


1. 蹲 [dūn]蹲 [dūn]两腿尽量弯曲,像坐的样子,但臀部不着地:~下。~伏。~踞。~腿。〔~苗〕在一定时期内控制施肥和灌水,进行中耕和镇压,使幼苗根部下扎,生长健壮,防止多余茎叶生长。喻呆着或闲居:~膘。~窝。~班房(坐牢)。……





汉语拼音:dūn fú







  1. 踞伏。

    唐 张继 《城西虎跑寺》诗:“石势虎蹲伏,山形龙屈盘。” 明 徐弘祖 《徐霞客游记·浙游日记》:“东北石纍纍愈多,大者如狮象,小者如鹿豕,俱蹲伏平莽中,是为‘石浪’。” 曹禺 《北京人》第二幕:“在那雪白而宽大的纸幕上由后面蓦地现出一个猿人的黑影,蹲伏在人的眼前。”

  2. 停留;伏居。

    明 汤显祖 《次答邓远游渼兼怀李本宁观察六十韵》序:“予自辛丑蹲伏家食,得交 秀水 令 邓 君 远游 。”



  1. Jack and Janice were down in a combat crouch, weapons drawn, searching the beam's translucent circumference for any sign of danger.


  2. Chenayya wiped his palm against his sarong, pushed the door open, went into the store, and crouched by a corner of Mr. Pai's table.


  3. If there is no desk or table near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.


  4. to fill their bowls, licking off the congee slopped over the side, then scatter in the road or in the doorway, either squatting or standing.


  5. Michael squats low and moves through the bowels of the prison until he sees his exit to the surface.


  6. Residents of Andros Island, one of the least-developed in the Bahamas, hunkered down as Noel's winds howled and rain pelted window panes .


  7. He chuckled, said, "Very convincing , " and then suddenly sank into a crouch, his muscles coiled like a spring.


  8. Stealth tip: Wall flattening and crouching both darken your Light Gem, making you harder to see.


  9. Lions are the only cats that habitually feed whilst lying on their bellies: other cats will sit, crouch or stand.


  1. 爱尔兰蹲伏猎狗

    an Irish setter

  2. 红毛蹲伏猎狗

    a red setter

  3. 那只鹿蹲伏下来。

    The deer couched.

  4. 费里斯蹲伏着。

    Ferris was crouched down on his haunches.

  5. 蹲或蹲伏的姿势。

    A squatting or crouching posture.

  6. 这老虎蹲伏在草中。

    The tiger crouched in the grass.

  7. 狗看见猎物时蹲伏着。

    The dog dropped at the sight of game.

  8. 下蹲, 蹲伏下蹲或蹲伏的动作或姿势

    The act or posture of bending low or crouching.

  9. 我蹲伏在一片灌木丛里。

    I crouched down behind some bushes.

  10. 可以直立也可以蹲伏滑行的板子

    a board with wheels that is ridden in a standing or crouching position

  11. 在某些国家, 女人蹲伏着生孩子。

    In some cultures, the women give birth while squatting.

  12. 他们蹲伏在树叶中,几乎看不见。

    They are almost invisible, crouching among the leaves.

  13. 他看见一只鹿蹲伏在草坡上。

    He saw a deer couching on the grassy bank.

  14. 一个人在田野中蹲伏着等待什么。

    A man crouches over something in the field.

  15. 他与沃伊中尉蹲伏在一道树篱后边。

    He and Wray were crouched behind a hedgerow.

  16. 一群秃鹫蹲伏在一具野牛的尸体上。

    A cluster of vultures crouched on the carcass of a dead buffalo.

  17. 他们蹲伏在树丛里,将武器抛向空中。

    Sitting in trees, they would throw the weapon through the air.

  18. 狮子蹲伏在草丛里, 耐心等待着捕猎时机。

    Squatting down in the thick grass, the lion waited patiently for a hunt.

  19. 狮子蹲伏在草丛里,耐心等待着捕猎时机。

    Squatting down in the thick grass, the lion waited patiently for a hunt.

  20. 这只猫蹲伏在草丛里, 等着捉那只鸟。

    The cat was crouching in the grass, waiting for the bird.

  21. 母狮子在洞中蹲伏,少壮狮子在隐密处埋伏。

    Wilt thou hunt the prey for the lion? Or fill the appetite of the young lions

  22. 他们每个人都俯身贴近地面蹲伏着前进。

    They walked in a crouch, each bent over close to the ground.

  23. 然后迅速松开扶手, 随着浪走, 蹲伏站稳。

    Immediately afterwards, let go of the rails and stand in a stable crouch.

  24. 你蹲伏在消防通道上, 汗流浃背, 观察着浴室。

    You crouch on the fire escape, sweating in your dark clothes, staring into this bathroom.

  25. 他屈身蹲伏,不幸的人就倒在他强劲的爪下。

    He stoops, he crouches, And the unfortunate fall by his mighty claws.

  26. 他像狮子急要抓食,又像少壮狮子蹲伏在暗处。

    They are like a lion hungry for prey, like a great lion crouching in cover.

  27. 他在这儿已经蹲伏很久了,还没发现情况。

    He has been stationed here for a long time, but hasn't seen anything yet.

  28. 他在这儿已经蹲伏很久了,还没发现情况。

    He has been stationed here for a long time, but hasn't seen anything yet.

  29. 可以。但是不要有蹲伏的姿势或从事激烈活动。

    Yes. But don't stand in crouching positions or do strenuous activities.

  30. 防守队员蹲伏在击球手守卫的三柱门周围。

    The fielders crouch around the batsman's wicket.


  1. 问:蹲伏拼音怎么拼?蹲伏的读音是什么?蹲伏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蹲伏的读音是dūnfú,蹲伏翻译成英文是 To bend one's knees with the upper part of the body...



dūn fú 蹲伏 1.踞伏。 唐 张继 《城西虎跑寺》诗:“石势虎蹲伏,山形龙屈盘。” 明 徐弘祖 《徐霞客游记·浙游日记》:“东北石纍纍愈多,大者如狮象,小者如鹿豕,俱蹲伏平莽中,是为‘石浪’。” 《东周列国志》第一百二回:“迸开双睛,如两个血盏,目眥尽裂,迸血溅虎。虎蹲伏股栗,良久不敢动。”曹禺 《北京人》第二幕:“在那雪白而宽大的纸幕上由后面蓦地现出一个猿人的黑影,蹲伏在人的眼前。” 2.停留;伏居。 明 汤显祖 《次答邓远游渼兼怀李本宁观察六十韵》序:“予自辛丑蹲伏家食,得交秀水 令邓君远游。”