








1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……



汉语拼音:yú yóu fǔ zhōng




鱼在锅里游。比喻处境十分危险。《后汉书·张纲传》:“若鱼游釜中,喘息须臾间耳。” 釜(fǔ):锅。



  • 【解释】:釜:锅。鱼在锅里游。比喻处境危险,快要灭亡。
  • 【出自】:《后汉书·张纲传》:“若鱼游釜中,喘息须臾间耳。”
  • 【示例】:姜尚进山,似~,肉在几上。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义


  1. na.
  2. be like fish swimming in a cooking pot -- in imminent peril;at death'

  3. s door

  1. 把所有腌料拌匀, 加入鱼中腌2小时

    Marinate the salmon fillet for 2 hours.

  2. 能发出呱呱叫声的几种鱼中的一种

    any of several fishes that make a croaking noise

  3. 柳穿鱼中神经酰胺类成分的结构鉴定。

    Studies on the Ceramides of Linaria vulgaris Mill.

  4. 球烯河豚毒素, 毒药发现于河鲀毒素鱼中。

    Spheroidine Tetrodotoxin, the poison found in tetrodotoxic fishes.

  5. 吻部棘在一些鱼中,吻部上的中央背部结构。

    rostral spine A median dorsal structure on the snout in some fishes.

  6. 河豚鱼中河豚毒素的气相色谱质谱法测定

    Determination of tetrodotoxin in globefish by gas chromatographymass spectrometry.

  7. 桂鱼是淡水鱼中最好的品种, 孔府菜对桂鱼做法特殊。

    Mandarin fish is te best one of the fish. The chef fish in a special way.

  8. 桂鱼是淡水鱼中最好得品种,孔府菜对桂鱼做法特殊。

    Mandarin fish is te best one of the fish. The chef fish in a special way.

  9. 酱状物从坚果,种子或鱼中提炼油后所剩的酱状物

    Pulpy material remaining after the extraction of oil from nuts,seeds,or fish.

  10. 这条鱼是在这个湖里所捕到得鱼中最大得一条。

    The fish was far and away the biggest ever caught on the lake.

  11. 这条鱼是在这个湖里所捕到的鱼中最大的一条。

    The fish was far and away the biggest ever caught on the lake.

  12. 尤指大西洋石首鱼等头上多骨的几种鱼中的任意一种

    any of several fishes having a bony head,especially the Atlantic croaker

  13. 近年来, 人们开始在文昌鱼中探索免疫系统的起源和进化。

    Recently, it has been used to explore the origin and evolution of immune system.

  14. 而这些死鱼中的大部分都被加拿大黑雁与野鸭吃掉了。

    Canada geese and mallard ducks have eaten many of the dead fish.

  15. 而这些死鱼中得大部分都被加拿大黑雁与野鸭吃掉了。

    Canada geese and mallard ducks have eaten many of the dead fish.

  16. 这条河中鱼很多。

    Fish teem in the river.

  17. 聚氯乙烯树脂生产中鱼眼的防范措施

    Precautions against fish eye occurring in the production of PVC resin.

  18. 军舰被鱼雷击中,立即沉没。

    The warship was torpedoed and sank at once.

  19. 鲸被鱼叉射中后下潜。

    The whale dived as the harpoon struck it.

  20. 铜在鱼内脏中含量较高。

    In the viscera, the content of Cu is higher.

  21. 这艘船被鱼雷击中, 沉没了。

    The boat was struck by a torpedo and sank.

  22. 鲸鱼被鱼叉射中后潜入水中。

    The whale dived as the harpoon struck it.

  23. 船被鱼雷击中,船员逃上救生艇。

    The crew took to the lifeboats when the ship was torpedoed.

  24. 北美洲几个小狗鱼品种中的一种

    any of several North American species of small pike

  25. 体外循环心内手术中鱼精蛋白毒性不良反应的处置

    The management of adverse reaction to protamine during open heart operation under cardiopulmonary bypass

  26. 船被鱼雷击中时,船员逃上救生艇。

    The crew took to the lifeboats when the ship was torpedoed.

  27. 并成功检测出河豚鱼样品中的河豚毒素。

    Besides, the tetrodotoxin in the puffer fish sample had been successfully detected.

  28. 气相色谱法测定鱼组织中的久效磷

    To Determine Monocrotophos Level of Fish Tissue with GC

  29. 研究了从鱼腥草中提取黄酮的生产工艺。

    To study the productive technology of extracting flavonoids from Houttuynia cordata Thunb.

  30. 鱼圆是鱼糜制品中最具代表性的菜肴。

    Fish ball is a kind of dish representative of products of fish in most cases.



词目 鱼游釜中 发音 yú yóu fǔ zhōng 释义 釜:锅。鱼在锅里游。比喻处境危险,快要灭亡。 出处 《后汉书·张纲传》:“若鱼游釜中,喘息须臾间耳。” 示例 姜尚进山,似~,肉在几上。(明·许仲琳《封神演义》第九十一回) 用法 作谓语、宾语、定语;指快要灭亡 典故 东汉顺帝时,有个叫张婴的人聚众杀了残暴的广陵(今江苏中部)太守、刺史以后,仍转战于扬州、徐州一带。一直过了十几年,朝廷捉拿不住。这时梁皇后的兄弟梁冀做了大将军。梁冀认命张纲为广陵太守。 张纲到职以后改变了过去派兵征讨捉拿张婴的办法,而用诱降、抚慰等手段,张婴深受感动,终于带领起义队伍投降了。 张婴说:“由于我不能忍受刺史、太守的残暴压榨才聚众起义的。我知道这样做后好像鱼在锅里游不能久活啊(若鱼游釜中,喘息须臾间耳)!”