


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……





汉语拼音:dǎ zhuāng






  1. 把桩打进地里,使建筑物基础坚固。



  1. Leaves falling, snow piling up, plants growing and the sun shining - all this food looks too perfect to eat!


  2. The conditions of a Construction Noise Permit for the carrying out of percussive piling are subject to appeal.


  3. The design of foundations is not something that, as one designer was heard to say, "can be left to the piling company. "


  4. Necessary permits are piling up for sale two years got Poly City : walk is worth chess?


  5. The pile hammer is simple in structure, operation, maintenance convenience, cold start performance of its characteristics.


  6. Bored piling shall be used for the pumping station and bridges for the Projects.


  7. They work from two big lifting platforms, enabling the Liebherr piling equipment and the structural members to be positioned exactly.


  8. Journalist at the project site to see the two are busy piling hammer machine.


  9. selection, and determine the line of piling hammers and out of order, and the construction project.


  1. 打桩打桩的行为

    The act of driving piles.

  2. 在地上打桩

    pitched stakes in the ground.

  3. 打桩锤撞头

    hammer tup.

  4. 撞锤打桩的铁锤

    The iron block of a pile driver.

  5. 液压打桩锤管线绞车

    Cable Winch of Hydraulic Pile Hammer

  6. 打桩工程已暂停进行。

    Piling works have been suspended.

  7. 导杆式柴油打桩锤

    Guide rod type diesel pile hammer

  8. 他们正在往地里打桩。

    They were beating stakes into the ground.

  9. 在地面上打桩的机器。

    A machine that drives piling into the ground.

  10. 渤海近海平台的打桩分析

    Pile Driving Analysis of Bohai Offshore Platform

  11. 打桩锤击模型的解析算法

    Analytical solution for model of pile hammer impact.

  12. 计算机辅助打桩船撑杆设计

    Computer aided design for stay bar of piling ship

  13. 回转式打桩船结构强度分析

    Analysis of Structural Strength of Revolving Floating Pile Driver.

  14. 把。系在桩上以桩支持打桩。

    To fasten, support, or provide with stakes.

  15. 打桩工程含所有相关的临时工程。

    The piling works include all related temporary works.

  16. 运用打桩船进行水冲沉桩

    Pile Jetting by Using Pile Driving Vessel

  17. 浅谈打桩船桩架的改装设计

    Conversion design of pile driving boat.

  18. 打桩船桩架加高改造探索

    The discussion on rebuild of driving frame on floating pile driver.

  19. 步履式打桩架立柱稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis of the Leader of the Walking Pile Frame

  20. 自适应控制的自动打桩振动锤

    Automatic Piling with Vibration Hammer by Adaptive Control

  21. 投标人是否打算分包打桩工程?

    Does the tenderer plan to subcontract the pilling works?

  22. 打桩过程中桩的横向振动分析

    An Approach to Analyzing the Transverse Vibration of a Pile during Pile Driving

  23. 关于打桩船改造设计中的一些考虑

    Approach to the rebuilding design of pile driver

  24. 软土地基中打桩的动力学依据

    Theoretical Basis of Pile Driving in Soft Soil

  25. 牙齿打桩后很疼是怎么回事?

    After dental pile very how is aching to return a responsibility ?

  26. 打桩对周围黄土的扰动特性影响

    Influence of Pile Driving on Disturbance Characteristics of Surrounding Loess

  27. 某打桩船桩架强度计算及分析

    Strength calculation and analysis on pile holder of a floating pile driver

  28. 打桩船桩架强度计算编程设计介绍

    Program development for strength calculation of pile holders of pile driving vessel.

  29. 泊松效应对打桩桩侧阻力的影响

    Influence of poisson effect to skin resistance for pile driving

  30. 混凝土预制桩打桩监控试验理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Piling Monitoring Test for the Precast Pile


  1. 问:打桩拼音怎么拼?打桩的读音是什么?打桩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩的读音是dǎzhuāng,打桩翻译成英文是 to drive piles into the ground

  2. 问:打桩机拼音怎么拼?打桩机的读音是什么?打桩机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩机的读音是dǎzhuāngjī,打桩机翻译成英文是 pile engine

  3. 问:打桩台拼音怎么拼?打桩台的读音是什么?打桩台翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩台的读音是dǎ zhuāng tái,打桩台翻译成英文是 driving pile abutment

  4. 问:打桩器拼音怎么拼?打桩器的读音是什么?打桩器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩器的读音是dǎ zhuāng qì,打桩器翻译成英文是 drift

  5. 问:打桩子拼音怎么拼?打桩子的读音是什么?打桩子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩子的读音是dǎ zhuāng zǐ,打桩子翻译成英文是 spile

  6. 问:打桩帽拼音怎么拼?打桩帽的读音是什么?打桩帽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩帽的读音是dǎ zhuāng mào,打桩帽翻译成英文是 shoe

  7. 问:打桩架拼音怎么拼?打桩架的读音是什么?打桩架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩架的读音是dǎ zhuāng jià,打桩架翻译成英文是 pile driving frame

  8. 问:打桩船拼音怎么拼?打桩船的读音是什么?打桩船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩船的读音是dǎ zhuāng chuán,打桩船翻译成英文是 Floating Pile Diver

  9. 问:打桩锤拼音怎么拼?打桩锤的读音是什么?打桩锤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩锤的读音是dǎ zhuāng chuí,打桩锤翻译成英文是 pile driving hammer

  10. 问:打桩公式拼音怎么拼?打桩公式的读音是什么?打桩公式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩公式的读音是dǎ zhuāng gōng shì,打桩公式翻译成英文是 pile driving formula

  11. 问:打桩台座拼音怎么拼?打桩台座的读音是什么?打桩台座翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩台座的读音是dǎ zhuāng tái zuò,打桩台座翻译成英文是 pile pedestal

  12. 问:打桩司机拼音怎么拼?打桩司机的读音是什么?打桩司机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩司机的读音是dǎ zhuāng sī jī,打桩司机翻译成英文是 hammerman

  13. 问:打桩工程拼音怎么拼?打桩工程的读音是什么?打桩工程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩工程的读音是dǎ zhuāng gōng chéng,打桩工程翻译成英文是 pilework

  14. 问:打桩方法拼音怎么拼?打桩方法的读音是什么?打桩方法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩方法的读音是dǎ zhuāng fāng fǎ,打桩方法翻译成英文是 piling method

  15. 问:打桩机具拼音怎么拼?打桩机具的读音是什么?打桩机具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩机具的读音是dǎ zhuāng jī jù,打桩机具翻译成英文是 piling rig

  16. 问:打桩机架拼音怎么拼?打桩机架的读音是什么?打桩机架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩机架的读音是dǎ zhuāng jī jià,打桩机架翻译成英文是 pile driver tower

  17. 问:打桩深度拼音怎么拼?打桩深度的读音是什么?打桩深度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩深度的读音是dǎ zhuāng shēn dù,打桩深度翻译成英文是 driving depth

  18. 问:打桩记录拼音怎么拼?打桩记录的读音是什么?打桩记录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩记录的读音是dǎ zhuāng jì lù,打桩记录翻译成英文是 driving record

  19. 问:打桩设备拼音怎么拼?打桩设备的读音是什么?打桩设备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩设备的读音是dǎ zhuāng shè bèi,打桩设备翻译成英文是 pile driving equipment

  20. 问:打桩试验拼音怎么拼?打桩试验的读音是什么?打桩试验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打桩试验的读音是dǎ zhuāng shì yàn,打桩试验翻译成英文是 pile driving test


