







汉语拼音:jiāo shǒu







  1. 携手。

    《楚辞·九歌·河伯》:“子交手兮东行,送美人兮南浦。” 朱熹 注:“交手者,古人将别,则相执手,以见不忍相远之意。”《南史·李安人传》:“ 安人 少时贫,有一人从门过,相之,曰:‘君后当大富贵,与天子交手共戏。’”

  2. 拱手。形容恭敬,恭顺。

    《汉书·燕剌王刘旦传》:“前 高后 时,伪立子 弘 为皇帝,诸侯交手事之八年。” 颜师古 注:“交手,谓拱手也。”《新唐书·尉迟敬德传》:“大王即不听,请从此亡,不能交手蒙戮。”

  3. 交战;搏斗。

    《宋书·殷琰传》:“贼至不击,復欲何待?且统军在后,政三二里间,比吾交手,何忧不至。”《金史·白华传》:“行省当领军出 关 宿 华阴 界,次日及 华阴 ,次日及 华州 ,略与 渭 北军交手。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部六:“他跟老虎一交手,两边打得气乎乎,老虎看看要败了,连忙说:‘停一停。’”



  1. Gasol was out with a sprained ankle when the teams met in March, so the Jazz haven't experienced his impact on the triangle offense yet.

  2. "If you don't play defense and you just have to try and outscore teams like that, you're going to get caught in a bind, " he said.

  3. And in the second set he decided to go for broke in a bid to see off a man whom he had beaten in eight of nine previous meetings.

  4. Hmm. Well, he just played me, you know, so I don't know. If it changes if you ask him in five years' time, you know.

  5. Whoever comes into the woods to deal with the natives, must use Indian fashions, if he would wish to prosper in his undertakings.

  6. "It's a very tough game but I'm excited and looking forward to playing the U. S. , " said Yi, who said the Olympics was his top priority.

  7. How much do you think Marcos has improved since the last time you played him?

  8. How much fun was that? How much fun is it to play a player like Fernando who hits the ball so hard?

  9. We go all over Europe playing top teams and we play against the best sides in this country, but that was one of the hardest games we've had.


  1. 用利器交手

    fight at sharps.

  2. 交手打一个回合

    have a little dust

  3. 上头说了不要交手。

    It says not to engage.

  4. 多和世界强豪交手

    fight with the world Powerhouse

  5. 我已多次和他交手。

    I've played against him a few times.

  6. 如果他在场,不要交手

    If he's there,don't engage.

  7. 需要交手续费吗?

    Do I have to pay a fee?

  8. 如果他在场,不要交手。

    If he's there, don't engage.

  9. 是和上次交手比吗

    ROGER FEDERER Than the last time or.

  10. 两个摔交手扭在一起。

    The two wrestlers grappled together.

  11. 你交手术志愿书了吗?

    Have you hand in you consent yet?

  12. 千万别交手,只需上报情况。

    Do not engage. Report contact only.

  13. 显然,上次和我们交手之后

    Clearly received some new toys from his Time Master friend.

  14. 他不能和我们的巡洋舰交手。

    He could not face our cruiser forces.

  15. 摔交手, 我要你向你的上帝祈祷

    Hoss, I want you to pray to your god

  16. 对散打交手过程运动规律的探讨

    Exploration on moving rules of Sanda in the process of encounter

  17. 两个摔跤运动员摆好架势,准备交手。

    The two wrestlers squared away against each other.

  18. 她认识的大多数摔交手都很笨。

    Most wrestlers she knows are dumb.

  19. 或许在萨维奇力量鼎盛时期和他交手。

    Perhaps engaging Savage at the height of his powers.

  20. 我和它交手两次, 而两次我都吓坏了。

    I fought it twice, and twice I flight in terror.

  21. 散打对抗中一次交手过程的时速剖析

    Assay the Time and Velocity of the Counterwork of Xanda

  22. 要是你和他交手, 你坚持不了两个回合。

    You wouldn't last two rounds against him.

  23. 经过短暂交手, 我设法弄掉了他的刀。

    After a short struggle, I managed to get the knife away from him.

  24. 和任何一个对手交手我们都能踢好。

    We are playing really well and to play against any team would be all right.

  25. 我们要和一支防守非常好的球队交手。

    We are going to play a team that plays very good defense.

  26. 我跨行取款是否要交手续费呢

    Do I need to pay a fee when I withdraw money from other banks

  27. 女孩開始跟他交手的時候 他對她們很不友善

    And when the girls started engaging him, he was very hostile towards them.

  28. 斯科尔斯可能是我交手过得最厉害得对手。

    Scholes is probably the best player I've ever played against.

  29. 斯科尔斯可能是我交手过的最厉害的对手。

    Scholes is probably the best player I've ever played against.

  30. 小流氓怎么能和杀过人的士兵交手呢?

    Small rascal how can with once kill people of does the soldier exchange blows?


  1. 问:交手拼音怎么拼?交手的读音是什么?交手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交手的读音是jiāoshǒu,交手翻译成英文是 compete




◎ 交手 jiāoshǒu (1) [fight hand to hand]∶双方搏斗 (2) [make an obeisance by cupping one hand in the other before one’s chest]∶拱手 (3) [arm in arm]∶手挽手 交手东行