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唐 韦应物 《假中枉卢二十二书》诗:“花里棋盘憎鸟污,枕边书卷讶风开。” 宋 米芾 《画史·唐画》:“ 章友直 ……又能以篆笔画棋盘,笔笔相似。” 茹志鹃 《高高的白杨树·澄河边上》:“他们把扁担扎成两个棋盘式的空心筏子,两个老乡一人扛着一只走到水边。”
The board should be placed between the players in such a way that the near corner square to the right of the player is white.
两个棋手之间的棋盘应该这样摆:棋手右手边棋盘角上的方格应为白色。If the board full of pieces up and down when no one form of the " three children in a line, " then the current chess game on for the draw.
如果到棋盘上下满棋子的时候还没有一方构成“三子成一线”,那么当前棋局就为平局。I can tell you that there were only five pieces on the board. White had a king, a knight and a pawn, while Black had a king and a queen.
我可以告诉你棋盘上共五个子,白方一个王,一只马和一个兵;黑方一个王一个后。"Incidentally, the commentary ignores Iran altogether, as if it is not a factor of consequence on the Afghan chessboard" .
“顺便说一下,评论完全忽视伊朗,好像它在阿富汗棋盘上不是一个重要因素”。Most of the maniples went into battle as separate blocks of men in a square formation that looked something like a checkerboard from above.
大多数“战团”投入战斗的时候,会独立形成一个个方阵,看上去好象一幅国际象棋棋盘的样子。Which he'd talk about, over the small wooden chess table, as if nothing else mattered, as if there were all the time in the world.
和他一起坐在小小的棋盘木桌前,听他高谈阔论,仿佛可以不去在意尘世的困扰,仿佛全世界在此刻都静止了。Among other plays on the geo- political chess board, Obama could turn out to be something of a foil for Beijing's plans in Africa.
在地缘政治角力棋盘上的各种力量中,奥巴马可能被证明会对北京在非洲的计划产生几分阻挡作用。Destiny creates a collaboration document to show how the organizations work together to produce a board game.
Destiny创建了一个协作文档来展示这些组织如何合作来创建一个棋盘游戏。I study the board, and it occurs to me that Clare could checkmate me if she took my bishop with her knight.