


液体移动:~水。~汗。~血。~泪。~程。~泻。~质。~水不腐。汗~浃背。随波逐~(随着波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡,喻没有主见,随着潮流走)。像水那样流动不定:~转(zhuǎn )。~通。~寇。~浪。~离。~散。~失。~沙。~露。~萤。传播:~言……


1. 亡 [wáng]2. 亡 [wú]亡 [wáng]逃:逃~。流~。失去:~佚。~羊补牢。死:伤~。死~。灭:灭~。~国奴。救~。兴~。亡 [wú]古同“无”,没有。……



汉语拼音:liú wáng








  1. 因在本乡、本国不能存身而逃亡流落在外。

    《诗·大雅·召旻》:“瘨我饥饉,民卒流亡。” 郑玄 笺:“病国中以饥饉,令民尽流移。”《新五代史·杂传十·王周》:“ 涇州 张彦泽 为政苛虐,民多流亡。” 徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想》:“那学院里的教授和讲师也到本地初中里来兼点课,多少也能给他们流亡在异地的生活改善一些。”

  2. 指逃亡流落在外的人。

    《后汉书·虞诩传》:“ 詡 乃占相地埶,筑营壁百八十所,招还流亡,假賑贫人,郡遂以安。” 宋 苏轼 《徐州谢奖谕表》:“臣敢不躬亲畚筑,益修今岁之防,安集流亡,尽復平时之业。”中国近代史资料丛刊《辛亥革命·防城起义清方档案》:“仍著 秦炳直 督飭各军搜捕餘匪,抚恤流亡,以期早日肃清。”

  3. 随流水消逝。

    《楚辞·九章·惜往日》:“寧溘死而流亡兮,恐祸殃之有再。” 王逸 注:“意欲淹没,随水去也。”

  4. 犹危亡。

    《楚辞·东方朔<七谏·哀命>》:“痛 楚国 之流亡兮,哀 灵脩 之过到。” 王逸 注:“言 怀王 之过,已至於恶, 楚国 将危亡,失贤之故也。”《史记·越王勾践世家》:“国新流亡,今乃復殷给,缮饰备利, 吴 必惧,惧则难必至。” 陶曾佑 《中国文学之概观》:“凡吾同胞,其有哀文学之流亡,斯文之隳堕者乎,请速竞争文界,排击文魔,拔劒啸天而起舞!”

  5. 散失。

    《史记·儒林列传》:“ 秦 时焚书, 伏生 壁藏之。其后兵大起,流亡, 汉 定, 伏生 求其书,亡数十篇,独得二十九篇,即以教于 齐 鲁 之閒。” 明 焦竑 《焦氏笔乘续集·尚书叙录》:“夫《书》之厄已至矣, 伏生 掇拾於流亡之餘。”



  1. You don't know Gaddafi if you think he'll give in to international pressure and take the path of a negotiated exile.


  2. "Benazir Bhutto was also my sister, and I will be with you to take the revenge for her death, " Mr Sharif said.


  3. Sharper even than this sadness was the fact that, for more than 30 years, she was an exile from her homeland.


  4. "It seems there is no government in Karachi, " said the MQM's leader, Altaf Hussain, who lives in exile in London.


  5. Five were set to leave immediately, and the rest are expected to be liberated (but then exiled) in the next few months.


  6. In one of his last speeches, made weeks after Tripoli fell and he was a fugitive, he exhorted Libyans to defeat the uprising.


  7. Tibet's exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, has urged an end to the hunger strike, calling it a form of violence.


  8. To thank those faithful fellows who followed him in the exile, he decided to give them an audience and some rewards.


  9. an old pandit exile, who had been such a close friend of Mr Peer's father that she greets the young man as a lost son.


  1. 巴比伦流亡

    Babylonian Exile.

  2. 流亡在海外

    to be in exile overseas.

  3. 俄罗斯流亡诗人

    Russian poets in exile

  4. 他目前流亡埃及。

    He is now living in exile in Egypt.

  5. 他曾经流亡多年。

    He spent many years in exile.

  6. 他已经流亡十年。

    He has been an exile for ten years.

  7. 在外流亡这么多年后。

    All those years in exile.

  8. 这个流亡者请求政治避难。

    The refugee asked for political asylum.

  9. 他曾被迫流亡约30年。

    He had been forced into exile for almost30 years.

  10. 流亡者们渴望回家。

    Ther exiles were pining to return home.

  11. 顽固支持流亡国王的人

    diehard supporters of the exiled king

  12. 他满足于馀生流亡于国外。

    He is content to remain an expatriate the rest of his life.

  13. 泰勒说,我将被迫流亡。

    I am being forced into exile.

  14. 你还适应 流亡的日子吗?

    How are you coping in your life in exile?

  15. 孙中山曾长期流亡海外。

    Sun Yatsen spent long years in exile abroad.

  16. 也不存在刚果流亡政府。

    Neither is there a Congolese Government in exile.

  17. 今年早些时候他流亡归来。

    He returned from exile earlier this year.

  18. 他成了一位流亡者。

    He was an exile.

  19. 被流亡领袖们暗中操纵的政府

    A shadow government of exiled leaders

  20. 支持流亡领导人的群众集会

    mass demonstrations in support of the exiled leader

  21. 援助流亡中的受迫害者协会

    Association pour les victimes de la repression en exil

  22. 欧洲难民与流亡问题协商会议

    European Consultation on Refugees and Exiles

  23. 他年轻时过着流亡的生活。

    He lived in exile when he was young.

  24. 那么你肯定是个流亡者啰。

    So you are an emigrant, surely.

  25. 法国大革命後, 有许多法国人流亡英国。

    There is many french exile in england after the revolution.

  26. 流亡者的心去往何方?

    Where do refugee hearts go?

  27. 流亡的游击队领袖今天到达华盛顿。

    The exiled guerrilla leader arrived in Washington today.

  28. 安妮米切尔。一个流亡的赞歌。

    Anais Mitchell. A Hymn For The Exiled.

  29. 一个想办法偿赎的流亡士兵。

    An exiled soldier seeking redemption.

  30. 他们召回流亡在外的人,准备抵抗。

    They called back their exiles and prepared for resistance.


  1. 问:流亡拼音怎么拼?流亡的读音是什么?流亡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流亡的读音是liúwáng,流亡翻译成英文是 to be exiled; to be forced to leave homeland...

  2. 问:流亡者拼音怎么拼?流亡者的读音是什么?流亡者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流亡者的读音是liúwángzhě,流亡者翻译成英文是 exile; refugee abroad

  3. 问:流亡政府拼音怎么拼?流亡政府的读音是什么?流亡政府翻译成英文是什么?

    答:流亡政府的读音是,流亡政府翻译成英文是 Government in exile


