


1. 仇 [chóu]2. 仇 [qiú]仇 [chóu]深切的怨恨:~敌。~恨。~视。疾恶如~。同~敌忾(全体一致痛恨敌人)。仇 [qiú]古同“逑”,匹配。姓。……





汉语拼音:chóu rén








  1. Ah Mui said such report is not fair to the kid. She said that magazine is the enemy of Gor Gor , is one of the murderers.


  2. But if not, he will defraud him of his money, and he shall get him for an enemy without cause.


  3. We've talked to his enemies and looked at court records. The only dirt we found is two traffic tickets for speeding.


  4. Since then, to see the rooster on the recovery of the centipede, and to eat it. They became the enemy.


  5. Stolen away in his infancy, either by an enemy of his noble family or by the gypsies.


  6. And I will destroy your land, and your enemies shall be astonished at it, when they shall be the inhabitants thereof.


  7. He stared at me like I killed his daughter .


  8. But if thou wilt hear his voice, and do all that I speak, I will be an enemy to thy enemies, and will afflict them that afflict thee.


  9. On the first occasion, Qiu Xinghua did not meet with his "enemy, " the Iron Tile Temple director Xiong Wancheng.


  1. 他被仇人陷害。

    He was framed by his enemies.

  2. 是仇人吗,当然。

    Was it an enemy?Of course.

  3. 但我没仇人啊。

    But I had no enemies.

  4. 他对仇人实行报复。

    He avenged himself on his enemies.

  5. 这是仇人所写的。

    That's a message sent by an enemy.

  6. 这是仇人所写的。

    That's a message sent by an enemy.

  7. 送原谅给你的仇人。

    To your enemy, forgiveness.

  8. 仇人相见, 分外眼明

    when two enemies meet, they see each other more clearly than ever in their hatred

  9. 甚至他还是我为仇人。

    Even he or I am the personal enemy.

  10. 他们俩天生一对仇人。

    They hated each other from the first.

  11. 杰克祈求降祸于仇人。

    Jack imprecated evil upon his enemies.

  12. 他在世上没有一个仇人。

    He didn't have an enemy in the world.

  13. 他意图杀死杀父仇人。

    He intended to slay his father's murderer.

  14. 他拒绝与他昔日仇人共餐。

    He refused to break bread with his old enemy.

  15. 他杀了仇人,然后逃往国外。

    He killed his enemy and fled the country.

  16. 还是发动人肉搜索寻找仇人?

    Still start person pork search to search personal enemy ?

  17. 他无意中爱上了他的仇人。

    He had unknowingly engaged his heart to his foe.

  18. 他看见仇人开口骂了一声。

    Seeing his enemy, he ripped off a curse.

  19. 你由于害怕面对仇人自杀了。

    And then you killed yourself because you were afraid to face your enemies.

  20. 一个仇人太多, 百个朋友太少。

    One foe is too many, and a hundred friends too few.

  21. 赤得真理, 连仇人也无法掩盖。

    Uttering bare truth, even so as foes commend.

  22. 向来不忘旧恶, 也从不宽恕仇人。

    a gutter fighter who neither forgot nor forgave.

  23. 犯人声称他是被仇人陷害了。

    The prisoner claimed that he had been framed by his enemies.

  24. 犯人声称他是被仇人陷害了得。

    The prisoner claimed that he had been frameed by his enemies.

  25. 囚犯声称他受到了仇人的诬陷。

    The prisoner claimed that he had been framed up by his enemies.

  26. 一个仇人够多, 百个朋友嫌少。

    One foe is too many, and a hundred friends too few.

  27. 他发誓要找出并消灭他的仇人。

    He vowed to seek out his enemies and destroy them.

  28. 这个可能是例外, 一个老仇人的。

    This one you might. The head of an old foe.

  29. 犯人声称他是被仇人陷害了的。

    The prisoner claimed that he had been frameed by his enemies.

  30. 我们有个重要的仇人已经下山了。

    One of our great enemies is approaching us.


  1. 问:仇人拼音怎么拼?仇人的读音是什么?仇人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:仇人的读音是chóurén,仇人翻译成英文是 personal enemy; foe




拼音:chóu rén 基本解释 [personal enemy] 因怨恨而敌视的人,并且该人对你造成了长久伤害才可谓“仇”。 仇人相见,分外眼红 详细解释 因怨恨而敌视的人。 《谷梁传·庄公二十四年》:“娶仇人子弟,以荐舍於前。”《史记·赵世家》:“ 范吉射 、 荀寅 仇人 魏襄 等谋逐 荀寅 。”《醒世恒言·蔡瑞虹忍辱报仇》:“此去仇人不远,只怕他先死了,便出不得你的气。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》三:“亲人的空言虽比仇人的礼物好,究竟无益于事。”