




1. 切 [qiē]2. 切 [qiè]切 [qiē]用刀从上往下用力:~菜。~除。~磋(本义是把骨角玉石加工制成器物,引申为在业务、思想各方面互相吸取长处,纠正缺点,如“~~琢磨”)。切 [qiè]密合,贴近:~当(dàng )。~肤(切……



汉语拼音:bēi qiè








  1. 哀痛。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·和帝纪下》:“ 凭 上书……辞甚悲切。上惻然感寤。” 宋 岳飞 《满江红·写怀》词:“莫等闲白了少年头,空悲切。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三十:“他见了太守,想着平日知重之恩,越哭得悲切起来。” 清 陈维崧 《念奴娇·十四夜对月同王阮亭员外》词:“古巷蛩吟,小窗雁语,触景成悲切。”

  2. 形容凄厉。

    《前汉书平话》卷中:“﹝ 戚夫人 ﹞思:我儿 如意 赵王 ,怎知我苦!正恨太后之间,忽闻雁声悲切。” 梁斌 《红旗谱》一:“﹝ 严老祥 ﹞听孩子们哭得实在悲切,又一步一步走进小屋。”



  1. To its great grief, the sun hesitantly rises. On all the land it light up there is nothing more saddening than this man.


  2. Life is rough and bumpy desolate a, but it out of their own that beauty, aunt, was still happy.


  3. Adai's face was sad. 'He didn't want me to die, 'he said quietly. 'He was a good man. And now he's dead. '


  4. I am glad to introduce myself to you and I have a strong desire to make friends with you.


  5. She fell to complaining, begged me to keep the thing for her - of course we do keep things.


  6. For it would seem that love still lingers there; But do not you be further trouble by it; I would in no wise hurt you, oh, my dear.


  7. Remain where you are, Catherine, ' he said; without any anger in his voice, but with much sorrowful despondency.


  8. Suddenly, the wind, rains bursts of mournful cries, when I cry it rains turned the direction of search, I am actually deeply was overawed!


  9. It was a woman's voice, a gentle voice, so gentle that it was mournful.


  1. 她哭得很悲切。

    She cried mournfully.

  2. 因此伊甸园沦为悲切。

    So Eden sank to grief.

  3. 中和团圆与悲切残缺。

    Neutralize reunion and tragedy incomplete.

  4. 莫等闲白了少年头,空悲切!

    Mok lightly juvenile white head, mournful air!

  5. 财富得之辛苦,存之谨慎,失之悲切。

    Riches are gotten with pain, kept with care, and lost with grief.

  6. 莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切!

    Don't idle away your time when you are young, otherwise you will feel sad and regretful when you are old.

  7. 她的笑容沾染了一份悲切的怜悯。

    A mournful sympathy infected her smile.

  8. 今天懊悔流泪悲切,主,我要回家。

    I now repent with bitter tears, Lord, I'm coming home.

  9. 她活得太容忍, 她活得太踌躇她活得太辛苦, 她活得太悲切。

    In her life, there were abundant patience and pauses, pains and pathos.

  10. 那些比我们更不幸更悲切的人们呢?

    Afghan singer and activist Farhad Darya says thats unacceptable.

  11. 莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切。

    Don't waste time, otherwise you will achieve nothing but feel sad when you are old.

  12. 只是, 轮回的如此悲切, 殇逝轮回后的残魂!

    Just so mournful, reincarnation, I passed the reincarnation of remnant preface!

  13. 他脸长而薄,长着一双悲切的棕色眼睛。

    He had a long, thin face and a pair of mournful liquid brown eyes.

  14. 他脸长而薄,长着一双悲切的棕色眼睛。

    He had a long, thin face and a pair of mournful liquid brown eyes.

  15. 要是不珍惜时间, 莫等闲, 白了少年头, 空悲切!

    If we do not value time, Mo of words, a juvenile white head, air mournful!

  16. 我觉得花丛中似乎总归会有苍白悲切的脸的。

    it seems to me as if there would always be pale sad faces among the flowers.

  17. 我打碎了一个花瓶,我妻子让我悲切忏悔了一个星期!

    I broke a vase and my wife made me wear sackcloth and ashes for a week!

  18. 快乐靠自己,没有谁能够同情和分担你的悲切。

    Happiness on their own, no one can sympathize with and share your sadness.

  19. 好了,不要像演希腊悲剧那样悲悲切切了。

    'Now stop behaving like someone in a Greek tragedy.

  20. 某些旋律已经收集?全是低声下气悲切到使人流泪的。

    All the songs, the melodies of some of which have been collected, were humble and lamentable to the point of evoking tears.

  21. 那是一个女人的声音,一种柔和得叫人听了感到悲切的声音。

    It was a woman's voice, a gentle voice, so gentle that it was mournful.

  22. 没有什么话可以把他那种悲切仁厚得酸楚口吻表达出来。

    Nothing can reproduce the sombre and kindly melancholy of tone which accompanied these words.

  23. 没有什么话可以把他那种悲切仁厚的酸楚口吻表达出来。

    Nothing can reproduce the sombre and kindly melancholy of tone which accompanied these words.


  1. 问:悲切拼音怎么拼?悲切的读音是什么?悲切翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悲切的读音是bēiqiè,悲切翻译成英文是 Sad and hurt.