







汉语拼音:pái biǎn






  1. 匾额;招牌。

    《说岳全传》第二八回:“﹝ 牛皋 ﹞认得牌匾上四个旧金字,是‘寒山古寺’。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·商战》:“赏牌匾以奬其技能。” 萧红 《火线外》:“那是一个医院,门前挂着红十字的牌匾。”



  1. During one of his final EVA's on the surface of Mars, Steve the Cat unveiled a special plaque commemorating his historic voyage to Mars. . .


  2. He was not an intellectual; his family was poor and provincial, and he just a painter in a small business making signs and billboards.


  3. The Colbert treadmill will wind up in Tranquility, along with some extraordinary rocks mounted on a plaque aboard Endeavour.


  4. The utility model is simple in structure and can be used for the concrete surface fastening advertising plaque and various facilities.


  5. Between the latches was a little plaque with an ersatz, feminine signature.


  6. A high level of so-called "bad" cholesterol causes plaque in the bloodstream, which can slow down the blood flow to the heart.


  7. We present the case of a 13-year-old girl who had PCG with an erythematous congestive plaque on the anterior maxillary gingiva for 4 years.


  8. Dr. Peter PIOT, Executive Director of UNAIDS, officiated the first anniversary of the Red Ribbon Centre and put up the Mission Statement.


  9. Lady liberty holds a torch in her right hand and a tablet in her left.


  1. 纪念牌匾, 纪念章, 纪念仪式。

    a memorial tablet, plaque, service

  2. 女王为纪念牌匾揭幕。

    The Queen unveiled a commemorative plaque.

  3. 新店开张俱乐部送的牌匾

    China Locksmith Club Sending Plaque for New Shop Business

  4. 这个牌匾是铜铸的, 不是金铸的。

    This board was cast in bronze not in gold.

  5. 这个牌匾是铜铸得, 不是金铸得。

    This board was cast in bronze not in gold.

  6. 那个牌匾是铜铸的, 否则金铸的。

    This board were cast in bronze not in gold.

  7. 那个牌匾是铜铸得,否则金铸得。

    This board were cast in bronze not in gold.

  8. 香港木球会会所旧址纪念牌匾

    Commemorative Plaque for the Old Site of Cricket Club

  9. 这个牌匾是铜铸的, 不是银制的。

    This board was cast in bronze not in silver.

  10. 这个牌匾是铜铸得, 不是银制得。

    This board was cast in bronze not in silver.

  11. 书法还可以用于题辞, 书写牌匾

    It can be used to write inscriptions on paper or inscribe wooden plaques or stone tablets.

  12. 光从打磨的金属牌匾上折射出来。

    The light glanced off the polished metal plaque.

  13. 光从打磨的金属牌匾上折射出来。

    The light glanced off the polished metal plaque.

  14. 他们揭开牌匾为新学校主持揭幕礼。

    They unveiled the plaque to open the new school.

  15. 揭去雕像, 纪念碑, 牌匾, 肖像等的幕布。

    Unveil a statue, monument, plaque, portrait, etc

  16. 去年所有的爆炸地点都有纪念牌匾揭幕。

    Memorial plaques were unveiled at the locations where the bombs detonated.

  17. 已安排好在火葬场里放置一块纪念牌匾。

    Arrangements have been made for the placing of a memorial plaque at the crematorium.

  18. 当地的历史学会在战场所在地树立了牌匾。

    The local historical society put up a plaque at the site of the battle.

  19. 图为清皇宫中,满文与汉字在一起的牌匾。

    Qing palace tablets in Manchu and Chinese.

  20. 村公所里有一块纪念该艺术家得牌匾。

    There is a commemorative plaque to the artist in the village hall.

  21. 村公所里有一块纪念该艺术家的牌匾。

    There is a commemorative plaque to the artist in the village hall.

  22. 这块牌匾是由满文写成得, 我看不懂。

    The inscribed board is written in Man language, which I cannot understand.

  23. 这块牌匾是由满文写成的,我看不懂。

    The inscribed board is written in Man language, which I cannot understand.

  24. 这块牌匾是由满文写成的,我看不懂。

    The inscribed board is written in Man language, which I cannot understand.

  25. 阿财产号牌匾可能是最简单的形式解决的迹象。

    A property number plaque may be the simplest form of address signs.

  26. 当我们争论一块牌匾的时候,一个年青人加入了我们。

    A young guy joined our argument about a plaque hanging on the hall door.

  27. 为纪念这位伟大的诗人。人们挂上了一块牌匾。

    A plaque was put up in memory of the great poet.

  28. 大牌匾的描述由阿伽门农牺牲的丽江山内阁回来。

    The large plaque to the back of the cabinet depicting the sacrifice of Iphigenia by Agamemnon.

  29. 每个维也纳瓷画牌匾是错综复杂的质量非常高。

    Each Viennese porcelain plaque is intricately painted and of very high quality.

  30. 每个维也纳瓷画牌匾是错综复杂得质量非常高。

    Each Viennese porcelain plaque is intricately painted and of very high quality.


  1. 问:牌匾拼音怎么拼?牌匾的读音是什么?牌匾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:牌匾的读音是páibiǎn,牌匾翻译成英文是 tablet; plaque; inscribed board


