


1. 拾 [shí]2. 拾 [shè]拾 [shí]捡,从地上拿起:~草。~粪。~零(捡取某方面的零碎材料,常用于文章标题)。~取。俯~皆是。~人牙慧。收,敛,整理:收~。~掇。“十”的大写。旧称射箭人穿在左臂上的皮制护袖。拾 [shè]……


1. 掇 [duō]掇 [duō]拾取;摘取:~拾。~弄。用双手拿(椅子,凳子),用手端。……



汉语拼音:shí duo










  1. 收罗;拾取。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·审举》:“而有党有力者,纷然鳞萃,人乏官旷,致者又美,亦安得不拾掇而用之乎!” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·事类》:“然学问肤浅,所见不博,专拾掇 崔杜 小文,所作不可悉难,难便不知所出,斯则寡闻之病也。” 唐 陆龟蒙 《杞菊赋》序:“前后皆树以杞菊……及夏五月,枝叶老硬,气味苦涩,旦暮犹责儿童辈拾掇不已。” 宋 王令 《原蝗》诗:“寒禽冬飢啄地食,拾掇穀种无餘遗。” 梁斌 《播火记》八:“常说破家值万贯哩,叫人随便拾掇了去我心疼。”

  2. 整理;修理。

    《金瓶梅词话》第二三回:“你别要管他,丢着罢,亦发等他们来拾掇。”《醒世姻缘传》第四九回:“我把这重里间拾掇拾掇,你合媳妇儿来住。” 柳青 《创业史》第二部第三章:“农具损坏了,要你主任找人拾掇哩。”

  3. 谓惩治、处死。

    明 贾仲名 《对玉梳》第二折:“休假温存絮叨叨取撮,佯问候热剌剌念合,更怕我不趲你那冷气虚心廝拾掇。” 峻青 《海啸》第二章:“半夜里,我派人去要拾掇他。” 孔厥 袁静 《新儿女英雄传》第一回:“ 吕司令 给发了好几打‘插锁盒子’,谁要反对抗 日 ,就把谁拾掇了!”



  1. The poor lady, turning about to him, and looking at him with dying eyes, desired him to afford her one little moment to recollect herself.

  2. She was so exhausted that she let me help her without protesting, and finally we sat down together near the fire with our cups of tea.

  3. Once when they were all sitting there, the little grandson of four years pushed some pieces of wood together on the floor.

  4. LiRunCheng in JinNaNa home after work, JinNaNa pushed the door baggage to leave the home, while the dog to LiRunCheng let him to look after.

  5. In the long days, weeks and months that followed, I gathered bits and pieces of old beliefs and tried to assemble them into something whole.

  6. So tidy up their own out of a space, in the possession of your heart come quietly.

  7. I picked up the last green leaf , walking on the Parasol leaves , I can't help think the poem.

  8. The correctness of the translated documents are responsible by their translators.

  9. A woman appears from the backyard where she's gardening.


  1. 拾掇零碎儿

    tidy up the odds and ends.

  2. 她正在拾掇零碎儿。

    She is tidying up the odds and ends.

  3. 我们把屋子拾掇一下。

    Let's tidy up the room.

  4. 我帮你拾掇三楼后房。

    I helped you lay out the third floor, back.

  5. 再不老实看我怎么拾掇你!

    I honestly do not see how punish you!

  6. 萨拉托加跑马场拾掇得干净利落。

    The track in Saratoga is all polished up.

  7. 我把卷成团的袜子拾掇起来。

    I picked up the balled socks.

  8. 你帮我把机器拾掇一下好吗?

    Will you help me fix the machine?

  9. 我花了一个下午的时间拾掇我的狗。

    I spent the afternoon dressing my dogs.

  10. 我花了一个下午的时间拾掇我的狗。

    I spent the afternoon dressing my dogs.

  11. 我拾掇了一下自己,把宝宝也收拾妥当。

    I cleaned myself up a bit, and got the baby ready.

  12. 这是给你得公寓或房子拾掇一下得好时机。

    It's time to get serious about fixing up your apartment or house!

  13. 这是给你的公寓或房子拾掇一下的好时机。

    It's time to get serious about fixing up your apartment or house!

  14. 我帮你拾掇三楼后房。层楼叠阁, 殿宇三重。

    I helped you lay out the third floor, back.

  15. 一位正在拾掇花园的妇女从后院走了出来。

    A woman appears from the backyard where she's gardening.

  16. 整个冬季柯克斯一家人都在拾掇他们的房屋。

    All through the winter term, the Kirks worked on their terrace house.

  17. 他们想挪进办公室来,我周一才刚拾掇好的。

    They want in the office, I've gotta sort it out Monday.

  18. 他们想挪进办公室来,我周一才刚拾掇好的。

    They want in the office,I've gotta sort it out Monday.

  19. 一年到头把花园拾掇得干净整洁也不是件轻松活儿。

    Keeping the garden tidy all year round can be a laborious task.

  20. 一个孩子们在前面乱丢乱扔她也在后面拾掇的老婆。

    A wife who will pick up after my children, a wife who will pick up after me.

  21. 于是自己拾掇出一份空间, 在心底悄悄地把你藏进来。

    So tidy up their own out of a space, in the possession of your heart come quietly.

  22. 把屋子打扫干净,把孩子拾掇整齐,还要跟在我后面收拾整理。

    I want a wife who will keep my house clean. a wife who will pick up after my children, a wife who will pick after me.

  23. 摊主见有人来,立即停止了拾掇,接待了他今天最后一位顾客。

    Somebody of booth definite idea comes, ceased put in order instantly, recieved him today last client.

  24. 波瑞特拾掇好营地用具装上雪橇, 福楼沙开始给狗套挽具。

    While Perrault packed the camp outfit and loaded the sled, the dogdriver proceeded to harness the dogs.


  1. 问:拾掇拼音怎么拼?拾掇的读音是什么?拾掇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拾掇的读音是shíduo,拾掇翻译成英文是 tidy … up




拼音:shí duo⒈ [tidy up]∶整理;收拾把屋子拾掇一下吧⒉ [fix]∶修理这机器有点毛病,你给拾掇一下好吗?⒊ [punish] [口]∶惩治谁敢进行破坏,就把谁拾掇了⒋ [pick up]∶采集;拾取