







汉语拼音:liǎng xià








  1. 双方;两方面。

    《穀梁传·昭公八年》:“两下相杀,不志乎《春秋》。” 唐 柳宗元 《驳复仇议》:“今若取此以断两下相杀,则合於礼矣。”《三国演义》第八回:“ 貂蝉 送酒与 布 ,两下眉来眼去。” 吴组缃 《山洪》二:“有一次因为派捐, 三官 提出质问,两下发生争执。”

  2. 有屋脊房屋的前后两檐。

    《礼记·檀弓上》“见若覆夏屋者矣” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“ 殷 人以来,始屋四阿, 夏 家之屋,唯两下而已。”

  3. 指办法或本领。如:你还真有两下。参见“ 两下子 ”。



  1. Taking the door ring in his hand, he gave two gentle knocks, then four more after a pause, and finally three more.


  2. Then we will give our daughters to you and take your daughters to us and go on living with you as one people.


  3. The next day as the village clock struck twice, announcing the hour of noon, a bearded man came up the street toward the sheriff's office.


  4. In the body of a message, pressing the Space bar twice inserts a period and capitalizes the next word.


  5. Double-click the dialog box to which you want to add the member variable to open it in the Dialog editor.


  6. First her eyes latch onto mine, then her head swings around in a mechanical two-step.


  7. but passing his hand across his forehead as if to dispel his revery , he rang the bell twice and bertuccio entered.


  8. Then we will give our daughters to you, and we will take your daughters for ourselves, and we will live with you and become one people.


  9. Ha! " she laughed. She bumped twice into the bed as she started examining the cover of the book. "


  1. 我们两下就好

    Oh, we'll be done in like two seconds.

  2. 两下都没意见。

    Neither of them has any objection.

  3. 连按两下,快点

    Hit it twice!Hurry up!

  4. 他筛了两下锣。

    He beats the gong twice.

  5. 山姆眨了两下眼睛。

    Sam blinked his eye twice.

  6. 精灵拍了手两下

    The genie clapped his hands two times.

  7. 还亲了妈妈两下, 我确定。

    And two for his mammy, I trow.

  8. 其实我挨两下也可以的。

    In fact me to endure two also able to.

  9. 先敲两下,再一下,再敲两下,对吧?

    Two knocks, then one, and two knocks again. right?

  10. 这儿没焊好, 再找补两下。

    The welding is faulty here. Lets touch it up.

  11. 这衣服没洗干净,再搋两下。

    These clothes haven't been washed clean. Let me give them another rub or two.

  12. 暗号是在蒸气管上敲两下。

    The signal was two beats on the steam pipe.

  13. 轻拍两下右下角扬声器图标。

    Double click the speaker icon at the right bottom corner.

  14. 有人在门上轻轻敲了两下。

    There came two taps at the door.

  15. 我儿子托比也要来玩两下

    My boy Toby's going to take some swings.

  16. 按两下回车键,留出一条空行。

    Press return twice to leave a blank line.

  17. 他们商议决定以资抵债,两下扯平。

    They decided to settle their debts with their creditors, and call it quits.

  18. 他们商议决定以资抵债,两下扯平。

    They decided to settle their debts with their creditors, and call it quits.

  19. 那骡子照骆驼的肋部踢了两下。

    The mule caught the cameltwo kicks in the ribs.

  20. 他三下两下就把那个坏蛋放倒了。

    With just a few blows, he knocked the hooligan down to the ground.

  21. 不是, 我在一个阶梯上踩了两下。

    No, I have stepped the step twice. came the bitter answered.

  22. 我们两下读书都有不加选择的习惯。

    Both of us have indiscriminate reading habits.

  23. 因为用剪子的人在剪下远离时要用两下

    Since two snips were needed for keep away

  24. 高手过招,只是比划两下很难分胜负。

    It is hard to find out who is the stronger one in a contest between two masters.

  25. 高手过招,只是比划两下很难分胜负。

    It is hard to find out who is the stronger one in a contest between two masters.

  26. 我腿上发痒,你能不能过来帮我抓两下?

    I have an itching in one leg, can you come and scratch it?

  27. 魔术师可不是随便玩两下的,他们下了苦功钻研。

    Magicians do not dabble, they work hard.

  28. 守门员先把球拍了两下,然後一脚踢出。

    The goalkeeper bounced the ball twice before kicking it.

  29. 用滑鼠在此安装程式上点两下,进行安装。

    Double Click the exe file to install the ScreenSaver.

  30. 守门员先把球拍了两下, 然后一脚踢出。

    The goalkeeper bounced the ball twice before kicking it.


  1. 问:两下子拼音怎么拼?两下子的读音是什么?两下子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两下子的读音是liǎngxiàzi,两下子翻译成英文是 a few times; a few tricks of the trade