







汉语拼音:rù kù







  1. 旧谓没收入官。如:赃物入库。

  2. 谓把财物送入库房储存。如:码头上到处堆放着尚未入库的机件。



  1. And He sat down opposite the treasury and watched how the crowd cast money into the treasury.


  2. At least one of the putting surfaces functions as a port for unloading and loading the goods.


  3. A registry is like a library card catalog, used for recording the arrival of new books and other media, and looking up existing items.


  4. Procurement of finished products from raw materials storage, all production processes are independent of the Company to complete.


  5. and after unloading, cooling, cutting and inspecting the hot pressed fiber plate, packaging and delivering the fiber plate into a warehouse.


  6. To post on the stock system all movements of goods in and out of stores in a timely and accurate manner.


  7. And then the minimum stack number and the optimum input plan was gained, with the analysis on the result of an instance data.


  8. Stock levels will increase in the beginning of each month until the orders are full so that consumptions are higher than order intake .


  9. Chamfering: if you are using chamfering, make sure it won't block ships trying to enter the garage. Try values around 1 or 2% per side.


  1. 粮食已经入库。

    The grain is already in the granary.

  2. 入库原材料报告

    materials received report

  3. 入库涌浪预测

    surge forecast

  4. 转车盘入库线

    turntable track

  5. 干戈入库, 偃武修文。

    The sword sleeps in the scabbard.

  6. 干戈入库,偃武修文。

    The sword sleeps in the scabbard.

  7. 他把货物入库

    He stored the goods in the warehouse.

  8. 粮食都已入库。

    All the grain has been put in storage. or All the grain is already in the granary.

  9. 税关的入库许可证

    Permit for warehousing of the customs

  10. 数字化成图及入库

    digitalizing map and putting into database

  11. 这将产生导入库。

    This produces an import library.

  12. 创建导入库和导出文件。

    Create import library and an export file.

  13. 成品仓库员验收入库打包。

    The warehouse man for the check, accepts and packs.

  14. 原材料及成品出入库管理。

    Management raw materials and finished products access storage.

  15. 他正在查阅产成品的入库单。

    He is checking the godown entry of the finished products.

  16. 将这些货物列好清单, 然后入库。

    Inventory the goods and then store them.

  17. 将这些货物列好清单,然后入库。

    Inventory the goods and then store them.

  18. 审核,批准各项材料,费用的入库。

    Check, approve material and cost goes down entry.

  19. 水库入库洪水总量简捷预报方法探讨

    Simple prediction method for flood volume into reservoir

  20. 批准原材的入库, 设定原材检测标准。

    To approve the incoming of raw materials which comply with the set raw material specification.

  21. 批准原材得入库,设定原材检测标准。

    To approve the incoming of raw materials which comply with the set raw material specification.

  22. 负责审核仓库提供的采购入库单。

    Audit godown entry log provided by warehouse.

  23. 你倒车入库时要小心, 门道很窄。

    Be careful when you back into the garage, the doorway is very narrow.

  24. 交流传动机车引车入库方式的选择

    Selection of Ways to Lead AC Drive Locomotive Enter the Depot

  25. 窑灰对入库生料率值的影响

    Effect of returned kiln dust gathered by dust collector on modulus of raw meal in raw meal silo

  26. 应该有在当他们在入库葱无湿斑。

    There should be no wet spots on the onions when they are put in storage.

  27. 但是证物在入库之前都是检查过的。

    But evidence is cleared before it's stored.

  28. 药品入库和出库必须执行检查制度。

    An inspection system shall be carried out for pharmaceuticals entering or leaving a warehouse.

  29. 制定程序规定产品入库出库的方法。

    Develop procedures which specify how your products will be placed into storage and removed from storage.

  30. 五道水库入库净流量的分析研究

    Analysis and study of net amount to Wudao reservoiv


  1. 问:入库拼音怎么拼?入库的读音是什么?入库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入库的读音是rùkù,入库翻译成英文是 to put sth in storage

  2. 问:入库单拼音怎么拼?入库单的读音是什么?入库单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入库单的读音是rù kù dān,入库单翻译成英文是 godown entry

  3. 问:入库线拼音怎么拼?入库线的读音是什么?入库线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入库线的读音是rù kù xiàn,入库线翻译成英文是 depot track

  4. 问:入库凭单拼音怎么拼?入库凭单的读音是什么?入库凭单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入库凭单的读音是rù kù píng dān,入库凭单翻译成英文是 stook debit note

  5. 问:入库手续拼音怎么拼?入库手续的读音是什么?入库手续翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入库手续的读音是rù kù shǒu xù,入库手续翻译成英文是 warehousing formalities

  6. 问:入库标记拼音怎么拼?入库标记的读音是什么?入库标记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入库标记的读音是rù kù biāo jì,入库标记翻译成英文是 in store marking

  7. 问:入库货物拼音怎么拼?入库货物的读音是什么?入库货物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入库货物的读音是rù kù huò wù,入库货物翻译成英文是 warehousing cargo

  8. 问:入库保税品拼音怎么拼?入库保税品的读音是什么?入库保税品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入库保税品的读音是rù kù bǎo shuì pǐn,入库保税品翻译成英文是 warehouse bond

  9. 问:入库许可证拼音怎么拼?入库许可证的读音是什么?入库许可证翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入库许可证的读音是rù kù xǔ kě zhèng,入库许可证翻译成英文是 permit for warehousing

  10. 问:入库预定数拼音怎么拼?入库预定数的读音是什么?入库预定数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入库预定数的读音是rù kù yù dìng shù,入库预定数翻译成英文是 Due in



