


1. 同 [tóng]2. 同 [tòng]同 [tóng]一样,没有差异;相~。~一(a.一致,统一;b.共同的一个或一种)。~侪(同辈)。~庚(同岁)。~年。~胞。~人(a.在同一单位工作的人;b.同行业的人)。~仁(同人)。~仇敌忾。……





汉语拼音:tóng zhì






  1. 治理方法相同。

    《通典·刑六》:“ 禹 承 舜 禪,与 尧 同治,必不释二圣而远则兇顽,固可知矣。”



  1. It comes up to its peak in Qianlong period, after one decline with managment and up to another peak in Guang Xu period.


  2. Tongzhi, Guangxu two dynasty, emperor is juvenile successor, said of an empress dowager, handle affairs will become another way.


  3. It is the original site of a post office built in 1862, one of the 13 post offices in Shanghai in Qing Dynasty.


  4. He raised the theory of "poison leads to diseases" Also he administered medical herbs and prescription by global idea.


  5. This case reflects the thought of "same treatment for different diseases" in Chinese Medicine.


  6. Understanding of "Treating the Same Disease Differently" and "Treating Different Diseases the Same"


  7. Objective: To investigate the inhibitory effect of Chinese herbal medicine contained serum on gastric cancer BGC cell in vitro.


  8. Solar Temple destroyed despite repeated again and again, the rule together years, the yen, worship mile.


  9. Gu Chun is a famous female poet of Manchuria, after Jiaqing, Daoguang, Xianfeng, Tongzhi, Guangxu five dynasties, the surviving 79 years.


  1. 痰瘀同治必调气

    Promoting and Invigorating Qi in Treatment of Phlegm and Stasis Syndrome

  2. 略论痰瘀同源与痰瘀同治

    Brief Account of Phlegm and Stasis Sharing the Same Origin and Treating Method

  3. 冠心病痰瘀同治的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Synchronic Treating Phlegm and Blood Stasis on Coronary Heart Disease

  4. 阳和汤异病同治浅议

    Argumentum of Treating Different Disease with Yang He Tang

  5. 军地患者实施同病同治的思考

    Considering on Same Disease and Carrying out Same Treatment in Patients of Soldiers and Crowd

  6. 复方丹参方标本同治机制的诠释

    Annotation of Mechanism on Biao with Ben for Compound Danshen Formula

  7. 西部都尉与武都道同治骆谷。

    Wududu wei the west and Valley Road, Luo Tongzhi.

  8. 同治回民起义与陕西天主教的传播

    The Hui Nationality Uprising and Catholicism in Shaanxi Province

  9. 谈原发性高血压病痰瘀同治整体治疗

    Talk the idiopathy high blood pressure disease phlegm and stagnatetion to cure the whole treatment together

  10. 论中医妇科疾病的心身同治原则

    On the Principle of Treating Gynopathy Combined with Psychotherapy in Traditional Chinese Medicine

  11. 此病例体现中医的异病同治的想法。

    This case reflects the thought of same treatment for different diseases in Chinese Medicine.

  12. 痰瘀同治与温阳利水并治心衰

    Clinical Application of Method Combined Synchronic Treating Phlegm and Blood Stasis with Warming Yang and Promoting Diuresis on Chronic Heart Failure

  13. 同治末期的申报经营晚清幕府制度浅析

    On Shogunate System In Late Qing Dynasty

  14. 生于清乾隆六十年,卒于同治十二年。

    Qing Emperor Qianlong was born in the sixties, died twelve years Tongzhi.

  15. 原发性高血压病痰瘀同治整体治疗方案设计

    Rx Design of Holistic Treatment for Primary Hypertension in Treating Phlegm and Blood Stasis Simutaneously

  16. 同治中兴晚清政治体制模式与政治伦理的悖离

    The Tongzhi Resurgence Political Ethics Deviating from Regime Pattern in the Late Ching Dynasty.

  17. 六昧地黄汤金匮肾气汤同治夜间盗汗辨析

    Zhu Tianming Discrimination between LIu Wei Dihuang Tang and JinKui Shen Qj Tang for Treating Night Sweat

  18. 试论同治朝外国公使觐见清帝的礼仪之争

    The Dissension of Etiquette of Foreign Ministers Meeting with Emperor Tongzhi.

  19. 痰瘀同治是治疗痰瘀蕴结型股骨头坏死的正确方法。

    Treatment with phlegm and stasis is the correct method of treatment of phlegm accumulation of femoral head necrosis.

  20. 异病同治和同病异治理论在多器官纤维化防治中的应用

    Application of the Theory of Treating Different Diseases with Same Method and Treating Same Disease with Different Methods in Prevention and Treatment of Multiple Organ Fibrosis


  1. 问:同治帝拼音怎么拼?同治帝的读音是什么?同治帝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同治帝的读音是,同治帝翻译成英文是 Tongzhi Emperor

  2. 问:同治中兴拼音怎么拼?同治中兴的读音是什么?同治中兴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同治中兴的读音是,同治中兴翻译成英文是 Tongzhi Restoration

  3. 问:同治药性拼音怎么拼?同治药性的读音是什么?同治药性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同治药性的读音是tóng zhì yào xìng,同治药性翻译成英文是 keynote

  4. 问:同治新疆回乱拼音怎么拼?同治新疆回乱的读音是什么?同治新疆回乱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:同治新疆回乱的读音是,同治新疆回乱翻译成英文是 Dungan revolt