


代,代理:代~。更(gēng )~。。~班。~身。~罪羊。为,给:~他送行。~古人担忧。衰废:兴(xīng )~。衰~。……





汉语拼音:tì rén








  1. 接替的人。

    唐 王梵志 《用钱索新妇》诗:“替人既到来,条録相分付。” 唐 封演 《封氏闻见记·推让》:“準例,替人五月五日以前到者得职田。” 清 黄景仁 《乌江吊项羽》诗:“好寻鬼母挥餘泪,自有 狮儿 作替人。”



  1. Perhaps it told the truth at the beginning, but later it was made as a scapegoat under press or for its interest or for both.


  2. For now, I'd like to share with you some blogs from real women who have chosen to be gestational surrogates.


  3. Whispering in her ear. The sense of secrecy, mysteriousness and excitement that comes from a whisper is very attractive.


  4. Xiang Yu with the two sides of a law license level best to help people fight divorce and fighting over the estate, there may be . . .


  5. Perform a random act of kindness. Hold up the door or point out the way for someone who seems lost.


  6. "Sixty-seven, " the coach-caller was saying, his voice lifted in a sort of euphonious cry. "Sixty-seven. "


  7. Ruling-party politicians complain that the lowly red shirts are paid proxies and do not represent mainstream opinion.


  8. Black- eyed gipsy girls , hooded in showy handkerchiefs, sallied forth to tell fortunes .


  9. After this, she had led a wandering life both in England and Scotland, sometimes under color of telling fortunes.


  1. 临时替人照看

    sit with

  2. 火中取栗 替人冒险

    Pull the chestnuts out of the fire

  3. 他替人做临时工。

    He does odd jobs for people.

  4. 替人代笔, 充当捉刀

    To engage in ghostwriting.

  5. 替人代笔,充当捉刀。

    To engage in ghostwriting.

  6. 替人擦鞋他都不配。

    He cannot hold a candle to him.

  7. 那个吉卜赛老妇人替人算命。

    That old Gipsy woman tells fortunes.

  8. 我也不再是替人打杂的副手。

    And I'm not a third chair associate anymore.

  9. 对某人的怜悯是替人不了爱的。

    Feeling sorry for someone is no substitute for love.

  10. 火中取栗 替人冒险玉米栗子刚刚抽穗。

    Pull the chestnuts out of the fire The maize and millet were just putting forth ears.

  11. 她替人洗衣以贴补微薄的收入。

    She eked out her small income by washing clothes for other people.

  12. 蜡烛有心还惜别,替人垂泪到天明。

    The candle has a wick just as we have a heart, All night long it sheds tears for us before we part.

  13. 一棵夏天的树,替人遮风挡雨。

    A tree in summer becomes a shelter against winds and rains.

  14. 他们以各种令人拍案叫绝的角度替人拍照。

    They photograph people from the most surprising angles.

  15. 到头来却要替人付更高的保险费。

    For mental duress end up picking up the tab in higher premiums.

  16. 她在家替人洗衣服, 以此勉强糊口度日。

    She scraped along by taking in washing.

  17. 裁缝师是替人做衣服的,特别指做男士衣服。

    A tailor is a person who makes clothing, especially for men.

  18. 小张喜欢研究纬书,常利用纬书替人算命。

    Xiao Zhang is fond of studying books about omens, and often uses them to tell fortunes for others.

  19. 不经?的许可,谁能在?那里替人说情呢?

    Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission ?

  20. 那位可怜的寡妇在家里替人洗衣服度日。

    The poor widow earns money by taking in washing.

  21. 那位可怜得寡妇在家里替人洗衣服度日。

    The poor widow earns money by taking in washing.

  22. 如果出了什么问题,我可不想替人背黑锅。

    I don't want to be left holding the bag if something goes wrong.

  23. 除了做完本职工作以外替人跑差使的雇员

    an employee who runs errands in addition to performing regular duties

  24. 最初她替人站柜台,后来自己开起了布店。

    Original she replaces person serve as a shop assistant, oneself leave later had cloth store.

  25. 她让我们等这么久,真是一点也不替人着想。

    It is thoughtless of her to keep us waiting so long.

  26. 她在家里替人洗衣服以贴补养老金之不足。

    She supplements her pension by taking in washing.

  27. 听差除了做完本职工作以外替人跑差使的雇员

    An employee who runs errands in addition to performing regular duties.

  28. 利奥妮的妈妈被迫在家替人洗衣服,以贴补家用。

    Leonie's mother was compelled to take in washing to help support her family.

  29. 玛丽做两份工。早上替人当保姆,下午做女招待。

    Mary does double duty. She is a babysitter in the morning and a waitress in the afternoon.

  30. 他私下里很瞧不起这个替人搬箱子的大个子家伙。

    To him the big trunk hustler was a subject for private contempt.