







汉语拼音:qiā zhù



  1. He took the bird by the neck, threw it to the ground and started kicking and stomping on the peacock, said worker Felicia Finnegan, 19.


  2. You look marvelous in your festival robes, my dear. So you noticed. At least I don't sing like a rooster with a sore throat!


  3. I was on my back in a couple of inches of mud, grasping him with all my strength, one hand around his throat.


  4. Her fingers catch the skin on her brother's neck as she hauls him backward by the collar.


  5. It was like a hand pinching an arm numbed by an injection.


  6. He got on top of the wolf and held its mouth closed. Then he bit it with his last strength. The wolf's blood streamed into his mouth.


  7. Don't let any of these figures come up behind you and put their cold hands round your throat.


  8. 'Like a fox chewing a bone, Goldman Sachs knows the rules of the game and when to go for your neck, ' it says.


  9. Unemployment would grip France and there would be a massive surplus of labour that would be readily exploited by organized capital.


  1. 掐住某人得颈部。

    grab sb by the throat

  2. 掐住某人的颈部。

    grab sb by the throat

  3. 我掐住他的脖子。

    I grabbed him by the neck.

  4. 从坟墓里爬出来掐住我

    Reaching out from the grave to screw with me.

  5. 从坟墓里爬出来掐住我。

    Reaching out from the grave to screw with me.

  6. 掐住喉咙以使窒息而死掐死。

    To kill by squeezing the throat so as to choke or suffocate throttle.

  7. 抓住某人的胳臂、掐住某人的脖子等。

    Catch sb by the ARM, throat, scruff of the neck, etc.

  8. 掐住气管而使人窒息的行为。

    the act of suffocating by constricting the windpipe.

  9. 钢叉似的指头掐住了他的喉管。

    Fingers like prongs of steel dug into his throat.

  10. 抓住某人得胳臂, 掐住某人得脖子等。

    Catch sb by the ARM, throat, scruff of the neck, etc.

  11. 他恨不能双手掐住她的脖子,掐!

    If only he could put his hands around her neck and choke her!

  12. 他掐住他妻子的咽喉,开始扼死她。

    He grasped his wife by the throat and started to choke the life out of her.

  13. 第一回合中, 他掐住了对手得脖子。

    He choked his oppponent out in the first round.

  14. 第一回合中,他掐住了对手的脖子。

    He choked his oppponent out in the first round.

  15. 第一回合中,他掐住了对手的脖子。

    He choked his oppponent out in the first round.

  16. 他一手掐住我的脖子一手来回扇我巴掌!

    He had a paw on my throat and with the other, he was slapping me!

  17. 通过掐住或堵住喉咙或气管而阻碍呼吸。

    Choke To interfere with the respiration of by compression or obstruction of the larynx or trachea.

  18. 掐住她的喉咙带走你的女儿并且绑架她

    Grab her by the throat, get your daughter and kidnap her

  19. 阿奇得手指就一把掐住他得细脖子。

    Then Arch's fingers squeezed his thin neck.

  20. 阿奇的手指就一把掐住他的细脖子。

    Then Arch's fingers squeezed his thin neck.

  21. 阻止通过掐住或堵住喉咙或气管而阻碍呼吸

    To interfere with the respiration of by compression or obstruction of the larynx or trachea.

  22. 愿爱掐住你的脖子, 逼你唇上绽出微笑。

    May love catch you by the throat and force your lips break into a smile.

  23. 他猛地把我扑倒在地,用双手掐住我的喉咙。

    He hawked on me and clutched my throat with his two hands.

  24. 现代代议民主在许多国家被强权掐住了喉咙。

    Modern representative democracies are being strangled in many countries by powerful interests.

  25. 她用手指掐住丹尼的后脖子, 拽住他的领子往后拉。

    Her fingers catch the skin on her brothers neck as she hauls him backward by the collar.

  26. 他一下抓住了那个人的喉咙,狠狠地掐住不松手。

    He got his fingers to the man's throat and squeezed.

  27. 双方随时可能在巴尔的摩大街上掐住对方的脖子。

    A sanguinary encounter seemed daily imminent between the two parties in the street of Baltimore.

  28. 这就像一只手掐住了扎针引起麻木的胳膊一样。

    It was like a hand pinching an arm numbed by an injection.

  29. 我要她走得更近一些, 好让我用双手掐住她的脖子。

    I wanted her to come close enough for me to get her neck between my hands.

  30. 那个人吃惊地喊了一声, 费利克斯掐住了他的喉咙。

    The man gave a shout of surprise and then Feliks had him by the throat.