  1. 亦作“韵味”。风味;情趣。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三十:“﹝ 士真 ﹞心中虽是喜欢,觉得没些韵味。”《新民晚报》1992.10.1:“这套很有 中国 文化韵味的丛书,是亏本书。”

  2. 犹神态。

    欧阳山 《三家巷》三一:“整体看来,在那诚恳和俊俏的丰采之中,微露风霜折磨的韵味,使他格外动人。”



  1. The buildings are built in an ancient style which impresses me with an ancient cultural atmosphere.


  2. In a fine Language and in a voice of implicit richness, Jiu Ge is one of the few lyric art treasures in ancient China.


  3. more regrettably, some people life has not been and charm out, life would be like a circus artist hastily, make life-long regret.


  4. "If you hear a voice performance that has something in it you haven't thought of before, that's a happy accident, " she said.


  5. This made a grave and persistent noise in the still air, that seemed meditative like the chirping of a solitary little bird.


  6. This car is just a commodity, its popular elements of flavor and representatives of professional cultural symbols are well worth pondering.


  7. And then he shared the poem with me. The poem's simple, yet profound words immediately became part of my daily routine as well.


  8. The old granny's singing takes us back to that era, the singing is filled of nostalgia, and with the sound and feeling of that time.


  9. Although they no longer possessed the wonderful voice they used to have, the old artists still sing beautifully.


  1. 别有一番韵味

    have a unique lingering charm.

  2. 评剧音乐的韵味

    Musical Sound of Pingju Opera

  3. 古镇清溪韵味长

    The Ancient Town and Clear Creek

  4. 他的诗没有韵味。

    There is no strain in his verse.

  5. 基因图谱的哲学韵味

    The Philosophy of the Gene Atlas

  6. 材质与传统文化韵味

    material and traditional cultural taste

  7. 她的唱腔很有韵味。

    Her singing has a special pleasing quality about it.

  8. 神父的祭文有韵味吗?

    Did the priest give a poetic benediction.

  9. 传统纸伞,别有韵味。

    Traditional paper umBrellas have distinctive and pleasing quality.

  10. 让答谢词更富有韵味

    Let a Speech of Expressing Appreciation Contains More Lingering Charm

  11. 你的文字能否符合这样的韵味,

    Can thy words such accents fit

  12. 转折, 使你得讲话韵味十足

    A Turn May Make Your Speech Increase Pleasing Quality

  13. 转折, 使你的讲话韵味十足

    A Turn May Make Your Speech Increase Pleasing Quality

  14. 试论诗歌翻译中的韵味处理

    On Rhyme and Metre in Poetry Translation

  15. 形成了青花舞的独特韵味。

    Are the unique charms of the BlueandWhite Dance.

  16. 他家铺陈简单,但很有韵味。

    The arrangement of his home is simple, but full of flavor.

  17. 谈电视读报节目的文化韵味

    On Cultural Appeal of Newspaper Reading Program on TV

  18. 她的画作带有质朴、空灵的韵味。

    Her paintings have a naive, dreamlike quality.

  19. 精致轻巧的塑料制品, 别具韵味。

    The delicate and handy plastic products have special appeal.

  20. 耶路撒冷具有独特的中东韵味。

    Jerusalem has a distinctive middle east flavor.

  21. 在胡同的酒吧里品味老北京的韵味

    Experience Old Beijing at Bars in Hutong

  22. 釉色渲漆仕女图,韵味被私藏。

    In the enamoled painting if maid figures, feminity is concealed to the purpose.

  23. 在精致和优雅中蕴含着时尚韵味。

    It contains fashion flavor between delicacy and grace.

  24. 这些居室摆件,精致轻巧,别具韵味。

    The ornaments with which the room is decorated are delicate and light, having a special charm.

  25. 有了水阁,乌镇的风貌更有韵味。

    With Shuige, Wuzhen style more flavor.

  26. 晚饭后, 在花前月下散步别有一番韵味。

    After supper, walking by the flowers and under the moon has a unique lingering charm.

  27. 伴着咖啡的成长, 苦涩而又韵味悠长。

    Accompanied by the growth of coffee, bitter flavor but long.

  28. 狮盖香炉, 别有韵味, 令人爱不释手。

    The tripod incense Burner decorated with a lion head lid is of such distinctive and pleasing quality that you can hardly Bear to put it down.

  29. 论韵味的内涵及其形成因素和文化价值

    On the Connotation of Lingering Charm and Its Forming Factors and Cultural Value

  30. 色泽是明亮的带有活力青葱韵味的浅草色。

    Brilliant light green straw with a vibrant green hue.


  1. 问:韵味拼音怎么拼?韵味的读音是什么?韵味翻译成英文是什么?

    答:韵味的读音是yùnwèi,韵味翻译成英文是 lasting appeal


