如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
汉语拼音:rì yòng
Think, also, of the ladies of the land weaving toilet cushions against the last day, not to betray too green an interest in their fates!
再请想一想,这个大陆上的妇人们,编织着梳妆用的软垫,以便临死之日用,对她们自己的命运丝毫也不关心!He made a daily raft out of the towel stand, the tea tray, and his pillows.
他用手巾架、茶盘和枕头做了一只日用的木筏。Trade statistics showed the plant made of ivory button once 20% market share, so it was one of the main commodities.
贸易统计资料显示植物象牙制作的扣子曾一度占市场份额的20%,因此它是当时的主要日用品之一。While you may need a trip or two to the store for some supplies, much of your decorating will involve re-purposing what you've already got.
除了可能往商店跑一两趟买一些日用品外,大部分的布置可以用现成的物品来完成。About the scope of how much is acceptable? [Including normal daily] The answer is, please specify the city, please?
大概在多少钱的范围内可以接受呢?[包括平时的日用品]回答是请写明所在的城市好吗?He said the applications would be for "very large general merchandise retailers, and very large electronics retailers" .
他表示,这些应用软件适合于“超大型日用商品零售商和超大型电子产品零售商”。I helped him for a little over a month in return for money I used to pay bills and buy groceries.
我在那个月里帮了他一点儿小忙,用他给我的钱去付账单和买日用品。A quadriplegic woman sailor set off on a solo journey around the British Isles June 16, 2008 in a boat she controls with her breath.
一位四肢痲痹的女船手6月16日用她的呼吸控制一艘风帆,将独自绕英伦三岛环行一周。Gemstones , treasured throughout time for their beauty and value, have always been a sought-after commodity.