






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:shēng shēng bù xī








  • 【解释】:生生:中国哲学术语,指变化和新生事物的发生;不息:没有终止。不断地生长、繁殖。
  • 【出自】:《周易·系辞上》:“生生之谓易。”宋·周敦颐《太极图说》:“二气交感,化生万物,万物生生而变化无穷焉。”
  • 【示例】:在天地,则气化流行,~。


  1. P. S: Life could have nothing but hope. Hope is one of the most important value in life. Where there's hope, where there's life!


  2. Such a presence also in all the sea offers endless environment and conditions for survival.


  3. This is how the credit industry perpetuates its game; for now it has lots of dream to give out in exchange for the use of the credit card.


  4. This story is from the Qingyunshan Village at the foot of the grass began to reproduce . . . take you into the endless love of martial arts!


  5. As the sun rises ceaselessly, falling like spring and autumn comes after four seasons, but underbrush rotation.


  6. To most people, such a home base, in the literal sense, needs more than one person for sustenance and in generational extension.


  7. At first glance, the Never Ending Pencil is just a pencil stub with a wooden holder.


  8. Love , Responsibility , Knowing who you are, and taking you place in the circle of life .


  9. He has not chosen to this world divulges his anger, because hates can only make the new hatred, the dispute therefore grows continually.


  1. 爱生爱, 怨生怨, 生生不息。

    Love begets love, hate begets hate, and beget begets beget.

  2. 滋润、滋养、使我们生生不息。

    Moisture, nourishment, so we have endlessness.

  3. 元展开为德性与生生不息。

    Yuan is unfolded as virtues and ceaseless producing.

  4. 堪萨斯毛伊岛真是生生不息啊

    It's the great circle of life here at Maui, Kansas.

  5. 但若青春能永驻,爱生生不息。

    But could youth last, and love still breed.

  6. 造物得链条往复循环, 生生不息

    In a circle in a hoop that never ends

  7. 造物的链条往复循环,生生不息

    In a circle in a hoop that never ends

  8. 请记住是爱让世界生生不息。

    PLS remember that it's the love to make the world endless.

  9. 天壤中的万物将生生不息, 直到永远。

    Things in nature multiply.

  10. 什么东西都走向前,走向外,生生不息。

    All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses.

  11. 天壤中的万物将生生不息,直到永远。

    Things in nature multiply.

  12. 之字有出生、生生不息之意也有到达之意。

    Birth, meaning there are endless arrival of Italian.

  13. 这是一种周而复始, 生生不息的循环。

    This cycle will always repeat itself.

  14. 气候转变有毒物质生生不息的地球报告

    Climate change toxics living planet report

  15. 视你永远燃烧,生生不息,也祝福我们自己。

    as you always burning, a perennial also bless our own.

  16. 让死者的名流芳百世,让生者的爱生生不息。

    Let the dead have the immortality of fame, but the living the immortality of love.

  17. 物质资源终会枯竭, 只有精神力量生生不息。

    Material resources will eventually be exhausted and only spiritual strength endless.

  18. 这象征着地球上的生命永永远远,生生不息。

    This symbolizes that life on earth will continue and multiply forever.

  19. 优秀文化传承是一个民族生生不息的血脉

    Passing on fine culture is essential in maintaining the everlasting vitality of a nation.

  20. 人类的思想生生不息、绵绵不绝,原因就在这里。

    That is why man have all kinds of thoughts everyday and everywhere.

  21. 希望你们回国后让这种精神生生不息,时代永存。

    Keep that spirit alive when you return home.

  22. 文化是维系中华民族生生不息,蔓延不断得精神纽带。

    Art nurtures the soul and culture cultivates the mind.

  23. 火使陶瓷艺术具有历久常新,生生不息的魅力。

    Ceramic Art with fire so often for a very long time the new, endless charm.

  24. 但我心中充满了爱,这种爱生生不息,开花结果。

    But I was full of love and that love keeps growing and multiplying and giving fruit.

  25. 世界上的一切,生生不息,循环往复,人的生命也是如此。

    Everything in the world, underbrush, recycle and so are the lives of the people.

  26. 文化是维系中华民族生生不息,蔓延不断的精神纽带。

    Culture is the spiritual bond that ensures the continuity of our Chinese nation.

  27. 然而,它却源源不绝地供应大地生生不息的动力。

    The source seems visional, far, senseless and smellless, but it is inexhaustible power to supply all things.

  28. 幸福在行动和成就感中生生不息。去追求吧!

    Happiness thrives in activity and accomplishment. Go for it!

  29. 中华民族生生不息的重要原因是我们有自己的文化基因。

    An important reason of the Chinese nation continue is we have our own cultural DNA.

  30. 阴山文化是在时代的发展中生生不息、创新发展的文化。

    Yinshan culture is the vitalizing culture developing with the times.


  1. 问:生生不息拼音怎么拼?生生不息的读音是什么?生生不息翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生生不息的读音是shēngshēngbúxī,生生不息翻译成英文是 to exist and multiply for generations and gener...

  2. 问:生生不息拼音怎么拼?生生不息的读音是什么?生生不息翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生生不息的读音是shēng shēng bù xī,生生不息翻译成英文是 endlessly grow



“生生不息”是个多义词,它可以指生生不息(同名单机游戏), 生生不息(2007年彭于禄著图书), 生生不息(汉语词语), 生生不息(动画片《狮子王》开场曲)。