如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 咪 [mī]咪 [mī]猫叫声,亦为呼猫声。……
1. 呀 [yā]2. 呀 [ya]呀 [yā]叹词,表示惊疑:~!你流血了。象声词,形容摩擦转动的声音:两扇大门~的一声打开了。呀 [ya]助词。表示疑问、感叹、祈使等语气:别见怪~!你快回去~!你怎么不回家~!……
汉语拼音:mī yā
For the likes of Frantz, Mamma Mia! represents the long-overdue second prong of a three-stage plan to revolutionise Chinese musical theatre.
对Frantz这样的人来说,《妈妈咪呀!》代表了中国音乐剧变革三步走计划中早该执行的第二阶段。Meryl Streep , whose film Mamma Mia! is now her biggest box-office hit, agreed Christmas was an intense time.
刚凭电影《妈妈咪呀》获得了从影以来最高票房的梅丽尔·斯特里普表示在圣诞节时间总是显得很紧迫。From left: Actresses Julie Walters, Meryl Streep and Christine Baranski are shown in a scene from the film "Mamma Mia! " in this file photo.
图为左起:女演员朱莉·沃尔特,梅里·史翠普和克里斯汀娜·芭伦斯基在电影“妈妈咪呀”中的场景。If there is such a thing as global culture, Mamma Mia! must be it.
如果真有什么全球文化的话,妈妈咪呀无疑就是一个。Translating Mamma Mia! into Mandarin is meant to start the long process of bridging that gap.
将妈妈咪呀翻译成中文就是为了开始弥合这种隔阂。Most of the heavy emoting is done by Streep, whose meanness is pitched at the same near-hysterical level as her giddiness in Mamma Mia!
浓墨重彩的感情张发已经由斯特里普挑了重头,角色粗野的程度与《妈妈咪呀》中的轻率不分伯仲!This more relaxed attitude may be tied to the fact that China has a lot riding on Mamma Mia! .
这种更加缓和的态度或许是由于中国对于《妈妈咪呀!》期望很高。Apart from the words, everything about it is western: the costumes, the body language, the gestures.
除了歌词以外,妈妈咪呀的一切都是西式的:演出服装、肢体语言、各种姿势等。To celebrate my anniversary tonight I went with a good friend to go see "Mamma Mia" at the Shanghai Grande Theater.
Mamma Mia, what am I to do ?
Holy chaz bono. Was that the first time you ever.
The plan is to tour Mamma Mia! for at least a year.
Mamma Mia! was a very successful jukebox musical.
Translating Mamma Mia! into Mandarin is meant to start the long process of bridging that gap.
业界需要强刺激, 而妈妈咪呀!可能就是一剂强心针。
Still, the industry needs a catalyst, and Mamma Mia! could be just that.
If there is such a thing as global culture, Mamma Mia! must be it.
这是个多好得选择呀, 妈咪!
Whats a good choice, mammy!
Whats a good choice, mammy!
Oh my goodness, what about our little cat?