


1. 虫 [chóng]虫 [chóng]节肢动物的一类:昆~。益~。雕~小技(喻微不足道的技能)。动物的通称:大~(老虎)。长~(蛇)。介~(有介壳的虫子)。……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:chóng zi






  1. 昆虫和类似昆虫的小动物。

    洪深 《青龙潭》第一幕:“ 庄炳文 :‘刚才 马老爹 说,惟独他的树上出不得虫子;唉,我们树上也是出不得虫子的!虫子不是吃我们的樱桃,是在那里吃我们的肉!’”



  1. As to methane-eating bugs, a look at the planet as a whole again seems to rule that possibility out.


  2. When the head of the giant software corporation refused to kowtow to the swami, he was promptly transformed into a little bug.


  3. On his way, he saw an insect crawling in the middle of the path.


  4. I discover to have tranche leaf the over - is bitten by the lac son of "kilo Chuang 100 holes" of, the leaf seems to be very ragged.


  5. 'What's that? 'the worm thinks, 'there must be something strange out of the wall. 'he is afraid, so, he retract into the core again.


  6. But that winter he did not put them in a warm place. The cold weather killed all the worms.


  7. But as he watched the cows, Hector was amazed to see that they just ate the grass and missed all the bugs.


  8. I can see a kind of worm opening up in front of me, but let's see if I can do this.


  9. Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth and rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal.


  1. 虫子和太阳

    The Worm and the Sun.

  2. 虫子很烦人。

    Bugs are annoying.

  3. 虫子来播种。

    The bug plats seeds.

  4. 给狗打虫子

    to worm the dog.

  5. 陆栖的虫子

    terricolous worms.

  6. 这狗长虫子。

    The dog has worms.

  7. 谁会得到虫子?

    Who gets the worm

  8. 内货发现虫子

    Worm found out in the bag.

  9. 虫子可作诱饵。

    A worm will serve as bait.

  10. 我害怕小虫子。

    I am terrified of small insects.

  11. 男孩儿救了虫子。

    The boy saves the bug.

  12. 女人讨厌虫子。

    Women hate bugs. Even the strong willed ones need a manaroundwhen theres a spider or a wasp involved.

  13. 被虫子吃掉了

    to be consumed of worms

  14. 那些虫子咬人吗?

    Do those insects sting?

  15. 这类虫子吃泥土。

    This worm eat earth.

  16. 天堂里也有虫子。

    There are bugs in heaven.

  17. 天堂里也有虫子。

    There are bugs in heaven.

  18. 耳朵里进虫子了。

    An insect got into my ear.

  19. 鸽子对绿虫子说。

    He said to the green worm.

  20. 很多可怕的虫子

    Many worms sneak hither and thither

  21. 她用报纸拍虫子。

    She flapped a newspaper at the insect.

  22. 冬天多数虫子作茧。

    Most worms cocoon in winter.

  23. 清理创口上的虫子

    to clean the parasites out of that wound.

  24. 除掉虫子可不容易。

    It is difficult to get rid of insects.

  25. 用于虫子叮咬得氨水?

    Ammonia applied to bug bites?

  26. 用于虫子叮咬的氨水?

    Ammonia applied to bug bites?

  27. 这是一只虫子。嗖!

    And this is a bug. Zap!

  28. 那些虫子仍然很活跃。

    The worms are still alive and kicking.

  29. 有的虫子对庄稼无害。

    Some insects are not injurious to crops.

  30. 那可真是个大虫子

    That's a big bug bite.


  1. 问:虫子拼音怎么拼?虫子的读音是什么?虫子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虫子的读音是chóngzi,虫子翻译成英文是 insect or worm; bug


