




1. 缝 [féng]2. 缝 [fèng]缝 [féng]用针线连缀:~纫。~缀。~制。~补。~连。裁~。缝 [fèng]空隙,裂开或自然露出的窄长口子:~子。~隙。裂~。见~插针。缝合的地方:天衣无~。……



汉语拼音:kāi fèng







  1. 出现裂缝。如:桌面开缝儿了。

  2. 方言。比喻思想搞通;开窍。

    李文元 《婚事》:“你心里咋一点都不开缝哩?”



  1. The utility model relates to a grooving and a tapering die sets for slit steel tube friction anchor rod.


  2. Be sure that you do not remove metal when cleaning ring grooves or oil slots.


  3. Oil ring slots, or holes, must be clean; a drill of the proper size is handy for this job.


  4. The size of the slit (16) is adjustable to meet the requirements of drawing the mandrel bars with different specifications.


  5. Reflecting the nomadic heritage of the rulers, robes were close-fitting on top and slit on the sides to allow comfort in the saddle.


  6. And with adequate air removal, the effect becomes more distinct.


  7. The numerical analysis of aerodynamic performance on the large turning angles cascade with chord wise slots is carried out.


  8. A flame holder for aircraft afterburner proposed for the first time is a V shape bluff body with a slit.


  9. Numerical analyses of the slitting effects on the thermal and hydraulic performance of a wavy fin


  1. 开缝铺板法

    open boarding.

  2. 墙面开缝了。

    There is a crack in the wall.

  3. 从边上开缝的裙子

    A skirt with a slit up the side

  4. 开缝钝体尾迹的拟序结构

    Coherent structure in wake over slotted bluff body

  5. 生理盐水用于会阴切开缝合术后擦洗效果观察

    Effect of Normal Saline Used for the Cleaning After Episiotomy

  6. 开缝波导阵列中纵向并联窄缝的阻抗

    Impedance of a narrow longitudinal shuntslot in a slotted waveguide array

  7. 开缝时要使用摇臂, 以保证面料的形状。

    Use shaped board attachment for maintaining shape of seams such as princess.

  8. 所设计的十字形试件在臂上有开缝。

    The designed cruciform specimens have several slits in each arm.

  9. 矩形波导窄边开缝线阵天线设计方法研究

    A Study of Design Methods for Phased Array of Slots Located on the Narrow Side of Rectangular Waveguide

  10. 开缝钝体燃烧器冷热态试验研究及其应用

    The Cold and Fired Test and Application of a Slit Bluff Body Burner

  11. 开缝吹气用于前机身流场控制的计算研究

    Computational investigation of slot blowing for fuselage forebody flow control

  12. 全加劲两侧开缝钢板剪力墙弹性屈曲研究

    Elastic Buckling Behavior of Stiffened Steel Plate Shear Walls Slotted at Two Edges

  13. 适当增加开缝面积和吸气量, 有利于吸气的正效果。

    And with adequate air removal, the effect becomes more distinct.

  14. 短叶片转角对开缝叶片离心鼓风机叶轮性能的影响

    Influence of Rotating Angle of Short Blade on the Performance of impeller of Centrifugal Blower with Slotted Blade

  15. 一种开缝式钢管摩擦锚杆的开槽成锥模具。

    The utility model relates to a grooving and a tapering die sets for slit steel tube friction anchor rod.

  16. 带开缝旋转圆筒固定小翼气动特性的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of the aerodynamic characteristics of a fixed wing with trailing edge rotating slotted cylinder

  17. 二种开缝翅片特性的试验及数值模拟比较研究

    Experiment and numerical simulation for characteristics of two slotted fins

  18. 空间波动参数在开缝翅片结构优化设计中的应用

    Space fluctuation parameters and its application in configuration optimization design for slotted fin surfaces

  19. 开缝钝体燃烧器对四角切向燃烧锅炉的适应性

    Adaptability of Slotted Bluff Body Burners to aTangentially Fired Boiler

  20. 清洁活塞环槽或油环开缝,绝对不能损伤金属部分。

    Be sure that you do not remove metal when cleaning ring grooves or oil slots.

  21. 开缝的大小可调以适于拔不同规格芯棒的需要。

    The size of the slit is adjustable to meet the requirements of drawing the mandrel bars with different specifications.

  22. 码头面板尾部开缝和面板上开孔对波浪上托力的影响

    Influence of setting gap in the rear part of wharf deck and opening holes in deck on wave uplift forces

  23. 叶片开缝对离心压缩机叶轮内部流场影响的数值研究

    Numerical Research on the Influence of Tip Clearance on Internal Flow Field in Impeller of Centrifugal Compressor


  1. 问:开缝墙拼音怎么拼?开缝墙的读音是什么?开缝墙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝墙的读音是kāi fèng qiáng,开缝墙翻译成英文是 slot wall

  2. 问:开缝叶片拼音怎么拼?开缝叶片的读音是什么?开缝叶片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝叶片的读音是kāi fèng yè piàn,开缝叶片翻译成英文是 slotted blade

  3. 问:开缝喷嘴拼音怎么拼?开缝喷嘴的读音是什么?开缝喷嘴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝喷嘴的读音是kāi fèng pēn zuǐ,开缝喷嘴翻译成英文是 slotted nozzle

  4. 问:开缝垫圈拼音怎么拼?开缝垫圈的读音是什么?开缝垫圈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝垫圈的读音是kāi fèng diàn quān,开缝垫圈翻译成英文是 split washer

  5. 问:开缝平面拼音怎么拼?开缝平面的读音是什么?开缝平面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝平面的读音是kāi fèng píng miàn,开缝平面翻译成英文是 slotted plane

  6. 问:开缝管井拼音怎么拼?开缝管井的读音是什么?开缝管井翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝管井的读音是kāi fèng guǎn jǐng,开缝管井翻译成英文是 slotted tube well

  7. 问:开缝螺母拼音怎么拼?开缝螺母的读音是什么?开缝螺母翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝螺母的读音是kāifèngluómǔ,开缝螺母翻译成英文是 slit nut

  8. 问:开缝透镜拼音怎么拼?开缝透镜的读音是什么?开缝透镜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝透镜的读音是kāi fèng tòu jìng,开缝透镜翻译成英文是 slit lens

  9. 问:开缝隔板拼音怎么拼?开缝隔板的读音是什么?开缝隔板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝隔板的读音是kāi fèng gé bǎn,开缝隔板翻译成英文是 slotted fence

  10. 问:开缝壁风洞拼音怎么拼?开缝壁风洞的读音是什么?开缝壁风洞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝壁风洞的读音是kāi fèng bì fēng dòng,开缝壁风洞翻译成英文是 slotted wall wind tunnel

  11. 问:开缝铺板法拼音怎么拼?开缝铺板法的读音是什么?开缝铺板法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝铺板法的读音是kāi fèng pū bǎn fǎ,开缝铺板法翻译成英文是 open boarding

  12. 问:开缝光投影法拼音怎么拼?开缝光投影法的读音是什么?开缝光投影法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝光投影法的读音是kāi fèng guāng tóu yǐng fǎ,开缝光投影法翻译成英文是 slit light projecting method

  13. 问:开缝式进气道拼音怎么拼?开缝式进气道的读音是什么?开缝式进气道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝式进气道的读音是kāi fèng shì jìn qì dào,开缝式进气道翻译成英文是 slotted intake

  14. 问:开缝管谐振器拼音怎么拼?开缝管谐振器的读音是什么?开缝管谐振器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝管谐振器的读音是kāi fèng guǎn xié zhèn qì,开缝管谐振器翻译成英文是 slotted tube resonator

  15. 问:开缝水平安定面拼音怎么拼?开缝水平安定面的读音是什么?开缝水平安定面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝水平安定面的读音是kāi fèng shuǐ píng ān dìng miàn,开缝水平安定面翻译成英文是 slotted horizontal stabilizer

  16. 问:开缝叶片式增压器拼音怎么拼?开缝叶片式增压器的读音是什么?开缝叶片式增压器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝叶片式增压器的读音是kāi fèng yè piàn shì zēng yā qì,开缝叶片式增压器翻译成英文是 slotted blade blower

  17. 问:开缝式水平安定面拼音怎么拼?开缝式水平安定面的读音是什么?开缝式水平安定面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开缝式水平安定面的读音是kāi fèng shì shuǐ píng ān dìng miàn,开缝式水平安定面翻译成英文是 slotted tailplane