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1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……
汉语拼音:yān rán
南朝 梁 沉约 《四时白紵歌·夏白紵》:“嫣然宛转乱心神,非子之故欲谁因。” 宋 范成大 《岭上红梅》诗:“满城桃李各嫣然,寂寞倾城在空谷。” 明 王錂 《春芜记·瞥见》:“纤腰束素更嫣然,并香肩瑶阶踏遍。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·阿纤》:“视之,年十六七,窈窕秀弱,风致嫣然。”《红楼梦》第一一○回:“回头又看 宝琴 等也都是淡素妆饰,丰韵嫣然。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第一章:“而最漂亮的还是她那双忧郁的嫣然动人的眼睛。”
宋 苏轼 《续丽人行》:“若教回首却嫣然, 阳城 下蔡 俱风靡。” 宋 贺铸 《木兰花》词:“嫣然何啻千金价,意远态閒难入画。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·闺房记乐》:“至 乾隆 庚子正月二十二日花烛之夕,见瘦怯身材依然如昔,头巾既揭,相视嫣然。”
There played around her mouth, and beamed out of her eyes, a radiant and tender smile, that seemed gushing from the very heart of womanhood.
她的嘴角和眼波中散发出温柔的嫣然笑意,似是涌自她女性的心头。Guangzhou Daily News: Dou Jingtong inherited her mother 's singing talent, will consider her as Yanran fund Encore edition theme song?
广州日报:窦靖童遗传了妈妈的歌唱天赋,会考虑请她为嫣然基金再演唱一版主题曲吗?Her eyes enlarged , and she involuntarily smiled in his face.
她的眼睛睁得大大的,不知不觉地在他面前嫣然启齿。Smile geese such as return, return? Where? The wind tangled chaos sequence, ? A few anxious?
一笑嫣然雁如归,归?何处?晚霞风序乱如麻,乱?几愁?"sweet" Opera artistes drawn from the corner of the screen to Face as the main artistes, revealing a unique Chinese aesthetic.
《嫣然》取材自京剧花旦一角,画面以花旦脸谱为主体,透露出中国独有的艺术美感。He no words, just read his medical books, hoping that Li Yan Ran may feel disappointed to leave as soon as possible.
他没有言语,只是继续看他的医书,希望那李嫣然可以觉得没趣早日离开。One day, party boat came across a beautiful smart sweet promise, and she accidentally left behind picked up the wooden box.
一天,方小舟偶然遇到了聪明美貌的许嫣然,并且捡到了她不慎遗落的木盒子。The world, the flowers will bloom, fresh air, let me have the feeling of suffocation.
红尘滚滚,繁花依旧会嫣然绽放,清新的空气,让我有窒息的感觉。In that early morning rain Piaofei you that sweet smile back and I had abducted an innocent soul.
Your smile flecting and sweet, is like a bud ready to burst.
Your smile flecting and sweet, is like a bud ready to burst.
Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.
春花嫣然, 夏花绚烂, 秋花娴静, 冬花得傲然。
Spring flower beautiful, xia Huaxuan is sodden, qiu Huaxian is static, the winter spends loftily.
Spring flower beautiful, xia Huaxuan is sodden, qiu Huaxian is static, the winter spends loftily.
Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.
At this time, party boat is a sweet promise only to find the police.
她轻盈地向前走去, 对每个人都嫣然含笑。
She breezed along, smiling at everyone.
Her eyes enlarged, and she involuntarily smiled in his face.
让我擦亮你的双唇, 再添上一抹嫣然绯红。
Brush me across lips and I'll make them blush.
Maybe even give a little smile and ignite that twinkle in your eye.
Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.
慕容靖很头痛, 这李嫣然就是他家族为他布置地成亲对象。
Murong Jing was headache, which Li Yan Ran is his family arranged for him married objects.