







汉语拼音:kū lóu






  1. 无皮肉毛发的全副死人骨骼或头骨。

    《西游记》第二七回:“ 唐僧 大惊道:‘ 悟空 ,这个人纔死了,怎么就化作一堆骷髏?’” 明 王錂 《寻亲记·局骗》:“他道我是活骷髏,不是旧日才郎。” 鲁迅 《中国小说史略》第十六篇:“其女 月孛 有骷髏骨,击之敌头即痛,二日死。”

  2. 泛指尸骨。

    明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·诗文六·元末僧》:“尝记 元 僧有诗云:‘百丈巖头掛草鞋,流行坎止任安排,老僧脚底从来阔,未必骷髏就此埋。’”《红楼梦》第九三回:“见了无数女子,説是都变了鬼怪似的,也有变做骷髏儿的。”

  3. 比喻瘦成皮包骨的人。

    清 李渔 《慎鸾交·悲控》:“未哩,纔瘦到眉眶,少不的要眼儿深,鼻儿高,齿儿空,唇儿旷也,纔算个病骷髏。”

  4. 借指鬼魂。

    清 杜岕 《烈哉汪氏妇》诗:“唯有江水汤汤似鼓鸣,黄昏月黑骷髏语。”



  1. She was taken to the Skull Island, where she was caught by the aboriginals, who want to sacrifice her to King Kong, a gorilla.


  2. At dawn the Totenkopf Division launched multiple attacks from its small bridgeheads to overwhelm all the British defences in its sector.


  3. The bottom of the monument is represented as throwing open its marble doors, and a sheeted skeleton is starting forth.


  4. wind wrap about him like a cloak. The orc laughed, the skull floating over his face issuing its own.


  5. Ben turned his head to look behind him. The skeleton was only a few feet away.


  6. The backyard was dug up to discover the remains of four more bodies, and a human skull was found in a bucket, bringing the total to 11.


  7. Hey Tobias, your character says that the cavern "is a dud" to let you know that the crown is not in that dungeon.


  8. A good action game, game mode similar to the Tomahawk, the hero armed with sharp sword, the skeleton soldiers blocking his way into Jifen.


  9. The quiet streets stretched out on either side like the arms of a skeleton.


  1. 骷髅人骨。

    Skull and crossbones.

  2. 风干骷髅头

    How I Got My Shrunken Head

  3. 橱柜里的骷髅

    A skeleton in the cupboard

  4. 没问题,骷髅中队长。

    No problem, Skull Leader.

  5. 骷髅头和交叉骨

    raw and bloody bones

  6. 骷髅改写英国结核病史

    Ancient Skeleton Upsets TB Theories

  7. 那老人瘦成骷髅般。

    The old man was reduced to a skeleton.

  8. 骷髅为什么拒绝参加舞会

    Why did the skeleton refuse to go the ball

  9. 一具骷髅悬挂在眼前

    A skeleton was dangling before my eyes.

  10. 死神常被画成骷髅。

    Death is often shown in pictures as a human skeleton.

  11. 骷髅收集者符文之棍

    Skull Collector Rune Staff

  12. 壁橱里的骷髅太多了。

    Too many skeletons in the closet.

  13. 骷髅给人以恐惧之感。

    Skeletons give a sensation of fear.

  14. 用喇叭喊通骷髅中队长。

    Get Skull Leader on the horn.

  15. 他们的碗橱有一具骷髅。

    They had a skeleton in the cupboard.

  16. 我只见个骷髅含笑的脸

    I looked on the face of a grinning skull

  17. 这就是骷髅旗, 你他妈得。

    I wanna shout out to all the trash celebrity stars.

  18. 这就是骷髅旗, 你他妈的。

    I wanna shout out to all the trash celebrity stars.

  19. 亡灵巫师可以召唤远程骷髅了。

    Necromancers can raise ranged skeletal mages.

  20. 男巫的骷髅技能增强了吗?

    Will necromancers skeletons be improved?

  21. 他们在毒药标签上打上骷髅图。

    They stamped a skull and crossbones on the labels of poisonous drugs.

  22. 让骷髅中队立刻返回折叠球内。

    Have Skull Squadron return to fold perimeter immediately.

  23. 我们完成你要求骷髅中队的改进。

    We finished the modifications you requested for Skull Squadron.

  24. 任何一个骷髅中队飞行服上的。

    on any other Skull Squadron flight suit.

  25. 我应该去我的柜子里看看骷髅骨架。

    You should see the skeletons in my closet!

  26. 莫提是一个会说话的骷髅头。

    Morte is a talking skull.

  27. 莫提是一个会说话得骷髅头。

    Morte is a talking skull.

  28. 骷髅中队和沃尔夫战队,准备出发。

    Skull Squadron and Wolff Pack, prepare for launch.

  29. 他象个骷髅, 伺候着鸟儿的宴会

    The skeleton that waited at their feast.

  30. 化成老人或骷髅头和长柄镰刀。

    Death personified as an old man or a skeleton with a scythe.


  1. 问:骷髅拼音怎么拼?骷髅的读音是什么?骷髅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:骷髅的读音是kūlóu,骷髅翻译成英文是 skeleton

  2. 问:骷髅13拼音怎么拼?骷髅13的读音是什么?骷髅13翻译成英文是什么?

    答:骷髅13的读音是,骷髅13翻译成英文是 Golgo 13


