




聚集:~少成多。处心~虑。~储。~愤。~郁。~怨。~愿。~累(lěi )。~攒。数学上指乘法运算的得数:~数。乘~。体~。容~。中医指儿童消化不良的病:这孩子有~。捏~。……



汉语拼音:yù jī







  1. 谓忧郁愤懑积聚于心。

    《后汉书·郎顗传》:“今宫人侍御,动以千计,或生而幽隔,人道不通,鬱积之气,上感皇天。” 宋 苏洵 《极乐院造六菩萨记》:“悲忧惨愴之气鬱积而未散,盖年四十有九而丧妻焉。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·珊瑚》:“母以鬱积病,委顿在床。” 魏巍 《东方》第四部第六章:“ 李能 心里郁积的愤怒,再也抑制不住地迸发出来。”

  2. 蓄积,积聚。

    唐 韩愈 《送廖道士序》:“气之所穷,盛而不过,必蜿蟺扶舆磅礴而鬱积。” 宋 范成大 《邵阳口路粗恶积雨馀泞难行》诗:“不知清淑气,果復曾鬱积?” 明 归有光 《浙江乡试录后序》:“夫天地之气,茂隆鬱积,薰为泰和。” 李大钊 《厌世心与自觉心》:“自杀之象……其酝酿郁积者,固非一朝一夕之故也。”



  1. He was silent for a long time, and then he said what I knew was in his mind.


  2. For a time I have forgotten the worries and irritations I was nurturing before. They have been washed away by the glories of the storm.


  3. It seemed she had harnessed her pent-up frustrations and energies of the past 3months to hurl angry words at me.


  4. The pool, worry, life is boring, so the ablation in the moonlight, only in the heart beating in the soft moonlight, mild and quiet.


  5. A lot of things pent-up, like clouds in the sky as they emerge and heavy, my heart becomes uneasy.


  6. Conclusion: Integrated treatment epididymis pool of treatment can significantly improve the clinical efficacy.


  7. With so many emotions in his head and heart he couldn't do anything else.


  8. Objectives: To explore the application of comprehensive treatment of the epididymis pool of clinical efficacy.


  9. The occurrence of plaque blood fluid does not stagnate, due to stasis in the upper body.


  1. 防止血液郁积

    preventing the blood from pooling

  2. 郁积多年的怨恨

    resentment that has been stored up over years

  3. 怨恨已郁积多年。

    The resentment has been stored up over years.

  4. 她心中郁积着愤怒。

    She smouldered with resentment.

  5. 怒气郁积愚者胸中。

    Anger rusts in the bosom of folly.

  6. 胆汁郁积性黄胆

    cholestatic jaundice

  7. 胆汁郁积胆汁分泌物的郁积阻塞

    Suppression of biliary flow.

  8. 郁积在她心中的怒火

    wrath that garners in her heart

  9. 胆汁郁积性肝硬变

    Cholestatic cirrhosis

  10. 彬彬有礼表面下郁积的愤恨。

    Hatred smouldered beneath a polite surface.

  11. 别让你的怨恨郁积起来。

    Don't let your resentment build up.

  12. 郁积性含铁血黄素沉积病

    hypostatic haemosiderosis

  13. 他极力克制郁积在心中的怒气。

    He managed to subdue his mounting anger.

  14. 怒火已在他心中郁积了多年。

    Anger had smoldered inside him for years.

  15. 在其结构中依然郁积着全球对抗。

    In its structure, global confrontation continues to smolder.

  16. 说不定他们在心底正郁积着不满情绪。

    Resentment may be brewing deep in their hearts.

  17. 通货膨胀引起了一种郁积的不满情绪。

    The inflation gave birth to a smoldering feeling of discontent

  18. 血清胆酸与妊娠肝内胆汁郁积症

    Serum bile acid in intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy

  19. 郁积在他心中的委屈,终于倾诉出来了。

    He finally poured out all the grievances that he'd kept repressed.

  20. 郁积在他心中的委屈,终于倾诉出来了。

    He finally poured out all the grievances that he'd kept repressed.

  21. 这是一团火, 一团郁积着得, 但又急欲焚烧得火。

    It was a fire, a hungry but eager fire.

  22. 这是一团火, 一团郁积着的, 但又急欲焚烧的火。

    It was a fire, a hungry but eager fire.

  23. 治疗目标首要减少淋巴郁积及其衍生的并发症。

    We report a case of elephantiasis nostras verrucosa without adequate care before effectively managed by simple treatment.

  24. 提供了超声波治疗附睾郁积症安全性资料。

    This study provides a reliable safety data for treatment of epididymal stasis by ultrasound.

  25. 伴有尿液郁积的阻塞还能导致黄褐色的结石形成。

    Obstruction with stasis also led to the formation of the yellowbrown calculus.

  26. 所有组中有相似的全部死亡率和胆汁郁积的发病率。

    All groups had similar overall mortality and incidence of cholestasis.

  27. 所有组中有相似得全部死亡率和胆汁郁积得发病率。

    All groups had similar overall mortality and incidence of cholestasis.

  28. 一股必须发泄出来否则将郁积于心的愤怒情绪。

    An anger that must find outlet or fester inwardly.

  29. 活血利湿方治疗郁积性皮炎40例疗效观察

    Clinical Observation on Treatment of 40 Cases of Stasis Dermatitis with Drugs for Activating Blood Circulation and Removing Dampness

  30. 斑的发生是气血津液不凝滞,郁积在上半身所致。

    The occurrence of plaque blood fluid does not stagnate, due to stasis in the upper body.


  1. 问:郁积拼音怎么拼?郁积的读音是什么?郁积翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郁积的读音是yùjī,郁积翻译成英文是 repress

  2. 问:郁积的拼音怎么拼?郁积的的读音是什么?郁积的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:郁积的的读音是,郁积的翻译成英文是 pent




拼音:yù jí 基本

解释: [pent-up] 指忧郁愤懑积聚于心