







汉语拼音:xiǎo xiàng







  1. 《易经》各卦附有《象传》,其中说明每卦各爻的叫“小象”。

    《易·乾》“潜龙勿用,阳在下也” 唐 孔颖达 疏:“自此以下至‘盈不可久’,是夫子释六爻之象辞,谓之小象。”

  2. 薰炉。造形似象,故名。

    唐 李贺 《答赠》诗:“沉香燻小象,杨柳伴啼鸦。”



  1. After zookeepers recognized Temi was in labor, they kept close watch on her to ensure her safety and that of the calf.


  2. 'It's amazing to think of how much growing it has to do and the challenges any young hatchling would struggle with in the wild.


  3. In a few days, Daphne's expertise and the lodge owner's care transformed the youngster. She began to thrive.


  4. In this image, a young one was curious about our truck and was headed over to take a look.


  5. Doctors say that when she was first presented with her new prosthetic leg, Mosha was scared of it and resisted the doctors' help.


  6. Jumbo versus the policeman Christmas, the circus owner, Jimmy Gates, decided to take some presents to a children's hospital.


  7. animal lovers, the government relented and said it would not gift a baby elephant to Armenia, it was reported.


  8. Keepers will decide on a name for the cute baby in the next few days.


  9. When the elephant come to help us with the high flowers, do I treat him one apple, or two?


  1. 小象有个长长的鼻子。

    The little elephant has a long trunk.

  2. 小象, 大男孩历险记?

    The Adventures of Big Boy, the Baby Elephant?

  3. 小象,大男孩历险记?

    The Adventures of Big Boy, the Baby Elephant?

  4. 橱窗里的小象多少钱。

    How much the elephant in the window.

  5. 最后,鳄鱼只得放小象走。

    At last the crocodile had to let go.

  6. 小象老是跟在母象后面。

    The baby elephant was always tagging along behind its mother.

  7. 小象头上细小的雨滴。

    Those delicate raindrops on the elephants head.

  8. 一只狼的大小象一只大狗。

    a wolf is about the size of a large dog.

  9. 他们在那里见到一头小象。

    They saw a baby elephant there.

  10. 小象把小手帕给了小白鼠。

    The little elephant gave the handkerchief to the little white rat.

  11. 我看见一只小象在喝水。

    I saw a baby elephant drinking.

  12. 几头小象正在吮母象的奶。

    The baby elephants were drinking from their mothers.

  13. 我们看见小象在溪边喝水。

    We saw baby elephants drinking from the stream.

  14. 这是我得小伙伴, 大鼻子小象。

    It's my buddy, big nose little elephant.

  15. 这是我的小伙伴,大鼻子小象。

    It's my buddy, big nose little elephant.

  16. 这只母象比小象重一百倍。

    The mother elephant is one hundred times heavier than the Baby elephant.

  17. 小象声词是指模仿声音的声音。

    Primary onomatopoeia means the imitation of sound by sound.

  18. 生小象是一件很大的事情。

    Having a baby elephant is a serious commitment.

  19. 生小象是一件很大得事情。

    Having a baby elephant is a serious commitment.

  20. 小象吸了一些水,帮助小猪洗澡。

    The small elephant sucks some water, and help th pig take a shower.

  21. 这块大石头看起来像一只小象。

    The big stone looks like a little elephant.

  22. 小象和岩石蛇在一边拉,鳄鱼在另一边拉。

    As soon as the crocodile let go, Little Elephant rubbed his stump.

  23. 过了几天,小象又试着想挣脱铁链。

    After a few days, small like and tried flounce chains.

  24. 森林里,一头大象和一头小象边吃草边闲聊。

    In the forest, a big elephant and little elephant were chatting over grass.

  25. 妹妹送的小象,忠实地看管着俺们的小餐车。

    The small elephant that the little sister sends, trustily guard is worn our small dining car.

  26. 这只小象的妈妈通迪, 以前是曼谷街象。

    The calf was born at the zoo to mother Thong Dee, a former Bangkok street elephant

  27. 火腿,黄蛋糕,红辣椒皮均切成小象眼皮。

    Ham, yellow cake, red pepper, cut into small elephant skin both eyelids.

  28. 甘薯小象虫综合防治技术体系研究与应用

    A Study and Application of the Integrated Control Technologic System for the Control of Sweetpotato Weevil

  29. 打开包, 里面是一个胖乎乎的黑红木雕小象。

    There was a small, fat black mahogany elephant in it.

  30. 老虎应该是伤到了母象,然后孤立,捕杀了小象。

    Swain said Forest guards had been sighting a male Royal Bengal Tiger in the Jadapola area for the past few weeks.


  1. 问:小象白蚁拼音怎么拼?小象白蚁的读音是什么?小象白蚁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小象白蚁的读音是xiǎoxiàngbáiyǐ,小象白蚁翻译成英文是 Nasutitermes parvonasutus