




1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……



汉语拼音:gù ér







  1. 连词。犹所以。

    郭沫若 《豕蹄·孟夫子出妻》:“就因为有昨晚的爱抚,故而有目前的矜持。”



  1. Use short paragraphs, bullet points and a clear, logical layout to make it easy to read.


  2. Therefore the dance of codependence goes two ways, with the savior desiring to be saved as much as they desire to save others.


  3. The timeless moment. -The "moment" has no yesterday or tomorrow. It is not the result of thought and therefore has no time.


  4. When prostate inflammation, this kind of antibacterial factor decreased, so easy to cause infection.


  5. Mausoleum burial buildings of every age, by region, by class differences to be discussed in Guer coherent.


  6. I intend to forgive those ancestors who suffered greatly due to all the karma that failed to be released due to euthanasia over time.


  7. Most viewers do not know "who you are, " Guer naturally affected the box office.


  8. So instead of waiting for Greece to miss a payment in the coming years, the market took matters into its own hands over the last few days.


  9. There were quite a few injured players, players who came back from the World Cup worn out, and this was the main cause of our bad results.


  1. 故而知新,可以为师矣。 

    Reviewing old knowledge while acquiring new knowledge, one can serve as a teacher.

  2. 因其状似松子, 故而得名。

    Because seemed pine nuts and therefore its name.

  3. 东是东, 西是西, 故而两者永远不相遇。

    East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet.

  4. 他愈来愈胖,故而他的裤腰需要放宽。

    He's getting so fat that his trousers need to be let out round the waist.

  5. 赤眼鳟因其眼上有红色,故而得名。

    Brown trout is named for the red tint on its eyes.

  6. 赤眼鳟因其眼上有红色,故而得名。

    Brown trout is named for the red tint on its eyes.

  7. 女人并非老是为贞节之故而贞节的。

    It is not always for virtues sake that women are virtuous.

  8. 露天音乐会由于天气之故而被取消。

    The outdoor concert was called off due to the weather.

  9. 他人给了你身份, 故而, 他们就是你的地狱。

    Others bestow you an identity, and thus, they are the hell.

  10. 因其就地演出,一般不登台,故而得名。

    Because of their local performances, generally do not go on stage, they are named.

  11. 故而,阐明俗得内涵有着重要得学理价值。

    Therefore, clarifying the connotation of su has an doctrinal value.

  12. 是因为它是草本植物,开得花是紫色得,故而得名。

    Because it is herbs, opened flowers are purple, are named.

  13. 我们按照建议办事,故而一直得到满意的结果。

    We follow up the suggestions, and have had satisfying experiences as a result.

  14. 我半个晚上都一直在担心,故而时醒时睡。

    I worried half the night and have a fitful sleep.

  15. 朋友们知道你会坦诚待人,故而也信赖你的诚实。

    Friends know they can count on you to be open with them and they rely on your honesty.

  16. 故而, 每个樱桃果上都挂着晶莹的雨滴。

    Thus, on each cherry was glistening a rain drop.

  17. 是因为它是草本植物, 开得花是紫色的, 故而得名。

    Because it is herbs, opened flowers are purple, are named.

  18. 故而,每个樱桃果上都挂着晶莹得雨滴。

    Thus,on each cherry was glistening a rain drop.

  19. 但今天,我还是开博了,故而起名叫石破!

    Today, however, I still open blog, so named from the broken stone!

  20. 因为人们吃东西时没有闭上嘴,故而发出噪声。

    People make noises because they eat without closing their mouths.

  21. 往往被人忽视,故而值得我们深思并受此启发。

    on its dark side, that also deserves our serious attention and illumination.

  22. 约翰尼习惯于户外生活, 故而夜晚在林中感到怡然自得。

    Johnny was an outdoor man and could make himself at home in the woods at night.

  23. 年少的时候,器小未盈,故而关心的只是一己的私事。

    When you are a child, your vessel is not yet full you care for nothing ut your own affairs.

  24. 原子钟依靠铯原子的均匀振动记录时间,故而十分准确。

    Atomic clocks rely on regular oscillations of caesium atoms to keep time and are extremely accurate.

  25. 哥特骑士们精通骑兵战术,故而成为帝国军中杀手镧。

    Well practiced in heavy cavalry tactics these knights make a fearsome addition to any Imperial army.

  26. 自慕尼黑起飞得英航144班机因引擎故而误点了。

    Bad flight 144 from Munich was overdue owing to engine trouble.

  27. 自慕尼黑起飞的英航144班机因引擎故而误点了。

    Bad flight 144 from Munich was overdue owing to engine trouble.

  28. 那老太太不喜欢她的长子,故而取消了他的遗产继承权。

    The old woman disliked her eldest son, and she cut him off with a shilling.

  29. 故而宣传画及封面多川这类工艺制卡和会员卡制作。

    It was the poster child and cover Kitagawa such craft cards and membership cards.

  30. 有些资料因具有商业上的敏感性,故而不对外公开。

    Some information is also not publicly available owing to its commercially sensitive nature.


  1. 问:故而拼音怎么拼?故而的读音是什么?故而翻译成英文是什么?

    答:故而的读音是gù'ér,故而翻译成英文是 therefore; hence