


1. 巩 [gǒng]巩 [gǒng]坚固,结实,使牢固:~固。~膜。用皮革捆东西:“~用黄牛之革”。姓。……





汉语拼音:gǒng gù









  1. 坚固;稳固。

    宋 梅尧臣 《送吴辩叔知巩县》诗:“山川成巩固,陵庙壮威神。” 元 无名氏 《射柳捶丸》第三折:“俺则待尽良忠开疆展土,辅助着万万年巩固皇图。” 明 陈大声 《斗鹌鹑·赏金陵八景》套曲:“创立起一统洪基,山川巩固,殿闕崔嵬。” 杨朔 《永定河纪行》:“靠什么?靠着巩固的工农联盟呗!”

  2. 使牢固。

    范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第二编第二章:“要巩固国家的统一,必需在构成封建国家的地主农民两大阶级间,在统治阶级内部各阶层间,求得一定限度的妥协,否则统一是不可能的。”



  1. His political philosophy, known as Jacksonian democracy, helped solidify a strong executive branch and expand the electorate.


  2. So rather than trying to exclude China, Brussels should streamline its economic policies to consolidate influence in its periphery.


  3. In Zawiya itself, the rebels appeared to be consolidating their control despite shelling and sniper fire from Colonel Gaddafi's troops.


  4. The idea would be to consolidate around two populous regions, central Helmand and Kandahar, and the main road between them.


  5. He said the issues of inflation, the rural-urban income gap, and corruption may affect the stability of political power in China.


  6. In the last two-three years we have had a strong growth in the Italian market and we were searching an important way to consolidate it.


  7. As you absorb them so your resistance to the lower energies is increased, and you slowly consolidate your place in the Light.


  8. The recent fiscal consolidation measures made the matter far worse by widening an already formidable deflationary gap even wider.


  9. Pakistan has proven to be a worthy proxy for China as it continues its own march towards consolidating its national strength.


  1. 基础巩固。

    The foundation is firm.

  2. 城防巩固。

    The city is closely guarded.

  3. 知识的巩固

    consolidation of knowledge.

  4. 粘结, 胶合巩固

    To bind with or as if with cement.

  5. 粘结,胶合巩固。

    To bind with or as if with cement.

  6. 巩固某人的权威

    corroborate ones authority

  7. 建立巩固的国防

    Build a strong national defense

  8. 巩固和成熟阶段。

    Consolidating and mature stage.

  9. 部队巩固了阵地。

    The troops consolidated their position.

  10. 巩固债务或债务管理

    Debt Consolidation or Debt Management

  11. 这个组织需要巩固。

    This organization needs consolidation.

  12. 筑工事以巩固城防

    fortify a city

  13. 巩固学过的东西。

    Consolidate what has been learnt.

  14. 究竟能不能巩固呢?

    Is it possible to consolidate them?

  15. 普及和巩固义务教育

    Universalization and consolidation of compulsory education

  16. 重复能巩固好习惯。

    Repetition will reinforce good habits.

  17. 第一, 巩固社会主义制度。

    The first is to consolidate the socialist system.

  18. 爱国统一战线巩固壮大。

    The patriotic united front has been consolidated and expanded.

  19. 巩固自我控制的精神。

    Confirm thy soul in selfcontrol!

  20. 巩固军政军民团结。

    We should consolidate the solidarity between the army and the government and between the army and the people.

  21. 他们在积极巩固战果。

    They are actively consolidating their victories.

  22. 军队驻扎的巩固的地方。

    A fortified place where troops are stationed.

  23. 建立巩固的东北根据地。

    Build stable base areas in the northeast.

  24. 巩固和加强农业基础。

    The foundation of agriculture was consolidated and strengthened.

  25. 巩固和发展公有制经济

    consolidate and develop the public sector of the economy

  26. 人民民主专政业已巩固。

    The people's democratic dictatorship has been consolidated.

  27. 反倒巩固了他的霸权。

    If anything,we've merely cemented it.

  28. 债务是巩固服务值得吗

    Debt Consolidation Services Worth It

  29. 巩固物加强了接合。

    The junction was strengthened by the reinforcements.

  30. 巩固物加强了接合。

    The junction was strengthened by the reinforcements.


  1. 问:巩固拼音怎么拼?巩固的读音是什么?巩固翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巩固的读音是gǒnggù,巩固翻译成英文是 solid; strengthen

  2. 问:巩固战果拼音怎么拼?巩固战果的读音是什么?巩固战果翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巩固战果的读音是gǒng gù zhàn guǒ,巩固战果翻译成英文是 Consolidation of Success

  3. 问:巩固边疆拼音怎么拼?巩固边疆的读音是什么?巩固边疆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巩固边疆的读音是gǒng gù biān jiāng,巩固边疆翻译成英文是 Consolidate the Frontier

  4. 问:巩固阵地拼音怎么拼?巩固阵地的读音是什么?巩固阵地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巩固阵地的读音是gǒng gù zhèn dì,巩固阵地翻译成英文是 Consolidation of a Position

  5. 问:巩固占领阵地拼音怎么拼?巩固占领阵地的读音是什么?巩固占领阵地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巩固占领阵地的读音是gǒng gù zhàn lǐng zhèn dì,巩固占领阵地翻译成英文是 Consolidation of the Captured Ground

  6. 问:巩固既得阵地拼音怎么拼?巩固既得阵地的读音是什么?巩固既得阵地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巩固既得阵地的读音是gǒng gù jì dé zhèn dì,巩固既得阵地翻译成英文是 Consolidate the Positions Already Captured...

  7. 问:巩固性心理作战拼音怎么拼?巩固性心理作战的读音是什么?巩固性心理作战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巩固性心理作战的读音是gǒng gù xìng xīn lǐ zuò zhàn,巩固性心理作战翻译成英文是 Consolidation Psychological Operation

  8. 问:巩固登陆场阶段拼音怎么拼?巩固登陆场阶段的读音是什么?巩固登陆场阶段翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巩固登陆场阶段的读音是gǒng gù dēng lù chǎng jiē duàn,巩固登陆场阶段翻译成英文是 Consolidation Phase

  9. 问:巩固草原研究所技术报告拼音怎么拼?巩固草原研究所技术报告的读音是什么?巩固草原研究所技术报告翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巩固草原研究所技术报告的读音是gǒnggù cǎoyuán Yánjiūsuǒ jìshù bàogào,巩固草原研究所技术报告翻译成英文是 Grassland Research Institute Technical Repor...






【解释】坚固;稳固而不动摇 过了铁路的第二天上,我们到了边区巩固的地带。——《娘子关前》 增强 工人正在填石培土,为巩固路面加工。——《记金华的两个岩洞》 ;给…增加力量或活力(加强防御地位) 巩固国防