







汉语拼音:yú wǎng







  1. 捕鱼用的网。

    《诗·邶风·新台》:“鱼网之设,鸿则离之。” 唐 杜甫 《舟中》诗:“结缆排鱼网,连檣并米船。” 元 姚燧 《樯乌》诗:“絶嫌鱼网戒张设,见弹必毁仍藏弧。” 清 丘逢甲 《重九日游长潭》诗之三:“或翁晒鱼网,或媪负幼孙。”

  2. 代称纸。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·情采》:“若乃综述性灵,敷写器象,鏤心鸟迹之中,织辞鱼网之上,其为彪炳,縟彩名矣。” 范文澜 注:“《后汉书·宦者蔡伦传》:‘ 伦 造意用树肤、麻头及敝布、鱼网以为纸。’” 金 元好问 《学东坡移居》诗之三:“ 逸少 留半纸,鱼网非硬黄。”



  1. We both grabbed hold of the net and that took us an probable half hour to get him in the boat cuz he is so heavy.


  2. a small float used on a fishing line or net to buoy up the line or net or to indicate when a fish bites.


  3. There she goes again With fishnets on, and dreadlocks in her hair She broke my heart, I wanna be sedated All I wanted was to see her naked!


  4. And rescuers say it took seven hours but they managed to help get a whale untangled from a net off the coast of Australia.


  5. The utility model provides a platen type fishnet roller, used for the net hauler of a fishing boat to pick and place a net.


  6. Now, just been out in the woods gathering some roots then you use them as a technique for fishing without a hook or net.


  7. My fishing-line got fouled (up) in an old net.


  8. Shattering fetters, like a fish in the water tearing a net, like a fire not coming back to what's burnt, wander alone like a rhinoceros.


  9. Then the Filipina arrived, swathed in a black fishnet robe, an attendant padding behind her with a pile of towels.


  1. 鱼和鱼网的寓言

    Parable of the fish and the net

  2. 鱼网用于捕鱼的网。

    Netting used to catch fish.

  3. 准备捕鱼的鱼网

    to prepare a net for fishing

  4. 宽口窄底的鱼网

    tunnel net

  5. 把鱼网撒入小河池。

    Cast the net into the stream.

  6. 他们从洞里放下鱼网。

    They let down the nets through the holes.

  7. 鱼网。网线伸长率的测定方法

    Fishing nets. method of determining the elongation of netting yarn

  8. 只要鱼网不破,他们就能捕鱼。

    So long as the nets were good, they caught fish.

  9. 他有了一张很大的鱼网。

    He has got a very large fishnet.

  10. 纺织。鱼网。打结网片的图形和名称。


  11. 纺织。鱼网。鱼网线。特克斯支数的名称。

    Netting yarns for fishing nets. Designation in the tex system.

  12. 而且还有为投放鱼专门制造的迷你鱼网。

    And the fish had to be added with a specially made miniature fish net.

  13. 他们捕了一天的鱼,收起鱼网满载而归。

    After a good day's fishing they hauled in the nets and went home.

  14. 他们利用鱼网、树皮、旧衣服碎片等物品。

    They used fishing nets, the outside of trees, pieces of old clothes and so on.

  15. 你能告诉我鱼网是什么做的吗, 安?

    Can you tell me what fish net is made, Ann?

  16. 她们同样使用了可以捕捉小动物的鱼网。

    They also used nets capable of capturing the smallest animals.

  17. 这种植物的纤维,用来制造缆绳,绳索和鱼网。

    The fiber of this plant, used for twine, rope, and nets.

  18. 他们照看鱼网,清洗、晾干并处理捕到的鱼。

    They looked after the nets and cleaned, dried and treated the fish that was caught.

  19. 安,你可以告诉我鱼网是用什么做的吗?

    Can you tell me what fish net is made, Ann?

  20. 同样的问题在动物被鱼网抓住时也能发生。

    The same problem can occur when an animal is caught in fishing net.

  21. 因为被鱼网缠住而丧命的海狮数量明显增加。

    The number of net entanglements has dramatically increased.

  22. 把许多小孔用绳子栓在一起就成了鱼网了。

    A lot of little holes tied together with strings.

  23. 在泥质河流沿岸, 小渔桩用来固定潮汐鱼网。

    Along the muddy river banks, small fishing stakes are used to support tidal fish nets.

  24. 琼麻纤维这种植物的纤维,用来制造缆绳,绳索和鱼网

    The fiber of this plant, used for twine, rope, and nets.

  25. 我拿鱼网捞沙丁鱼去。你坐在门口晒晒太阳可好?

    Ll get the cast net and go for sardines. Will you sit in the sun in the doorway?

  26. 鱼网用完后,应存放在清洁的专用盛载桶内。

    If not in use, the fish net should be stored in a clean bucket.

  27. 鱼网你能告诉我鱼网是什么做的吗,安?老师发问道。

    The Fish NetCan you tell me what fish net is made, Ann ?

  28. 它是由纤细的金属丝制成的,形似鱼网,重量不足30克。

    It is a fishnet made of very fine wires and weighing less than 30 g.

  29. 这时,一个手拿鱼网的人站在湖边,没错,那就是我!

    Then, a hand fishnet people stood by the lake, yes, that's me!

  30. 实在并没有鱼网,孩子还记得他们是什么时候把它卖掉的。

    There was no cast net and the boy remembered when they had sold it.


  1. 问:鱼网虫属拼音怎么拼?鱼网虫属的读音是什么?鱼网虫属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鱼网虫属的读音是yúwǎngchóng shǔ,鱼网虫属翻译成英文是 Sagenina