


游戏:~耍。~笑。~兴(xìng )。~具。~偶。戏弄,搬弄:~弄。~狎。~花招儿。观赏:~赏。~味。瞻~。~物丧志。可供观赏的东西:古~。轻视,忽视:~忽职守。~世不恭。……


动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……



汉语拼音:wán mìng




1.玩忽命令。宋 叶适《终论五》:“张浚 之始用也,少年狂疏,恩信未足以感士,智勇未足以服人,蹙迫强项玩命之将,一举而失 关 陕,蜀 之全者幸耳。”

2.犹拚命。亦谓行动不顾危险,拿着性命当儿戏。老舍《神拳》第一幕:“高永义:‘我们要是玩命呢?’夜猫子:‘玩命?你们的命值几个小钱一条呢?’”杨朔《北线》十四:“﹝ 罗列戎 ﹞也知道要走过二百多里的解放区是刀尖上翻觔斗,玩命的事。”



  1. 玩忽命令。

    宋 叶适 《终论五》:“ 张浚 之始用也,少年狂疏,恩信未足以感士,智勇未足以服人,蹙迫强项玩命之将,一举而失 关 陕 , 蜀 之全者幸耳。”

  2. 犹拚命。亦谓行动不顾危险,拿着性命当儿戏。

    老舍 《神拳》第一幕:“ 高永义 :‘我们要是玩命呢?’ 夜猫子 :‘玩命?你们的命值几个小钱一条呢?’” 杨朔 《北线》十四:“﹝ 罗列戎 ﹞也知道要走过二百多里的解放区是刀尖上翻觔斗,玩命的事。”



  1. I worked hard for that scholarship by busting my ass to get good grades. I earned that scholarship. They didn't hand it to me for nothing.


  2. We need to show a bit of humility and accept that if we're not the Liverpool of yore, we'll work hard to try and become it.


  3. Death than training, too few people than Yao Ming , on this point, Yao admitted.


  4. As if an artist, playing with life, gloats at the Medusa gaze he creates with blood.


  5. Of course, there are exceptions: I've known elite cyclists who have awful diets and party late into the night and win races the next day.


  6. When coincidentally three Cubans hijacked a ferry in a desperate attempt to get to Florida, they were executed.


  7. Sollozzo is really damn smart. He's playing this close to the vest, so close that he's not using any men as a cover.


  8. My mother was such a hoon that my dad hid the car keys and would not let her drive.


  9. The film about a group of desperate, death-defying prisoner, downright bad luck hit a parolee, had a can of air to escape.


  1. 冒险,玩命

    Dice with.

  2. 斗牛士们在玩命。

    The bullfighters are flirting with death.

  3. 他们玩命的干。

    They worked like the devil.

  4. 攀登那悬崖是玩命。

    It's tempting God to climb that cliff.

  5. 为了赚钱我玩命工作!

    I work real hard to collect my cash!

  6. 为了赚钱我玩命工作!

    I work real hard to collect my cash!

  7. 它们是残忍的,玩命的家伙。

    These are ruthless and desperate creatures.

  8. 你干嘛让她这么玩命?

    Why are you working her so hard?

  9. 你干嘛让她这么玩命?

    Why are you working her so hard?

  10. 我指挥这种玩命的事儿。

    I ran the damn show.

  11. 他像玩命似地胡乱开车。

    He drives very dangerously.

  12. 菲尔超重, 焦虑, 工作太玩命。

    Phil was overweight and nervous and worked too hard.

  13. 我玩命工作,来养育我的儿女

    I'm working my ass off so I can take care of my children.

  14. 别那么玩命,冒险时要谨慎些。

    Tone down your kamikaze tendencies and take more prudent risks.

  15. 我还会从走廊里玩命跑过来!

    And I'll come pelting down the corridor!

  16. 我想他们有可能会来玩命的。

    I think they'll try something desperate.

  17. 我已经非常玩命地做这个项目了!

    We've worked darned hard on this project!

  18. 我不在时, 你工作可不要太玩命。

    Try to not to work hard around on my away.

  19. 于是, 狠赌一把, 玩命似地贪污, 受贿。

    So, ruthless gamble your life Side of corruption and bribery.

  20. 这简直是在玩命啊, 我们是在和死神赛跑。

    We're cheating death now, that's what we're doing.

  21. 驾驶那辆轮胎磨损的汽车简直是玩命。

    Driving that car with those worn tires would be taking your life in your hands.

  22. 绝对不要玩命, 表演像放手骑单车得特技。

    Never again pull a stunt like riding a bicycle no hands.

  23. 绝对不要玩命,表演像放手骑单车的特技。

    Never again pull a stunt like riding a bicycle no hands.

  24. 驾驶那辆轮胎破损的车子简直是在玩命。

    Driving that car with those worn tires would be taking your life in your hands.

  25. 麦克唐纳开起车来像个玩命的疯子。

    MacDonald drove like a madman.

  26. 你不得不玩命地来抵御纳什的进攻组织。

    You have to play at a ridiculously efficient level to trump Nashs offensive production.

  27. 她觉得再次进行那艰难的攀登就是去玩命。

    She felt it would be tempting fate to try the difficult climb a second time.

  28. 在这样恶劣的天气情况下, 别冒险玩命去登山。

    Don't dice with death by climbing up the mountain in such bad weather.

  29. 我玩命地工作的时候我老板竟然在酒馆里悠哉游哉。

    I was working my ass off when my boss kicked back in the pub.

  30. 你的人民都在玩命啊,公主。你会答应我的要求吗?

    Your people are running for their lives, princess.Will you comply with my request?


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    答:玩命鸳鸯的读音是,玩命鸳鸯翻译成英文是 Zyzzyx Road

  2. 问:玩命关头5拼音怎么拼?玩命关头5的读音是什么?玩命关头5翻译成英文是什么?

    答:玩命关头5的读音是,玩命关头5翻译成英文是 Fast Five