













  1. 谓天色阴沉。

    《宋书·五行志二》:“ 太康 五年六月旱。此年正月,天阴,解而復合。” 唐 高适 《苦雪》诗之一:“二月犹北风,天阴雪冥冥。”《儿女英雄传》第三一回:“不怕夜黑天阴,看着那人家是明亮亮的。”



  1. The day was cloudy but the sun was trying to come through.

  2. When the sky is overcast, the horizon disappears into a sea of cloud.

  3. When the sky is overcast, the horizon disappears into the sea of clouds.

  4. It is overcast this day! Appear the light of several in the cloud! Have seen? That batman stands there!

  5. Pretty soon it darkened up and begun to thunder and lighten.

  6. The balance between Yin and Yang is lost, and diseases are more likely to spread.

  7. The sun was crying, so cloudy, wind was ring, so rain.

  8. The day of his funeral was overcast and raining.

  9. But, if it's a cloudy day, he stays out and spring will come soon.


  1. 天阴得厉害。

    It's a very overcast day.

  2. 天阴得厉害。

    It's a very overcast day.

  3. 昨天天阴, 多雾。

    It was foggy and gray yesterday.

  4. 昨天天阴,多雾。

    It was foggy and gray yesterday .

  5. 天阴,所以我带了把伞。

    The sky was cloudy, so I took my umbrella.

  6. 天阴上来了,今天下午也许有雨。

    It's clouding up. Maybe it'll rain this afternoon.

  7. 天阴得这么厉害,说不准是要下雨了。

    It's so cloudy, there might be rain.

  8. 天阴得这么厉害,说不准是要下雨了。

    It's so cloudy, there might be rain.

  9. 一会儿天阴得很黑。紧跟着就是打雷打闪。

    Pretty soon it darkened up and begun to thunder and lighten.

  10. 顿时, 天阴了下来, 隐隐约约可看见那边的星移斗转。

    Suddenly, cloudy, can see indistinctly there across time.

  11. 顿时,天阴了下来,隐隐约约可看见那边得星移斗转。

    Suddenly, cloudy, can see indistinctly there across time.

  12. 为他举行葬礼的这天,天阴得很,而且下着雨。

    The day of his funeral was overcast and raining.

  13. 如果天阴,它看不到自己的影子,便呆在地面上。

    If the day is cloudy, and it cannot see its shadow, it stays above the ground.

  14. 今天,天有点阴。

    Today, the weather was a little bit gloomy.

  15. 天一下阴了下来。

    It became overcast all of a sudden.

  16. 天有点阴 可能有雨。

    It's a bit overcast it might rain.

  17. 天有点阴, 可能下雨。

    Its a bit overcast it might rain.

  18. 天有点阴,可能下雨。

    Its a bit overcast it might rain.

  19. 今天多云,天有点阴。

    Today, cloudy, overcast days, a little bit.

  20. 天很阴,看不见山顶。

    It was so cloudy that the top of the mountain was invisible.

  21. 可是你看外面, 天是阴的。

    But look out Peter, it's cloudy now!

  22. 我们想看日落,但是天太阴了。

    We wanted to see the sunset but the sky was too cloudy.

  23. 我们想看日落,但是天太阴了。

    We wanted to see the sunset but the sky was too cloudy.

  24. 今天真不巧,刮风了,天也阴了。

    It's unfortunate that the wind is blowing and it is cloudy today.

  25. 天这么阴,看样子快要下雪了吧。

    It is so cloudy that it is clearly going to snow soon.

  26. 天这么阴,看样子快要下雪了吧。

    It is so cloudy that it is clearly going to snow soon.

  27. 现在天很阴,我估计马上要下雨了。

    It's cloudy now. I guess it's going to rain soon.

  28. 外面天很阴, 我们决定不去海边了。

    It was a grey day, and we decided not to go to the beach.

  29. 外面天很阴,我们决定不去海边了。

    It was a grey day, and we decided not to go to the beach.

  30. 北风吹, 冻得人生疼早上的天又阴又冷,

    Cold and raw the north wind doth blow Bleak in the morning early


  1. 问:天阴拼音怎么拼?天阴的读音是什么?天阴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天阴的读音是Tiān yīn,天阴翻译成英文是 it's cloudy

  2. 问:天阴了拼音怎么拼?天阴了的读音是什么?天阴了翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天阴了的读音是Tiān yīn le,天阴了翻译成英文是 it's clouding over

  3. 问:天阴四拼音怎么拼?天阴四的读音是什么?天阴四翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天阴四的读音是,天阴四翻译成英文是 Delta Arietis