


把东西送进口中咽下,或依靠某种事物生活:~饭。~药。~斋。消灭(多用于军事、棋奕):~掉敌人一个连。吸:~烟。感受:~惊。~紧。~一堑,长(zhǎng )一智。挨:~官司。承受,支持:~不消。船身入水的深度:~水深浅。被:~那厮砍了一刀。说……











  1. At this point, Confucius "To be benevolent love" principles of humanity Suiwei against humanity of "man-eating manners" by the killing.


  2. "This could be a good solution, " she added, reminding that cannibalism does not always mean the cannibal killed the consumed individual.


  3. The name Rapunzel was chosen to remind people of the importance of eating good, wholesome food, just as it was depicted in the fairy tale.


  4. It may simply be the case that we're in the last stages of seeing animals, such as the lion, living outside any sort of protected area.


  5. It's pretty frightening to see something that's not even supposed to be alive suddenly start moving around and eating people.


  6. And it would not be wise for you to eat people food. It might even be dangerous!


  7. You know that she is in a movie in which sharks eat people; she thinks that she is living a normal life.


  8. In the famine in human history, people eat people things have happened, and people always did not change to the wolves.


  9. I did not hesitate to pull out of a big bank notes, to the blood of cannibalism not seen the owner.


  1. 吃人的文化

    androphagous culture.

  2. 晚餐少吃人长寿。

    Light supper makes long life.

  3. 喜欢吃人的巨人

    a giant who likes to eat human beings

  4. 短吻鳄喜欢吃人。

    Alligators love to eat human flesh.

  5. 这些野人是吃人的。

    The savages were cannibals.

  6. 我们悠久的人吃人传统

    Our Time Honored Tradition Of Cannibalism

  7. 呀!我简直要吃人了!

    Oh!I'm simply ravenous!

  8. 如果想吃人,老早就吃了。

    If he had wanted to, he would've already done it.

  9. 噢, 天哪。怪兽正在吃人。

    Sandy Oh, no the monster is eating somebody!

  10. 真正的僵尸吃人肉喝人血

    Real zombie eats human blood and flesh

  11. 至少没见到吃人的怪兽。

    at least the kind that eat you.

  12. 是这样的,按说僵尸是只吃人的

    It's like this, normally zombie just eats human

  13. 他们被迫人吃人以求活下去。

    They were forced to practise cannibalism in order to survive.

  14. 会走会躲会害怕会有情绪会吃人

    It can run and hide. It has fears and emotions. It can eat you, you know.

  15. 人吃人不只是可能,而且是事实。

    Cannibalism became a reality rather than just a possibility.

  16. 老虎是吃人的,你不知道吗?

    A tiget eats man for food, you know?

  17. 这样, 你将吃掉那吃人的死神。

    So shall thou feed on death, that feeds on men.

  18. 像是吃人的安全系统之类的?

    Like a security system that eats people?

  19. 那个救生艇上,海上吃人的案件。

    the lifeboat case, the case of cannibalism at sea.

  20. 如果那头狮子驯服不吃人的话。

    If it was a tame lion.

  21. 吃胎盘到底是不是吃人, 如何看待胎盘?

    Eat the placenta to eat to people on earth, how to think about the placenta?

  22. 唉!别提那吃人的旧世道了。

    Hm! Lets not talk about that maneatman society.

  23. 他的邻居吃人够够,但他从不抱怨。

    His neighbors walk all over him, but he never complains.

  24. 吃人肉在文明国家是被禁止的。

    Eating human flesh is a taboo in civilized countries.

  25. 你不吃人,人就吃你这就是真本生意经。

    Do other men, for they would do you; that's the true business precept.

  26. 这些天鹅会吃光鱼中之鱼, 会吞吃人中之人。

    These Swans will eat up fish inside fish and they will swallow men inside men.

  27. 吃人的动物吃人的或据传说吃人肉的动物,如老虎

    an animal,such as a tiger,that eats or is reputed to eat human flesh

  28. 在神话故事中, 魔鬼很残忍而且吃人。

    In fairy stories, the ogre is cruel and eats people.

  29. 他既是神, 却同时又是吃人的鬼怪

    He was at the same time a deity and an ogre

  30. 也许那儿有一只巨大的吃人的野兽。

    Perhaps there is a great beast there which eats men.


  1. 问:吃人拼音怎么拼?吃人的读音是什么?吃人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吃人的读音是,吃人翻译成英文是 exploitative

  2. 问:吃人肉拼音怎么拼?吃人肉的读音是什么?吃人肉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吃人肉的读音是,吃人肉翻译成英文是 cannibalize

  3. 问:吃人肉的拼音怎么拼?吃人肉的的读音是什么?吃人肉的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:吃人肉的的读音是,吃人肉的翻译成英文是 cannibal