







汉语拼音:sī mì







  1. With just a few clicks, I had entry into an ex's most-private life, and I didn't have to suffer through the boring parts.


  2. Through a number of domestic partnerships, walking the dog has been a form of privacy for me.


  3. Being so conceited, he pointed his head at the sky and forgot all modesty, so that he also, showed his most private parts for all to see!


  4. The most intimate parts of the body gently point a few drops of fragrance, perfume distributing sex appeal.


  5. It might be argued that breasts are a private part, like the genitals, and hence should not be exposed in public.


  6. I find it very daunting to have to give private parts of myself away to people, you know?


  7. Keep the relationship private and discreet until you are ready to publicly announce that you are a couple.


  8. But she made it clear she would go no further. "Some things are just mine, " she said.


  9. Because you know. . . Yeah, really. Seriously. You know, because that's the most intimate part of what I do. And I'm not gonna. . .


  1. 很私密的空间

    And it's very private.

  2. 安静而又私密。

    And it's so quiet and intimate.

  3. 安静而又私密。

    And it's so quiet and intimate.

  4. 我们需要私密空间。

    We'd like some privacy.

  5. 不好不好,我讨厌私密

    No,no,no,no.I hate privacy.

  6. 不好不好,我讨厌私密。

    No, no, no, no. I hate privacy.

  7. 提供私密空间或隐居。

    providing privacy or seclusion.

  8. 浴室是个私密的空间。

    The bathroom is a private space.

  9. 这样的信息曾经是私密的

    This information used to be private.

  10. 我们的世界完全是私密的。

    Our world was completely private.

  11. 你曾经到过私密论坛吗

    Have you ever been to a forum named sumi

  12. 大家住得越来越宽敞, 越来越私密。

    The bigger room we move in, the more private away from others.

  13. 就像你召唤的梦一样私密。

    As secret as a dream you call.

  14. 你想和坦尼娅来个私密互动。

    Oh, you want a private session with Tanya.

  15. 此外,在私密数据中包含有密钥。

    Note that the private data includes a key.

  16. 被喧嚣风暴隔开的私密世界里。

    In a tumultuous privacy of storm.

  17. 狮子座有私密的恋情引诱着你。

    A secret affair will entice you.

  18. 要是我把你最私密最可怕的经历

    What if I told someone you were dating.

  19. 这是一个真正得隐蔽得私密花园。

    Clovelly Eastern suburbs This truly is a hidden Secret Garden.

  20. 这是一个真正的隐蔽的私密花园。

    Clovelly Eastern suburbs This truly is a hidden Secret Garden.

  21. 听听别人的话, 你可以探出些私密。

    You can ferret out secret information if you just listen to what others have to say.

  22. 我想要让你成为我的私密中的某人

    i wanna make you someone more then just a a bon in my closet

  23. 你把这么私密的事随便跟别人说

    You just don't tell a casual acquaintance something that personal.

  24. 私密信息实际上是一切现代财富之源。

    Private information is practically the source of every large modern fortune.

  25. 这人可能是你的朋友, 用你的私密制服你。

    Maybe this person is a friend who you confidedand uses your secret against you.

  26. 这人可能是你得朋友, 用你得私密制服你。

    Maybe this person is a friend who you confidedand uses your secret against you.

  27. 我一漂亮空姐朋友的私密生活自拍。

    My private interests of one beautiful stewardess friend secret life auto heterodyne.

  28. 那事实对少数人是一种公开的私密。

    The fact is an open secret to the few.

  29. 大多数浏览器都可以选择私密浏览或隐身浏览模式。

    Most browsers have options for private or incognito browsing.

  30. 餐厅在晚上给用餐者提供一种私密的环境。

    In the evening the restaurant provides an intimate setting for diners.


  1. 问:私密拼音怎么拼?私密的读音是什么?私密翻译成英文是什么?

    答:私密的读音是sīmì,私密翻译成英文是 The personal secret; the private.