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住人或放东西的建筑物:~屋。~产。~舍。~租。库~。楼~。书~。结构和作用类似房子的东西:蜂~。莲~。心~。量词:两~儿媳。家族的一支:大~。长(zhǎng )~。星名,二十八宿之一。姓。……
汉语拼音:rǔ fáng
北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·养羊》:“牛产三日……以脚二七徧蹴乳房,然后解放。” 茅盾 《当铺前》:“女人解开了衣,把干瘪的乳房塞到孩子嘴里,摇着身子。”
明 徐弘祖 《徐霞客游记·滇游日记九》:“时洞中道人尚在厂未归,云磴不封,乳房无扃,凭憇久之。”
Anyway, when he looked at his watch again it was ten o'clock. At ten o'clock she was lying on the divan with her boobies in her hands.
再次看表已是十点钟,到了十点钟她正躺在长沙发上,两手握着自己的乳房。If you think you may have a breast infection, it is important to see your GP immediately and if possible, before an abscess forms.
如果你认为你可能有乳房感染,重要的是要看到你的家庭医生立即如果可能的话,前一脓肿的形式。Here, while getting a pedicure and a comb-out, she fondles one of her breasts and gives us a smug, seductive glance.
这里,她正被伺候着梳头,修脚指甲,一手抚弄着自己的乳房,并对观众报以得意洋洋挑逗的一瞥。If someone does not lift her up and draw three drops of blood from her right breast and spit them out again, she will die.
不过,这时要是有人上前扶起她,从她的右乳房中吸出三滴血,她才不会死去。Augmentation of labor by breast stimulation has been used in a variety of cultures for centuries.
强化劳动的乳房刺激已用于多种文化的世纪。You find fault with your body. . . . three doors down, a woman has learned that she will undergo a mastectomy .
你在你的身体上找寻不足,三扇门后,某一个女人已经获知她将要进行乳房切除术。It might be argued that breasts are a private part, like the genitals, and hence should not be exposed in public.
另一种声音是,乳房是很私密的部分,就像生殖器一样,所以不应该暴露于众。It has no straps or bands of any sort and provide little support to the breasts.
它没有任何肩带和系扣,当然提供给乳房的支撑几近于无。All of her, from her generous breasts to her gleaming thighs, blazes with furious ardor.