


1. 解 [jiě]2. 解 [jiè]3. 解 [xiè]解 [jiě]剖开,分开:~剖。分~。瓦~。~体。把束缚着、系着的东西打开:~开。~甲归田。~囊相助。除去,除,废除,停止:~放(a.使广大人民群众脱离压迫;b.解除束缚而得到自由……





汉语拼音:jiě yào






  1. 方剂名。误服药物后以此消解。

    《水浒传》第五六回:“ 徐寧 此时麻药已醒,众人又用解药解了。”《三侠五义》第六三回:“谁知二哥再也不听,连解药也不传人。”



  1. As is the case most of the time on the Web, simplicity is often the antidote to most ills.


  2. The poison had been too much a part of the young woman. The medicine that destroyed the poison, destroyed her, as well.


  3. But just as in the case of the wrongful-arrest of Harvard Professor Skip Gates, a beer in the White House is no fix for what ails us.


  4. Being skinny is like an epidemic that has swept televisions and magazines across the globe, but unfortunately there seems to be no cure.


  5. Supposedly the Roman General Pompey had discovered some antidote and part of the recipe was that it be taken with a grain of salt.


  6. The only thing that stops were wolves is a silver bullet to the heart. There is NO CURE.


  7. But the good news is that this heartless and callous action can only serve as the antidote to the so-called "curse" on Cleveland, Ohio.


  8. Spend time alone. Although relationships are one of the best antidotes to stress, sometimes you need time alone to recharge and reflect.


  9. Acting as if you're confident is a surefire antidote for weak knees, a pounding heart or a deflated ego.


  1. 我们不需要解药!我们不需要解药!

    We don't need a cure! We don't need a cure!

  2. 你是唯一的解药。

    The doctor just diagnosed me as lovesick.

  3. 嫉妒是外遇的解药?

    Is jealousy the antidote to cheating?

  4. 这种毒的解药尚未发现。

    There is no known antidote to the poison.

  5. 求求你,我要解药,我病了

    Piease, I need antidote. I am sick

  6. 巫师的身体就是王子的解药!

    Is the body of the sorcerer the prince's cure!

  7. 孰不知,自己就是最好的解药。

    What does not know, he is the best antidote.

  8. 我们拿到解药了!快走!

    We've got to get the antidote to van helsing! Go!

  9. 他答应给我解药和金币

    He promised me an antidote along with the gold.

  10. 爱别无解药, 只有加倍地爱。

    There is no remedy for love, But to love more!

  11. 也许时间是一种解药解药

    And perhaps time is an antidote

  12. 没有解药,我活不了多久了。

    Without the antidote, I don't have much longer to live.

  13. 因为面对死亡是没有解药的。

    For there is no cure for death.

  14. 信念是惟一已知失败之解药!

    Faith is the only known antidote for failure!

  15. 不过我得收点解药的钱。

    But there is a price for the antidote.

  16. 金钱是人在痛苦时的解药。

    Money is the antidote when in pain.

  17. 如果有治愈阿里阿德涅的解药。

    If there is a cure for Ariadne.

  18. 怀疑的态度正是确认偏颇的解药。

    Skepticism is the antidote for the confirmation bias.

  19. 我要去找一个解药,我要出去。

    I'm gonna find an antidote, and I'm gonna get out of here.

  20. 回忆是没有你最伤心的解药。

    Memories there is no antidote you sad.

  21. 眼泪是爱过以后孤独的解药。

    After the tears are lonely loved antidote.

  22. 每种情感都有对应的解药。

    But of course, each emotion then would need a particular antidote.

  23. 你在做什么?你必须找到那解药!

    What are you doing? You must find the cure!

  24. 酒精是忘记你最有效的解药。

    You forget the alcohol is the most effective antidote.

  25. 对我们而言,时尚是真实的解药。

    For us, Fashion is the antidote of reality.

  26. 继续爱也未必就是最好的解药

    Continue to love is not necessarily the best antidote.

  27. 民主是消除恐怖主义之毒的解药。

    Democracy is the antidote to terrorism.

  28. 我猜她是想要解药,真可怜。

    I figured she'd want the cure. she's pathetic.

  29. 解药, 你必须完全照我说的做

    the antidote, youre gonna have to do exactly what I say.

  30. 解药须用 曼德拉 草根做成。

    The antidote is made from mandrake roots.


  1. 问:解药拼音怎么拼?解药的读音是什么?解药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:解药的读音是jiěyào,解药翻译成英文是 antidote



“解药”是个多义词,它可以指解药(张瑶演唱歌曲), 解药(陈超演唱歌曲), 解药(堂娜音乐专辑), 解药(郑国锋演唱歌曲), 解药(孙紫晴演唱歌曲), 解药(电视剧《搜神记》主题曲), 解药(邰正宵演唱歌曲), 解药(陆毅演唱歌曲), 解药(丛林导演话剧), 解药(海男著图书), 解药(吴克群演唱歌曲), 解药(2005年出品法国电影), 解药(陈奕迅演唱歌曲), 解药(李翊君演唱歌曲), 解药(熊宝贝乐团演唱歌曲), 解药(汉语词汇), 解药(王晨导演微电影)。