




1. 展 [zhǎn]展 [zhǎn]张开,舒张开:~开。~示。~玩。~现。~宽。~望。发~。愁眉不~。延缓,放宽期限:~延。~期。~缓。察看,省(xǐng )视:~墓。陈列:~品。~销。~播。~评。施行,发挥(能力):~拜。开~。施~。一……



汉语拼音:zhāo zhǎn








  1. 亦作“ 招颭 ”。飘扬;摇曳。

    元 关汉卿 《五侯宴》第三折:“番将雄威摆阵齐,北风招颭皂雕旗。”《三国演义》第七一回:“ 法正 见 曹 兵倦怠,鋭气已堕,多下马坐息,乃将红旗招展。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·舞盘》:“花枝招颭柳枝扬,凤影高騫鸞影翔。”《恨海》第六回:“只见旌旗招展,刀剑如林。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗补编·中国地质略论》:“吾盖见五 印 详图,曾招颭于 伦敦 之肆矣。” 叶圣陶 《四三集·逃难》:“马路旁法国梧桐的嫩叶在微风中招展。”



  1. Yet she had evidently nothing of the fluttering, flapping quality of a morsel of bunting in the wind.


  2. Color flags of many nations, Fluttering towards the wind, Foreign language and capital, Pouring into China like flood.


  3. Sceptic : The stars and stripes appears to be waving in the wind, which is impossible without an atmosphere.


  4. If you've got it, don't flaunt it - it ruins it for your man (there are a few things best left to the imagination, honey).


  5. The eastern edge of Willow River seem to elongation, and fluttered in the breeze.


  6. It's a bright cool April morning and I can see red tulips whipping in the windin the garden.


  7. Leaves come down in autumn, and red maple windward.


  8. In his poem, Malvern Hill, the famous American poet Herman Melville wrote: "Wag the world how it will, Leaves must be green in Spring. "


  9. Managing my 75 domains has been a real breeze.


  1. 迎风招展。

    To flutter in the wind.

  2. 红旗招展。

    Red flags are fluttering gaily in the wind.

  3. 红旗迎风招展。

    The red flag spreads in the wind.

  4. 旗帜随风招展。

    The flag streamed in the wind.

  5. 街上旗帜招展。

    The streets were decorated with flags.

  6. 街上红旗招展。

    The streets are bedecked with red banners.

  7. 大街上旗帜招展。

    The streets were decked with flags.

  8. 迎风招展的三角旗

    pennants flaunting in the wind.

  9. 工地上红旗招展。

    Red flags fluttered over the construction site.

  10. 红旗迎着东风招展。

    Red flags flow in the east wind.

  11. 起来,旌旗为你招展,号角为你激昂

    Rise up for you the flag is flung for you the bugle trills

  12. 当他那炫丽的旗帜招展,

    Many youths might think, Wow, what a cool thing, looking at a gaudy.

  13. 十二只船帆鼓起来, 迎风招展。

    Twelve broad sail belly in the breeze.

  14. 他们将旗展开让其迎风招展。

    They unfurled the flag and let it flutter in the wind.

  15. 城楼上有一面大旗临空招展。

    On the city tower, there is a big flag fluttering in the sky.

  16. 城楼上有一面大旗临空招展。

    On the city tower, there is a big flag fluttering in the sky.

  17. 金秋十月,国旗招展,举国同庆。

    Autumn in October, the national flag fluttering, national jubilation.

  18. 升起你全部木叶如同旌旗招展。

    Hang all your leafy banners out!

  19. 关于爱琴海, 石头和钢铁投降招展

    On the Aegean, Stone and Steel Surrender to the Breeze

  20. 我抬头望去,只见山顶上旗帜招展。

    I lifted my head and looked up. The flags were flying from the top of the hill.

  21. 起来吧,旌旗在为你招展,号角为你而长鸣,

    Rise up ? for you the flag is flung ? for you the bugle trills

  22. 参展企业向组委会招商招展部申请。

    Participating enterprises apply to the Investment Promotion Department of the Organizing Committee.

  23. 万国彩旗,迎风招展,外语外资,涌入中华。

    Color flags of many nations, Fluttering towards the wind, Foreign language and capital, Pouring into China like flood.

  24. 我们的战旗迎风招展从黎明直到太阳下山。

    Our flag's unfurled to every breeze From dawn to setting sun.

  25. 黑旗迎风招展,上面交叉着骷髅头和白骨。

    his black flag unfurled, with the skull and crossbones on it

  26. 她走向这座建筑物时, 看到上面旗帜招展。

    As she walked towards the building, she saw the flag flying above.

  27. 她走向这座建筑物时,看到上面旗帜招展。

    As she walked towards the building, she saw the flag flying above.

  28. 流进池塘里, 鱼儿飞跃, 流进田野里, 禾苗迎风招展。

    Flowing into the pond, the fish leap into the field, He Miao fluttered in the breeze.

  29. 东面缘河两岸的杨柳似乎也伸长了,迎风招展。

    The eastern edge of Willow River seem to elongation and fluttered in the breeze.

  30. 它们必然为花朵所穿透,躺在迎风招展的花朵脚下。

    They must be pierced by flowers and put Beneath the feet of dancing flowers.


  1. 问:招展拼音怎么拼?招展的读音是什么?招展翻译成英文是什么?

    答:招展的读音是zhāozhǎn,招展翻译成英文是 flutter

  2. 问:招展杜鹃拼音怎么拼?招展杜鹃的读音是什么?招展杜鹃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:招展杜鹃的读音是zhāozhǎndùjuān,招展杜鹃翻译成英文是 Rhododendron megeratum



现任北流市委副书记,市政府党组书记、市长。招展,男,汉族,1969年8月生,籍贯广东罗定,1991年6月加入中国共产党,1991年7月参加工作,广西师范大学化学系化学教育专业毕业,在职研究生学历,理学学士,规划师。1987.09--1991.07 广西师范大学化学系化学专业学习;1991.07--1994.12 广西玉林地区工业经济管理干部学校教务科副科长、团委书记、党支部委员;1994.12--1995.04 广西玉林地区玉林市纪委办公室干部;1995.04--1997.06 广西玉林地区玉林市委办秘书、科长;