













  1. Thousands of people began to call in, swamping the 911 dispatchers with reports of sonic booms and metal falling out of the sky.


  2. From protection against enemies to social security to sonic booms, insurance has come a long way.


  3. When this happens, a shock wave hits the earth and may break windows or cause ceilings to crack.


  4. If you're not near an airport used by jets, you may not need to worry about sonic booms, but some people do suffer damage in this way.


  5. Cathode Ray Tube transducer fundamental frequency sonic boom single-shot raster attenuator particle phosphor vibrating grading pervade


  1. 深部岩爆的声发射监测及数值模拟

    Detection or Sound Reflection in Rockburst at Deep Mining and Numerical Simulation

  2. 砰的一声爆开伴随短促,尖利的爆炸声炸开

    To burst open with a short,sharp,explosive sound.

  3. 接着乘客们就听到了被描述为类似爆竹的振爆声。

    Passengers then heard what were described as popping noises similar to the sound of firecrackers.

  4. 气球砰地一声爆了。

    The Balloon popped.

  5. 灯泡砰的一声爆了。

    The light bulb went pop.

  6. 烟火砰的一声爆开。

    The firework exploded with a loud bang.

  7. 焰火砰的一声爆开了。

    The fireworks went off with a bang.

  8. 烟火砰的一声爆开了。

    The firework exploded with a loud bang.

  9. 烟火砰得一声爆开了。

    The firework exploded with a loud bang .

  10. 一只气球突然砰地一声爆了。

    A balloon suddenly went bang.

  11. 一声爆响, 把那些马吓跑了。

    The noise of the explosion made the horses bolt.

  12. 现在, 有些保险公司将对声爆对人们造成得损害保险。

    Now there are companies that will insure people for damage caused by a sonic boom.

  13. 她用别针在汽球上扎了一下,汽球砰的一声爆掉了。

    She pricked the balloon with a pin and it burst with a loud bang.

  14. 接着又是一声爆鸣, 又一个戴着兜帽得人出现了。

    With a second and louder pop, another hooded figure materialized.

  15. 接着又是一声爆鸣,又一个戴着兜帽的人出现了。

    With a second and louder pop, another hooded figure materialized.

  16. 发动机爆声

    engine knock.

  17. 消声器爆声

    explosion in silencer.

  18. 手枪的爆声很尖锐。

    The crack of a rifle is very sharp.

  19. 手枪得爆声很尖锐。

    The crack of a rifle is very sharp.

  20. 爆声雾警信号发送装置

    firing jib

  21. 马达发出空爆声, 接着停下来。

    The motors coughed and packed up.

  22. 每方营火爆声和男人唱歌。

    On every side was the sound of campfires crackling and men singing.

  23. 他找出发动机爆声的毛病所在。

    He diagnosed the trouble that caused the engine knock.

  24. 对导火索速燃及爆声问题的探讨

    The Problem of Quick Burning and Explosive Sound for the Blasting Fuse

  25. 愚昧人的笑声,好像锅下烧荆棘的爆声。

    Like the crackling of thorns under the pot, so is the laughter of fools.

  26. 如果点火时间过长,发动机就会发出爆声。

    The car pinged when the ignition was too far retarded.

  27. 如果点火时间过长,发动机就会发出爆声。

    The car pinged when the ignition was too far retarded.

  28. 我能听见来福枪得爆发声。

    I could hear rifles explode.

  29. 车子得引擎发出一点点爆震声。

    The car engine was pinking slightly.

  30. 车子的引擎发出一点点爆震声。

    The car engine was pinking slightly.


  1. 问:声爆拼音怎么拼?声爆的读音是什么?声爆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:声爆的读音是,声爆翻译成英文是 Sonic boom

  2. 问:声爆影响区拼音怎么拼?声爆影响区的读音是什么?声爆影响区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:声爆影响区的读音是shēng bào yǐng xiǎng qū,声爆影响区翻译成英文是 bang zone