




1. 教 [jiào]2. 教 [jiāo]教 [jiào]指导,训诲:~习。~头。~正。~师。~导。管~。请~。~学相长。因材施~。使,令:风能~船走。指“宗教”:~士。~主。~皇。~堂。姓。教 [jiāo]传授:~课。你~给我做。……



汉语拼音:dào jiào




中国主要宗教之 一。东汉张道陵所立。最初叫五斗米道、天师道。南北朝时宗教形式逐渐完备。奉老聃为教祖,尊称“ 太上老君”,以《老子》《正一经》和《太平洞极经》为主要经典,奉玉皇上帝为最高的神。要人脱离 现实,炼丹成仙。



  1. 道德教化。


  2. 我国主要宗教之一, 东汉 张道陵 根据传统的民间信仰而创立,到 南北朝 时盛行起来。奉 元始天尊 、 太上老君 为教祖。初时,入道者须交五斗米,故又称“五斗米道”。

    金 元 以后分正一、全真二派。《周书·武帝纪上》:“十二月癸巳,集羣臣及沙门、道士等,帝升高座,辨释三教先后,以儒教为先,道教为次,佛教为后。” 明 冯梦龙 《梦磊记·观梅感梦》:“朕乃 宋 朝第八代天子是也,初封 端王 ,入承大统,素好道教,别号 道君皇帝 。”

  3. 指佛教。

    南朝 梁 慧皎 《高僧传·译经下·求那跋摩》:“﹝ 宋文帝 ﹞又遣沙门 法长 、 道冲 、 道儁 等往彼祈请,并致书於 跋摩 及 闍婆王婆多伽 等,必希顾临 宋 境,流行道教。”



  1. The Taoism geomancy statue, is all really first the geomancy statue idea which BaiYun Daoist temple establishes from geomancy statue idea.


  2. It might have been the early Christian evangelists who borrowed these expressions from the Buddhism and the Daoism.


  3. It is often claimed that there is the malediction prohibition in Daoism, and Buddhist monks simply reject such business.


  4. Because of the unique Taoism culture format and activity fashion, which are easy to be regarded as superstition and unique phenomenon.


  5. The awareness and control of breath has been a central component of yoga, martial arts and Taoism for thousands of years.


  6. A distinctive feature of Shinto architecture is the chigi, a scissor-shaped finial at the front and rear of the roof.


  7. The next day , they went to take a look at a Taoist temple with great scenery somebody had told them about .


  8. In a manner, it is possible that Taoist thought in ancient China become modern ecological ethics' resource.


  9. Buddhism in the "Nirvana" leaves into a Paradise, Taoism Shun "Heaven" to death, there be the end of the implication.


  1. 道教建筑群

    a Group ofTaoist Buildings

  2. 道教和谚语

    The Chinese proverbs and Taoism

  3. 台湾道教建筑

    Taiwan Taoism

  4. 道教世俗化

    Secularization of the Taoist Religion

  5. 道教与道情

    Taoism and the music of Taoist Ballads

  6. 民间道教音乐

    music of folk Daoism.

  7. 香港道教音乐

    Hong Kong Taoism Music

  8. 道教哲学思想

    philosophic thoughts of Taoism

  9. 道教经典选读

    Selected Reading on Taoist Scriptures

  10. 宝卷与道教

    The Precious Scrolls and the Taoism.

  11. 连城道教音乐

    Liancheng Taoist Music

  12. 武当道教武术

    Taoist Wushu in Wudang.

  13. 道教的生存观

    Taoist View of Existence

  14. 泉州道教文化

    Taoist culture in Quanzhou

  15. 道教医药学

    Taoist medicine

  16. 道教哲学三题

    Three topics in Taoist philosophy

  17. 道教女性观

    Daosit view on women

  18. 原始道教三题

    Three Problems on Original Dao Religion

  19. 道教咒术初探

    A Preliminary Probation into Taoist Incantations

  20. 近代道教媒体

    modem Taoist media.

  21. 道教医学著述

    Taoism medical writings

  22. 木鱼源于道教考

    Wood block was originated from Taoism

  23. 嵩山道教纪实

    Record of Mount Song Taoism.

  24. 晋南朝道教

    Taoism during Jin Dynasties and Southern Dynasties.

  25. 道教戒律研究

    Research on Taoist Commandments

  26. 西方道教研究

    Chronicle Taoist Studies in the West.

  27. 天台山道教

    Tiantaishan Taoism.

  28. 道教与房中术

    Taoism and Ancient Chinese Sexual Arts

  29. 道教内丹学

    Taoist internal alchemy theory

  30. 道教治观考

    The view to administer country of Taoism


  1. 问:道教拼音怎么拼?道教的读音是什么?道教翻译成英文是什么?

    答:道教的读音是dàojiào,道教翻译成英文是 Taoism

  2. 问:道教历史拼音怎么拼?道教历史的读音是什么?道教历史翻译成英文是什么?

    答:道教历史的读音是,道教历史翻译成英文是 History of Taoism