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1. 泥 [ní]2. 泥 [nì]泥 [ní]土和水合成的东西:~巴。~垢。~浆。~煤。~淖(泥污的洼地)。~泞。~洼。像泥的东西:枣~。山药~。印~(盖图章用的印色)。蒜~。泥 [nì]涂抹:~墙。~缝儿(fèngr )。固执,死板:拘……
汉语拼音:ní sù
《水浒传》第二一回:“你两个又不是泥塑的,做甚么都不做声?” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·哭像》:“泥塑的宫娥两两,帛装的阿监双双。” 周立波 《山乡巨变》上一:“一对泥塑的菩萨,还端端正正,站在那里。”
明 李贽 《因记往事》:“平居无事,只解打恭作揖,终日匡坐,同於泥塑。”
From a distance she looked like a clay figure in a dingy? wool coat and a knit hat pulled down over her ears.
她穿着一件无光泽的毛线外衣,戴着一顶针织帽子,拉了下来遮住耳朵一远远看去,她就像一个泥塑的人。I try to use clay and the realistic skills to make it a visual ready-made, which looks authentic.
我努力用泥塑的方式和写实的技巧,让它变成视觉上的现成品,看起来真实可信。Chen's gift to him for appearing on the show? A doll with Geithner's likeness darned in the cultural costume of the god of wealth.
陈鲁豫送给他作为出席嘉宾的礼物是什么?是一个着中国传统服装、酷似盖特纳的泥塑财神。Painted clay sculpture in Fengxiang, with a long history , has passed on among the civilians for three thousand years .
凤翔彩绘泥塑历史悠久,流传民间已有三千年之久。motion . all the figures look vivid and life like. The themes are taken from both legends, myths and everyday life.
天津泥塑人像具有栩栩如生的特点。所有人像生动微妙。这些人物形象多取材于传说,神话和现实生活。Although it was just sitting there on the studio floor , this brown clay model looked like it was moving .
虽然它只不过是停放在设计室地板上的泥塑模型,但那东西看起来是在动的。This sightseeing takes forms of the original deluxe suites, restaurants, objects, clay sculptures, Chinese paintings and old paintings.
这些景观分别以居室餐厅实物﹑泥塑﹑国画﹑油画等形式展现。There were twenty-one racks and more than fifteen hundred machines, each sprouting cables like Play-Doh pushed through a spaghetti press.
屋子里大概有二十一个架子,一千五百台机器。突出的电缆线就像彩色泥塑从意大利面条压榨机压出来的一样。Huang Masters in traditional artistry on advancing with the times, her creative Fuk series clay sculpture, the collection is rare treasures.