







汉语拼音:tiān lài








  1. 自然界的声响,如风声、鸟声、流水声等。

    《庄子·齐物论》:“女闻人籟而未闻地籟,女闻地籟而未闻天籟夫!” 唐 刘禹锡 《武陵北亭记》:“林风天籟,与金奏合。” 清 方文 《宋遗民咏·吴子昭雯》:“尤喜诗与歌,声出似天籟。” 瞿秋白 《荒漠里》:“且沉心静气的听,听荒漠里的天籁。”

  2. 指诗文天然浑成得自然之趣。

    唐 陆龟蒙 《奉和因赠至一百四十言》:“唱既野芳坼,酬还天籟疎。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷五:“而近体之妙,须不着一字,自得风流;天籟不来,人力亦无如何。”



  1. Listen rotation, all the features of the murmur ceased, the wind was the one finally chew rain, also made the bride leaves.


  2. leaning on the reception desk , he began to listen as masters heavenly voice filled the reception area.


  3. It was one of the first groups to add nature sounds to Native American flute music as well as other instruments.


  4. The man i love, has a soft voice. Pure as if it is from the heaven, limpid as it is from a mountain stream. . . How nice!


  5. One deep night before October 1, Halin called me on phone, to ask for my opinion on naming her solo concert to be held in Beijing.


  6. In the film warm touching symphonic sounds like a choir is tie-in, children's chorus of song and pure tone from heaven like the sound.


  7. She lazy facial expression and sounds of nature sort of orotund make me infatuate with.


  8. Dazzled, parody soothing sounds tender, and I began, but has not clear, transparent sight of dancing.


  9. Halin is famed as "Mongolia Enya" , her graceful ethereal singings as if the sounds of nature, straightly reach hearts.


  1. 美妙的声音。天籁

    a heavenly voice

  2. 不闻天籁,大地静谧。

    No heavenly hymning, no earthly chanting.

  3. 此乃天籁之音也。

    This sound must be from heaven.

  4. 此乃天籁之音也。

    This sound must be from heaven.

  5. 她歌喉之美如闻天籁。

    The celestial beauty of her voice.

  6. 在越过天籁般寂静时

    For killing the past and coming back to life

  7. 刹那的喧哗,调侃永恒的天籁。

    The noise of the moment scoffs at the music of the Eternal.

  8. 你是上帝谱写的天籁之音。

    You're a song, written by the hands of God.

  9. 上帝谱出的一首天籁之曲

    Written by the hands of God

  10. 如果你不再想听见天籁之音

    and if then you no loner hear the music of the gods around you

  11. 师父的天籁之音抚慰疲惫的灵魂

    Masters Heavenly Voice Comforts Weary Souls

  12. 南宋心学派之天籁自鸣说

    The Advocacy of Chant or Sing to Oneself by the School of Mind in Southern Song Dynasty

  13. 都说儿童的歌声是天籁之音。

    That child's voice is Tianlaizhiyin.

  14. 都说儿童得歌声是天籁之音。

    That child's voice is Tianlaizhiyin.

  15. 东风商用车和天籁获多项殊荣

    Commercial vehicles and Teana cars win honor for DFL

  16. 我们十分欣赏她美如天籁的歌声。

    We enjoy celestial beauty of her voice very much.

  17. 天宇天籁,爱,终让我们沟通无障碍。

    Finally let us communicate without chock.

  18. 不知从何处响起天籁般的音乐。

    Heavenly music swelled from nowhere.

  19. 原始岩画的象征性几乎是天籁所成。

    The symbolism of the primordial petrous picture was almost the nature made.

  20. 天籁如何运用得宜,是修行人必须谨慎的。

    Those who practice sound of nature should be prudent in how to use it properly.

  21. 质模仿山林溪谷的天籁音响制作了乐歌。

    Zhi imitated the natural sounds of wood and streams to make music.

  22. 柔和的背景音乐带来天籁之音般的听觉体验。

    HEAR the sounds of soothing background music.

  23. 对于像我这样的技术作者,这听起来好似天籁。

    For technical authors like myself, this sounds like a godsend.

  24. 那是天籁之音,人间最美的乐音,也无法比拟。

    A little good news , in this area I found bird nest 4 nests.

  25. 天籁固然很有境界,但这境界无人共鸣又有何意义呢

    Teana is very realm of course, but this realm of no resonance what is the point

  26. 经过这次试驾,笔者对新天籁有了全新得认识。

    After the test drive,and the author the new Teana with a new awareness.

  27. 夜莺带着天籁之音远走高飞。只剩下乌鸦在空中盘旋。

    Nightgales left with their celestial voice. Only ravens are waving their wings above.

  28. 满瑶有着天籁般的嗓音,梦想能够站在舞台上尽情歌唱。

    Man Yao has the sounds of nature voice, vainly hoped for that can stand in the stage sings heartily.

  29. 这些天来的凌晨一至两点总能欣赏到天籁般的雨声。

    So these days around one to two in the morning there is this wonderful sound of rain.

  30. 新天籁表现出色,对车子较有研究王先生频频点头称好。

    The new Teana outstanding performance of the car more research Wang nodded approvingly and said good.


  1. 问:天籁拼音怎么拼?天籁的读音是什么?天籁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天籁的读音是tiānlài,天籁翻译成英文是 sounds of nature

  2. 问:天籁之音拼音怎么拼?天籁之音的读音是什么?天籁之音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天籁之音的读音是Tiānlàizhīyīn,天籁之音翻译成英文是 See 天籁.; Heavenly sounds



“天籁”是个多义词,它可以指天籁(国产3D动画电影), 天籁(何训田音乐作品), 天籁(同名话剧), 天籁(汉语词汇), 天籁(漫画作家自由鸟所作漫画), 天籁(著名川剧演员)。